How did the big bang happen?

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It happened because gas was gathered and exploded. But why was there gas in the first place? If there was gas then shouldn't all the laws of nature be there before the big bang? There must have been a place where the gas came from. But what?


I should have though about that. My question is like asking who created the universe and who created the creator of the universe and so forth.


<font color="yellow">gas was gathered </font>..<br /><br />sorry, but you can't use the word <i>was</i> in describing events <i>before</i> the big bang. There was NO series of events preceeding the Big Bang. (Time didn't exist before then).. at the very beginning our universe was exploding forth.


<br />FD...<br /><br />The typical Big Bang model is effectively a unit of one at time t=0. This means that even time goes undefined since space-time is effectively one unit. If you favor a chaotic or perpetual inflation model, then the Big Bang is just one of many expanding spheres in a sort of space-time “foam.” But the issue in this model is that you can never get information from outside the sphere in which you live. <br /><br />Cosmologists are able to piece together events back to about one Planck time, or 10^-43 second. After that it is more a guess for theologians and metaphysics than science. The period before 10^-43 second is so unstable that there may never be any detectable trace that we can piece together a hypothesis. In a sense, all signal from that time is lost, and not even the noise can help us. There is no information of any sort from the time prior to Planck time.<br /><br />--A3K


i was out of touch. is the theory that the big bang started from a singular concentrated point still accepted? or there's some other new theory? i always had a difficulty in accepting the singularity as a physical reality. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="2" color="#ff0000"><strong>Earth is Boring</strong></font> </div>
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