Question Not when or where or how but why did the Big Bang happen.

Oct 12, 2024
Please forgive me if this question has been asked before and will fully understand if this thread has to be deleted. Its a question ive asked myself for many years, was there a reason for the big bang and if so who or what was responsible. I,m no expert as in from an academic view point was wondering what the experts thought. Thanks.
Welcome to SDC. This question is often asked. The answer is: we do not know and we will probably never know. The reason is we encounter a problem as we go back in time. It occurs at 5.39 x 10^-44 of a second after the Big Bang. At that point, the universe was so tiny, 10^-35 meters, that the temperature was so high, 10^32 K, that the particles each had so much energy they were like tiny individual black holes and thus could not communicate with each other thus could not exchange heat thus have no way of getting hotter, which they would need to do if we tried to imagine the universe any smaller.

As for actual looking, we can only see the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, which is the surface of the expanding fireball from 380,000 years after the Big Bang. We can't see any earlier than that visibly but maybe some day via gravity waves.
Oct 12, 2024
Welcome to SDC. This question is often asked. The answer is: we do not know and we will probably never know. The reason is we encounter a problem as we go back in time. It occurs at 5.39 x 10^-44 of a second after the Big Bang. At that point, the universe was so tiny, 10^-35 meters, that the temperature was so high, 10^32 K, that the particles each had so much energy they were like tiny individual black holes and thus could not communicate with each other thus could not exchange heat thus have no way of getting hotter, which they would need to do if we tried to imagine the universe any smaller.

As for actual looking, we can only see the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, which is the surface of the expanding fireball from 380,000 years after the Big Bang. We can't see any earlier than that visibly but maybe some day via gravity waves.
Thanks for the reply i figured its one of those questions that must be impossible to answer hopefully one day we may all know why it happened. Still a fascinating reply to the question once again thankyou.
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Apr 24, 2022
We don't know the answer, but I've been thinking about it a little bit because it's a question that I'm curious about as well.

So, here are my personal thoughts:

Let's start with the following equation:

A = A

Before the universe was birthed, the concept of A did not even exist. This A is an concept created by intellectual creature called humanity, 13.8 billion years after the creation of the universe. Also, mathematical terms, including =, are concepts created by humans born after the birth of the universe.

If we move A from the left side to the right side,

0 = A - A = 0

To make the idea clearer, let's express this a little differently.

0 = (+A) + (-A) = 0

This equation can be conceptually decomposed as "0", "0=(+A)+(-A)", "(+A)+(-A)=0", "0=0".

1)"0" : Something did not exist. Nothing state.

2)"0 = (+A) + (-A)" : +A and -A were born from "nothing". Or "Nothing" changed to +A and -A. Because +A and -A exist, it is a Something state.

3)"(+A) + (-A) = 0" : The sum of +A and -A is still zero. From one perspective it's "Something", from another perspective it's still “Nothing”.

4)"0 = 0" At the beginning and end of the process, the state of “Nothing” is maintained.

5) "B = 0 = (+A) + (-A) = 0" : The intelligent life form called humanity defines the "first nothing" as B. B may be total A, which is the sum of all A, or it may be a new notion.

In other words, “nothing” can create something +A and something -A and still remain “nothing” state. And, the newly created +A and -A create new physical quantities and new changes. For example, in order for the newly created +A and -A to be preserved in space, a new relational equation must be created.

∂ρ/∂t + ∇·j=0

Is there such a case in the nature or the universe? Yes!

1)Let's look at how pair production (electron and positron) occurs from photon (light).

B = 0 = (+Q) + (-Q) = 0

The charge of a photon is zero. When photon do pair production (electron and positron), photon do not conserve charge by creating beings with zero charge, but by creating +Q and -Q to preserve zero. That is, in all cases, in all circumstances, in order to satisfy or maintain “nothing”, this equation of the form (+Q) + (-Q) = 0 must hold. This may be because "0" is not representative of all situations and is only a subset of (+Q) + (-Q) = 0.

At the beginning and end of the process, the total charge is conserved, but in the middle process +Q and -Q are created. Due to the electric charge generated at this time, new concepts including electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic forces are needed.

According to Emmy Noether's theorem, if a system has a certain symmetry, there is a corresponding conserved physical quantity. Therefore, symmetry and conservation laws are closely related.

