Goof in Dr. Who season 2?

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In episode "Rise of the Cybermen" from season 2, I captured this screen shot. Notice the sign on the wall that says "Waterton Street Set 15". Is this a sign that should have been removed for filming -- a dead giveaway that this was shot on a studio lot? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


I guess I wasn't wearing my glasses. Now I see it says "Waterton Street SE 5" SE, of course, must mean SouthEast. I played the show a few seconds longer and it panned down the street to the left. It sure didn't look like a movie set because the street didn't end. It looked like a real outdoor location somewhere in London to me. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Leo,<br />Now that was a BIG picture there, I almost could not find the reply button. But I did not see any "T" in set. All I saw was "SE", as in South East, road directions for what part of town you are in. At least, that is how my town does it. What I saw was SE 15. <br /><br />Hey, you beat me by about 5 minutes there with your own answer. But I still see a 15, or maybe "I" 5 there.<br /><br />


I think this was an example of seeing what you think you want to see or expect to see. At first I thought I saw the word "SET" as the scene flashed by. Through the miracle of DVDs, I was able to back up and freeze frame it to be sure. And sure enough, my mind saw "SET 15". Weird, isn't it? It's like my mind refused to see "SE 5". Now if I lived in London and was accustomed to addresses and signs like that, I never would have given it a second thought. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>
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