Greenland ice sheets are weaker to climate change than we thought

Dec 20, 2019
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There is no way that this ice sheet could have ever melted leaving Greenland covered in trees and wools mammoths as we all know any warming brings death to the whole planet.
More evidence that we are not going to "stop sea level rise" by stabilizing the CO2 level in our atmosphere at the levels we have reached, now. This previous melt supposedly happened when CO2 levels were only 280 ppm, and now we are at 420 ppm. The interglacial period 400,00 years ago was "unusually long", and the current one is headed that way too, so far as we can tell.

So, as I keep saying, we need to plan to cope with sea levels at least 25 feet higher than what we see now. The modeling we really need for planning purposes is to determine how fast sea level will rise in the near future.

But, this realization does not mean that we should just stop worrying about CO2 levels or any of the other human population caused impact issues like deforestation, species extinction, etc. We can still make things worse than what the Earth has already gone through 400,000 years ago, worse for ourselves as well as other species. If everything melts, sea level comes up about 350 feet above today's level.
Aug 1, 2023
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All feedback loops to Global Warming increase and speed-up Warming. Info about Sea level rise was published in 'Science': 'Sea Changes', years ago.
Besides CO2 in the air, 'Popular Mechanics' had an article about this in 1964, the Earth Orbit swings, this has an influence on heat we get.
Not all times with same soot ppm will reach same Sea Level rises.
There are more dangers: reduced cloud cover, lower albedo, will raise Heat entry at day, Heat irradiation at night, in winther.
Temperatures will have a wider range from high to low. More moist will go up in the air in summer, meaning stronger hurricanes, heavier snowfall in winther.
If Sea temperatures go high enough, Oceans will cease being a CO2 sump, will start sending CO2 to the air.
If Sea bottom waters become hot enough, the clathrates on floor will release Methane; fires took place in harbors in recent Tsunamis, from waves stirring sediments releasing Methane.

Some sediment studies point Sea Level rise was sometimes quite fast, enough as to say it happened during European winther, meaning water came from Antarctica.

With fast CO2 release, as the Decan volcanoes in India, mass species extinction took place.

The Methane content in permafrost is huge, even if CH4 can ignite spontaneously upon entering atmosphere, lasts no more than 2 years in the air, it's a much more powerful Greenhouse effect gas than CO2.
Are your cows farting Methane? Feed it with algae.
Is a Wet Greenhouse possible? I'd say yes, but can't provide figures about chances.

Is this an Star Wars batte? Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. (Xavier Cugat, Pérez-Prado)

Many coastal areas will drow, good for NYC, Pentagon, London, Paris, Flanders, Berlin, they bother a lot, but a human emergency in sites as Bangladesh.

There were forecasts of whole Paris going under water, except Sacre Cœur temple in Montmartre. From this, you can estimate Sea level prospectives.

The technology exists as to reduce Greenhouse effect gases emissions, just the Politics are missing; as first step, put on hold the 'programmed obsolescence', reduce taxation for energy-savings devices and procedures.

The future had an anthem: '5 feet high and risin', Johnny Cash, it fell short.

The situation is racing, time is ending.
Cool or perish!
Blessings +
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