Conservation of spin, conservation of particle number, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, conservation of angular momentum, conservation of flux... etc.. New concepts may be born from conservation laws like these.

2)Let’s look at the birth process of energy. (This is not a proven fact and is still a hypothesis. Edward Tryon, Alan Guth, Stephen Hawking, and others have advocated such a model.)


E_T = 0 = (+E) + (-E) = Σmc^2 + Σ(-Gmm/r) = 0

“E_T = 0” represents “Nothing” state.

Mass appears in “Σ(+mc^2)” stage, which suggests the state of “Something”.

In other words, “Nothing” produces a negative energy of the same size as that of a positive mass energy and can produce “Something” while keeping the state of “Nothing” in the entire process (“E_T = 0” is kept both in the beginning of and in the end of the process).

*I don't think the total energy of the universe is currently 0. I just think there must have been a moment when the energy was zero when the universe started.

Another example is the case of gauge transformation for scalar potential Φ and vector potential A in electromagnetic fields.

Φ --> Φ - ∂Λ/∂t

A --> A + Λ

Maxwell equations of electromagnetism hold them in the same form for gauge transformation. After all, the existence of some symmetry or the invariance that the shape of a certain physical law must not change requires a gauge transformation, and this leads to the existence of new physical quantities (Λ, ∂Λ/∂t, Λ) that did not exist in the beginning (Φ, A).

This can be interpreted as requiring the birth of a new thing in order for the conserved physical quantity to be conserved and not change. The condition or state that should not change is what makes change.

Why was the universe born? Why is there something rather than nothing? Why did the change happen?

Everything in the world can be classified into the following two categories:

Those that have a "changing nature"
Those that have a "non-changing nature"

"Nothing” or “something” that has the property of changing create change.
However, as we've seen above, we can see that “Nothing” or “something” with unchanging property can also create change.

B = 0 = (+Q) + (-Q) = 0
E_T = 0 =(+E) + (-E) = Σmc^2 + Σ-Gmm/r = 0
∂ρ/∂t + ∇·j=0
Φ --> Φ - ∂Λ/∂t
A --> A + Λ

It changes, but does not change!
It changes in order not to change!

What does not change (B = 0) also creates changes in order not to change in various situations (Local, Global, phase transformation, translation, time translation, rotation transformation ...). This is because only the self (B) that does not want to change needs to be preserved.

The change of the universe seems to have created a change by the nature of not changing. The universe created Something (space-time, quantum fluctuation, energy, mass, charge, spin, force, field, potential, conservation laws, continuity equation...) to preserve Nothing. By the way, as this something was born, another something was born, and the birth of something chained like this may still preserve the first "nothing", and in some cases, the first "nothing" itself may also have changed.

Charge and energy are the basic physical quantities of matter or existence. If such a basic physical quantity can come out of a 0, we must think about the possibility that other things can also come out of a 0.

The Birth Mechanism of the Universe from Nothing and New Inflation Mechanism
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Oct 12, 2024
We don't know the answer, but I've been thinking about it a little bit because it's a question that I'm curious about as well.

So, here are my personal thoughts:

Let's start with the following equation:

A = A

Before the universe was birthed, the concept of A did not even exist. This A is an concept created by intellectual creature called humanity, 13.8 billion years after the creation of the universe. Also, mathematical terms, including =, are concepts created by humans born after the birth of the universe.

If we move A from the left side to the right side,

0 = A - A = 0

To make the idea clearer, let's express this a little differently.

0 = (+A) + (-A) = 0

This equation can be conceptually decomposed as "0", "0=(+A)+(-A)", "(+A)+(-A)=0", "0=0".

1)"0" : Something did not exist. Nothing state.

2)"0 = (+A) + (-A)" : +A and -A were born from "nothing". Or "Nothing" changed to +A and -A. Because +A and -A exist, it is a Something state.

3)"(+A) + (-A) = 0" : The sum of +A and -A is still zero. From one perspective it's "Something", from another perspective it's still “Nothing”.

4)"0 = 0" At the beginning and end of the process, the state of “Nothing” is maintained.

5) "B = 0 = (+A) + (-A) = 0" : The intelligent life form called humanity defines the "first nothing" as B. B may be total A, which is the sum of all A, or it may be a new notion.

