Giant river system that existed 40 million years ago discovered deep below Antarctic ice

Jul 2, 2024
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Between 260 and 340 million years ago, CO2 levels were where they are now. Yet in the middle of that period, temps spiked more than 6 deg C. Also, 160 million years ago, CO2 was at 2500 ppm and has decreased ever since. Yet 60 mil years after that, the Cretaceous Hothouse occurred, with temp spikes for millions of years. (David Falvey, Former Director, British Geological Survey (retired) (1998–2006)) This CO2/temp correlation is nonsense. And for grins, 200 years ago, the CO2 levels worldwide were dangerously low. Plants start dying below 150 ppm. We need more CO2 in the air, not less. This young columnist in Space is simply regurgitating the AGW stuff she's been fed since birth.
Where's the river? How about a map of the river?

China and India will show us in short time what CO2 can do. We will see how much fossil generated CO2 is produced, how much CO2 remains in our air and what affect it has on temp.

It will no longer be theory.
The river isn't surprising. Antarctica has been sliding around the globe over Earth's history, and was even on the equator at one time, 600,000,000 years ago. (but I can't find that link right now) See for a discussion of climate and Antarctica.

So, it would not be surprising if all of the ice sheets on Earth eventually melt. And, if that happens, sea level will rise more than 300 feet. Even that is not unprecedented. Sea level has already risen 325 feet from its most recent low point about 25,000 years ago, at the peak glaciation in the last ice age. Back in the days of the dinosaurs, with no ice caps at Earth's poles, a lot of our current farm lands were under water - salt water.

So, things could get drastically different in our not all that distant future, if we continue to warm our planet. Most cities would be flooded, and a lot of farmland would be lost.

But, that is a far cry from turning Earth into Venus.
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