Question Gravities effect on the universes boundary

Nov 30, 2019
Ok from what I understand gravity has very very long range effects, it travels at the speed of light and it’s constant. Until the mass causing it is destroyed or breaks up.

My question is, it’s likely gravity waves are close to the outer edge of our universe, as only light is as fast, if that’s a correct assumption of mine, what effect would all those gravity waves be having as more and more overlapping gravity waves pass the outer edge of mass of our universe?

do they build up or cancel out?

Is this why the universe is expanding faster as the effect of gravity waves moving past the outer mass of the universe is pulling that mass with it?

or is the gravity pulling its self towards what’s outside the universe. And pulling the universe along with it?

ok they are likely all dumb questions, and it’s for my Curiosity only, thanks for any replies.
Apr 11, 2020
Gravity does not exist outside of galaxy groups. Also, gravity is the affect of spacetime being bent by mass. Essentially, gravity does not exist outside of galaxy groups, because there is no mass to bend spacetime; therefore there is nothing to form gravity. Now remember, the fabric of spacetime itself is being expanded. So the gravity in the galaxy groups stays where it is. It does not travel to the edge of the universe. See the following link for more information. Does the influence of gravity extend out forever?
I hope this helped to answer some of your questions! :)
Nov 30, 2019
Gravity does not exist outside of galaxy groups. Also, gravity is the affect of spacetime being bent by mass. Essentially, gravity does not exist outside of galaxy groups, because there is no mass to bend spacetime; therefore there is nothing to form gravity. Now remember, the fabric of spacetime itself is being expanded. So the gravity in the galaxy groups stays where it is. It does not travel to the edge of the universe. See the following link for more information. Does the influence of gravity extend out forever?
I hope this helped to answer some of your questions! :)
Hi thanks I followed the link. It’s as good a theory as any theory we have, one point, It could relate to the hammer at the end.

I thought they think dark matter makes up the theoretically missing gravity in the universe and that It exists in the spaces between galaxies?

which if the Big Bang was a scatter gun not a balloon then that dark matter is what our space time expanded out into. So the boundary in my question I think it’s called dark matter because they think it’s opposite to the matter we interact with so it may attract mass (gravity) while having no space time mass it’s self. It may also as it’s out side space time be faster than light, as light is governed by space time, Or the rules of regular matter.

I did also think gravity is supposed to extend billions of light years but maybe that is now debunked.
This is the problem when we just don’t know, we get lots of plausible theories, until one is experimental proven or the math works it’s open to change.
like I said thanks for the reply it’s always interesting to learn.
Ok from what I understand gravity has very very long range effects, it travels at the speed of light and it’s constant. Until the mass causing it is destroyed or breaks up.

My question is, it’s likely gravity waves are close to the outer edge of our universe, as only light is as fast, if that’s a correct assumption of mine, what effect would all those gravity waves be having as more and more overlapping gravity waves pass the outer edge of mass of our universe?

do they build up or cancel out?

Is this why the universe is expanding faster as the effect of gravity waves moving past the outer mass of the universe is pulling that mass with it?

or is the gravity pulling its self towards what’s outside the universe. And pulling the universe along with it?

ok they are likely all dumb questions, and it’s for my Curiosity only, thanks for any replies.
Gravity waves travel through space-time, space-time exists between galaxy groups so I guess they would travel indefinitely at the speed of light and diminish according to the inverse square law, but never stopping completely. If quantum gravity theory gets finished that may well say they do stop at some distant point.

Gravity waves don't pull mass with them, they simply cause a disturbance when passing through, just like waves on a pond.

If by 'our universe' you mean just the contents of our big bang, then that implies there's a beyond and in which case there would presumably be more space-time there, and so the gravitation waves would keep going without pilling up. The problem here is that space is expanding faster than light speed beyond the observable contents of our big bang, so any gravity waves here probably will never get past the edge of the observable contents of our big bang, unless expansion slows down.

or is the gravity pulling its self towards what’s outside the universe. And pulling the universe along with it?
It's not adumb question. It would be strange if ours was the only big bang with nothing else beyond it.:)
Gravity does not exist outside of galaxy groups. Also, gravity is the affect of spacetime being bent by mass. Essentially, gravity does not exist outside of galaxy groups, because there is no mass to bend spacetime; therefore there is nothing to form gravity. Now remember, the fabric of spacetime itself is being expanded. So the gravity in the galaxy groups stays where it is. It does not travel to the edge of the universe. See the following link for more information. Does the influence of gravity extend out forever?
I hope this helped to answer some of your questions! :)
I think the collective gravity of galaxy groups would exist beyond the groups because space-time still exists between them. The gravitational field would diminish as per the inverse square law. Gravitational waves would also propagate beyond groups towards the edge of the observable contents of our big bang, but probably not beyond.:)
Sep 11, 2020
Stars and black holes convert matter to dark matter.
Spacetime curvature versus dark matter velocity .
If it = zero gravity it could change state and release heat
On the outside edge of the galactic halo?
In the suns corona?
In black hole jets?
Dark matter changing from its liquid state
To its gaseous state dark energy
Could explain the expansion of the universe also
As the universe expands more of it is out of the gravity well.
More dark matter converts to dark energy.
Less gravity more dark energy.
Gravity's effects are instant not at the speed of light.
We circle the sun at it's location not the location it was at the speed of light.
IMO gravity is simply a compression of quantum fluctuation, and fluctuation in it's essence is space and time.
Gravity might not travel at all but just be a compression of time felt across the universe instantly and beyond to the next universe/s.

Now for the kicker is the big bang the universe or has quantum fluctuation always been and big bang just an event in infinite fluctuation.
The E balance products of fluctuation=reason and cause of big bang and all the matter and energy that exist in it.
The E balance of (nothing) =quantum fluctuation.

Maybe all the years we have been thinking of the universe as all we see is wrong.
All the physical properties of the universe self regulated by fluctuations properties. time/space/speed of light/dimensions/etc
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