In other words, “nothing” can create something +A and something -A and still remain “nothing” state. And, the newly created +A and -A create new physical quantities and new changes. For example, in order for the newly created +A and -A to be preserved in space, a new relational equation must be created.

∂ρ/∂t + ∇·j=0

Is there such a case in the nature or the universe? Yes!

1)Let's look at how pair production (electron and positron) occurs from photon (light).

B = 0 = (+Q) + (-Q) = 0

The charge of a photon is zero. When photon do pair production (electron and positron), photon do not conserve charge by creating beings with zero charge, but by creating +Q and -Q to preserve zero. That is, in all cases, in all circumstances, in order to satisfy or maintain “nothing”, this equation of the form (+Q) + (-Q) = 0 must hold. This may be because "0" is not representative of all situations and is only a subset of (+Q) + (-Q) = 0.

At the beginning and end of the process, the total charge is conserved, but in the middle process +Q and -Q are created. Due to the electric charge generated at this time, new concepts including electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic forces are needed.

According to Emmy Noether's theorem, if a system has a certain symmetry, there is a corresponding conserved physical quantity. Therefore, symmetry and conservation laws are closely related.

Conservation of spin, conservation of particle number, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, conservation of angular momentum, conservation of flux... etc.. New concepts may be born from conservation laws like these.

2)Let’s look at the birth process of energy. (This is not a proven fact and is still a hypothesis. Edward Tryon, Alan Guth, Stephen Hawking, and others have advocated such a model.)


E_T = 0 = (+E) + (-E) = Σmc^2 + Σ(-Gmm/r) = 0

“E_T = 0” represents “Nothing” state.

Mass appears in “Σ(+mc^2)” stage, which suggests the state of “Something”.

In other words, “Nothing” produces a negative energy of the same size as that of a positive mass energy and can produce “Something” while keeping the state of “Nothing” in the entire process (“E_T = 0” is kept both in the beginning of and in the end of the process).

*I don't think the total energy of the universe is currently 0. I just think there must have been a moment when the energy was zero when the universe started.

Another example is the case of gauge transformation for scalar potential Φ and vector potential A in electromagnetic fields.

Φ --> Φ - ∂Λ/∂t

A --> A + Λ

Maxwell equations of electromagnetism hold them in the same form for gauge transformation. After all, the existence of some symmetry or the invariance that the shape of a certain physical law must not change requires a gauge transformation, and this leads to the existence of new physical quantities (Λ, ∂Λ/∂t, Λ) that did not exist in the beginning (Φ, A).

This can be interpreted as requiring the birth of a new thing in order for the conserved physical quantity to be conserved and not change. The condition or state that should not change is what makes change.

Why was the universe born? Why is there something rather than nothing? Why did the change happen?

Everything in the world can be classified into the following two categories:

Those that have a "changing nature"
Those that have a "non-changing nature"

"Nothing” or “something” that has the property of changing create change.
However, as we've seen above, we can see that “Nothing” or “something” with unchanging property can also create change.

B = 0 = (+Q) + (-Q) = 0
E_T = 0 =(+E) + (-E) = Σmc^2 + Σ-Gmm/r = 0
∂ρ/∂t + ∇·j=0
Φ --> Φ - ∂Λ/∂t
A --> A + Λ

It changes, but does not change!
It changes in order not to change!

What does not change (B = 0) also creates changes in order not to change in various situations (Local, Global, phase transformation, translation, time translation, rotation transformation ...). This is because only the self (B) that does not want to change needs to be preserved.

The change of the universe seems to have created a change by the nature of not changing. The universe created Something (space-time, quantum fluctuation, energy, mass, charge, spin, force, field, potential, conservation laws, continuity equation...) to preserve Nothing. By the way, as this something was born, another something was born, and the birth of something chained like this may still preserve the first "nothing", and in some cases, the first "nothing" itself may also have changed.

Charge and energy are the basic physical quantities of matter or existence. If such a basic physical quantity can come out of a 0, we must think about the possibility that other things can also come out of a 0.

