silylene":3arcrj0g said:50 years from now
Brain transplants
With brain transplants will come practical immortality, for those who can afford it. We can already clone people and for enough money there will be at least one country out there that will allow it done. Grow a clone, even without any means of artificial aging, while you grow older. When you are in your 60s and the clone is 18-21 yrs old, transplant your brain into the clones body. Wella, young again and you don't have to wish you knew then what you know now! The old brain should even benifit from being in a youthful, healthy body. Make sure you have plenty of original material from your first body to clone with, you don't want to make clones of clones of clones. I've heard that eventually the process degrades. Do that every 40 - 50 years and one should live for at least several hundred. Gives new meaning to "long term investments" don't it?
Again, with enough rich folk wanting to do it, at least one country will allow it and make sure there are no legal hassles with dumping the young clones brain when your brain is transplanted into it. Even so, there will still be do-gooder Nogoodniks constantly whining about "Clones Rights!"