I was in Pensacola,FL and at 4:27 am in the early morning of Sunday Dec. 5 2005. I saw in the southern sky a huge, I mean Big, Meteor burning emerald green. It was coming down to what looked like to me, in the Gulf of Mexico, or south America somewhere. I saw it burning coming in slower than normal meteors I've seen, so it had to be big, because It looked like it made it to the ground. I also noticed that it seemed to decend not in a straight line, but like that more of a Nike swoosh, like on a curve.<br /><br />Does anyone know what types of meteorites cause an emerald green burn??? And did anyone else here of any satelites or anything falling in on Dec 5th???<br /><br />Barium chlorate burns green, but I'm not to sure about space rocks???<br /><br />It seemed very heavy and dense to re-enter and burn, stop burning and decend with a green glow in what looked like a curve.<br /><br />Anyone else see any green meteor fireballs in the sky south of the Florida panhandle???