The Birth Mechanism of the Universe from Nothing and New Inflation Mechanism
Thanks 7icarus7 for the reply really far too technical for a simple layman like myself to fully understand the equations etc etc though i do appreciate your superior knowledge. Ultimately your right as billslugg also said we just dont know maybe its just one of those things that was simply meant to be that something can come from nothing, no big deal. I suppose a religious person might say it was God that started off the whole process i,m not religious if i was i probably wouldnt be on here asking this question in the first place. Does there need to be a reason why the BB happened and if there was can science ever come up with the answer.
Apr 23, 2024
A simple answer to the original question is that our universe may well have been created by a team pf scientists in another universe. Their universe was much less conducive to life arising and they realised that they were almost unique. So they designed a better universe, ours! This universe is incredibly biased towards life arising and I'd guess it is teeming. Even in our one solar system, which is one of trillions, there is abundant life here and vey probably some underground on Mars and in the oceans of Europa and other moons. That's why the bb happened, it was a scientific experiment!
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Apr 24, 2022
i,m not religious if i was i probably wouldnt be on here asking this question in the first place. Does there need to be a reason why the BB happened and if there was can science ever come up with the answer.

*Since the number of images that can be added is limited, I will split the answer into three parts and upload it.
There is no consensus answer in the academic world on this issue. However, since it is a question that is both ultimate and very important, I have also studied this issue. Of course, I am an amateur, not an expert.

The answer I have obtained through my research is the result of the paper I linked.
This is a personal explanation and hypothesis, and can be verified by explaining the density value of dark energy with this model.

We adopt the Big Bang theory as the standard cosmology, but in fact, the Big Bang theory does not explain the Big Bang event. The Big Bang theory only claims that the early universe started out hotter and denser than it is now, and that it was once in thermal equilibrium, but it does not directly explain the origin of matter and energy, or the reason for the expansion.

The first article I posted above provides a conceptual explanation of change from "nothing", and this article begins with the assumption that at least space-time and physical laws exist in the universe.

Since the Big Bang event is a very important issue, the results of my personal research are as follows. The content may be a bit difficult.

1.The birth of the universe through the uncertainty principle can explain the birth of energy on a current scale from zero energy



Δx=ct_p=2R’ : Since Δx corresponds to the diameter of the mass (or energy) distribution

According to the mass-energy equivalence principle, equivalent mass can be defined for all energies. Assuming a spherical mass (energy) distribution and calculating the average mass density (minimum value),


It can be seen that it is extremely dense. In other words, the quantum fluctuation that occurred during the Planck time create mass (or energy) with an extremely high density.

The total mass of the observable universe is approximately 3.03x10^54 kg (Since the mass of a proton is approximately 10^-27 kg, approximately 10^81 protons), and the size of the region in which this mass is distributed with the initial density ρ_0 is

R_obs-universe(ρ=ρ_0) = 5.28 x10^-15 [m]

The observable universe is made possible by energy distribution at the level of the atomic nucleus.

Even if there was no energy before the Big Bang, enormous amounts of energy can be created due to the uncertainty principle. In a region smaller than the size of an atomic nucleus, the total mass-energy that exists in the observable universe can be created.

*In terms of energy density, we can assume energy density from 0 ~ infinity. So the above estimate is not a bad result, since it roughly approximates the energy density required to create the current observable universe.

2.Total energy of the system including gravitational potential energy

In the early universe, when only positive mass energy is considered, the mass energy value appears to be a very large positive energy, but when negative gravitational potential energy is also considered, the total energy can be zero and even negative energy.

In the quantum fluctuation process based on the uncertainty principle, there is a gravitational source ΔE, and there is a time Δt for the gravitational force to be transmitted, so gravitational potential energy also exists.

Considering not only positive mass energy but also negative gravitational potential energy, the total energy of the system is


According to the uncertainty principle, during Δt= t_P, energy fluctuation of more than ΔE = (1/2)m_Pc^2 is possible. However, let us consider that an energy of ΔE=(5/6)m_Pc^2, slightly larger than the minimum value, was born.

1) If, Δt=t_P, ΔE=(5/6)m_Pc^2,

The total energy of the system is 0

In other words, a mechanism that generates enormous mass (or energy) while maintaining a Zero Energy State is possible.
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Apr 24, 2022
2) If, Δt=(3/5)^(1/2)t_P, ΔE≥(5/12)^(1/2)m_Pc^2,
In the analysis above, the minimum energy of quantum fluctuations possible during the Planck time is ∆E ≥ (1/2)(m_P)c^2, and the minimum energy fluctuation for which expansion after birth can occur is ∆E > (5/6)(m_P)c^2. Since ∆E=(5/6)(m_P)c^2 is greater than ∆E=(1/2)(m_P)c^2, the birth and coming into existence of the universe is a probabilistic event.

For those unsatisfied with probabilistic event, let's find cases where the birth and expansion of the universe were inevitable events. By doing a little calculation, we can find the following values:


Calculating the total energy of the system,


The total energy of the system is 0.

In other words, a Mechanism that generates enormous energy (or mass) while maintaining a Zero Energy State is possible. This is not to say that the total energy of the observable universe is zero. This is because gravitational potential energy changes as time passes. This suggests that enormous mass or energy can be created from a zero energy state in the early stages of the universe.

Through this model, we can simultaneously solve the problem of the origin of universe energy and the problem of accelerated expansion in the early stages of the universe.

3.Gravitational potential energy also contributes to allowing quantum fluctuations created by the uncertainty principle to expand rather than return to nothing

By the uncertainty principle, quantum fluctuations ΔE can be created, but the problem is that these quantum fluctuations must return to nothing. Therefore, a mechanism is needed to prevents the situation where energy created by quantum fluctuations returns to nothing.

Since there is energy ΔE that is the source of gravity and there is a time Δt for gravity to be transmitted, the gravitational potential energy (gravitational self-energy) must be considered. For simple calculations, assuming a spherical uniform distribution, the total energy including the gravitational potential energy is

E_T=Σmc^2 + Σ-Gmm/r

The magnitude at which the negative gravitational potential energy becomes equal to the positive mass energy can be obtained through the following equation.


By performing some calculations, we can find the time and energy at which ΔE enters accelerated expansion during Δt, in which quantum fluctuations can exist.

If Δt=(3/5)^(1/2)t_P, ΔE≥(5/12)^(1/2)m_Pc^2,


In this way, the total energy of one quantum fluctuation is zero energy. Since individual quantum fluctuations are born in a zero energy state, and as time passes, the range of gravitational interaction expands, when surrounding quantum fluctuations come within the range of gravitational interaction, accelerated expansion occurs by this method. This method uses the minimum value of energy fluctuations. On the other hand, at energies greater than the minimum, expansion can occur even from a single quantum fluctuation.

As time passes and the extent of gravitational interaction increases, the positive mass energy grows proportional to M, while the negative gravitational potential energy grows proportional to -M^2/R. Therefore, temporarily, the repulsive force due to negative gravitational potential energy becomes superior to the attractive force due to positive energy, and the universe enters a period of accelerated expansion.


The meaning of the calculation result is that

If Δt ≤ ((3/5)^(1/2))t_P, then ΔE ≥ ((5/12)^(1/2))m_Pc^2 is possible.
By the way, at the moment this Δt exists, the gravitational interaction also proceeds. And, within Δt, the minimum magnitude at which the negative gravitational self-energy exceeds the positive mass energy is ΔE=((5/12)^(1/2))m_Pc^2. So when Δt < ((3/5)^(1/2))t_P, the mass distribution expands as the repulsive force dominates the attractive force.

Since the repulsive force due to the negative gravitational self-energy is greater than the attractive force due to the positive mass energy, the corresponding mass distribution expands. Thus, the quantum fluctuations generated by the uncertainty principle cannot return to nothing, but can expand and create the present universe.

Case-1) If, Δt=t_P, ΔE>(5/6)m_Pc^2,
If a quantum fluctuation occurs during the Planck time, and the quantum fluctuation that occurs has a ΔE of (5/6)m_Pc^2 or more, it is possible for the created quantum fluctuation to expand. As time passes and the surrounding quantum fluctuations come within the range of gravitational interaction, the negative gravitational potential energy becomes even larger, and explosive expansion becomes possible. The inflation mechanism becomes possible.
In this case, the birth of the universe becomes a probabilistic event.

Case-2) If, Δt<(3/5)^(1/2)t_P, ΔE>(5/12)^(1/2)m_Pc^2,
If the quantum fluctuation occurs for a time less than (3/5)^(1/2)t_P, the total energy(positive mass energy + negative gravitational potential energy(or gravitational self-energy)) generated at that time reaches a negative energy state before the time of Δt, and expansion occurs.
As time passes and the surrounding quantum fluctuations enter the range of gravitational interactions, the negative gravitational potential energy becomes even larger, and explosive expansion becomes possible. Inflation mechanism becomes possible.
In this case, the birth of the universe becomes an inevitable event.


*End of inflation mechanism
When expanding, if matter is constant within an arbitrary gravitational interaction radius, the positive mass energy E=mc^2 remains constant, but the negative gravitational potential energy U=-(3/5)GM^2/R decreases. As R increases, the negative gravitational potential energy decreases, so the driving force of the accelerated expansion decreases, and when the negative gravitational potential energy decreases less than the positive mass energy due to expansion, the inflation mechanism ends.

When expanding, even if matter flows into an arbitrary gravitational interaction radius, there are cases where the gravitational potential energy becomes smaller than the positive mass energy depending on the situation. In this case, the inflation mechanism ends.
Apr 24, 2022
4.Verification method

1)Constraint equation and accelerating expansion of the early universe
As a key logic to the argument of this thesis, gravitational potential energy appears, and the point where the magnitude of the negative gravitational potential energy equals the positive mass energy becomes an inflection point, suggesting that the accelerated expansion period is entered.


Since we can let R_gs be approximately cΔt/2(or cΔt), there is a strong constraint equation between the density and the time the universe entered accelerated expansion. Therefore, it is possible to verify the model through this. Additionally, if we use this idea to build a precise cosmology, the number of provable factors will increase.

2)Dark energy
Additionally, the principles applied in this model can be applied to both the accelerated expansion of the early universe (Inflation) and the accelerated expansion of the current universe (Dark energy) at different scales. The cosmological constant model and vacuum energy model cannot simultaneously explain inflation and dark energy.

In the previous paper, I presented the cosmological constant term obtained by the gravitational potential energy model. Strictly speaking, the cosmological constant does not exist in the gravitational potential energy model, and the gravitational potential energy plays the role of negative pressure or negative energy density. Since many values are obtained through standard cosmology, the cosmological constant term is introduced into the explanation to aid understanding.



During Planck time, it was about 10^121 times larger than it is now.

In other words, this model has the potential to simultaneously explain the repulsive effects of the early inflation period and the late dark energy period.

Therefore, this model can also be proven by verifying the dark energy model to which gravitational potential energy is applied.

[ Summary ]

According to the energy-time uncertainty principle, during ∆t, an energy fluctuation of ∆E is possible, but this energy fluctuation should have reverted back to nothing.

By the way, there is also a gravitational interaction during the time of ∆t, and if the negative gravitational self-energy exceeds the positive mass-energy during this ∆t, the total energy of the corresponding mass distribution becomes negative energy, that is, the negative mass state. Because there is a repulsive gravitational effect between negative masses, this mass distribution expands. Thus, it is possible to create an expansion that does not go back to nothing.

Calculations show that if the quantum fluctuation occur for a time less than ∆t = (3/10)^(1/2)t_p ≈ 0.77t_p , then an energy fluctuation of ∆E > (5/6)^(1/2)m_pc^2 ≈ 0.65m_pc^2 must occur. But in this case, because of the negative gravitational self-energy, ∆E will enter the negative energy (mass) state before the time of ∆t. Because there is a repulsive gravitational effect between negative masses, ∆E cannot contract, but expands. Thus, the universe does not return to nothing, but can exist.

Gravitational Potential Energy Model provides a means of distinguishing whether the existence of the present universe is an inevitable event or an event with a very low probability. And, it presents a new model for the process of inflation, the accelerating expansion of the early universe. This paper also provides an explanation for why the early universe started in a dense state and solves the vacuum catastrophe problem. Additionally, when the negative gravitational potential energy exceeds the positive energy, it can produce an accelerated expansion of the universe.

Through this mechanism, inflation, which is the accelerated expansion of the early universe, and dark energy, which is the cause of the accelerated expansion of the recent universe, can be explained at the same time.

Please refer to pages 14 ~ 18P, 25~26P of the following paper.
The Birth Mechanism of the Universe from Nothing and New Inflation Mechanism

Dark Energy is Gravitational Potential Energy or Energy of the Gravitational Field
“Why?” is the main question asked in philosophy and religion.

Science asks “how” questions.

In earlier centuries science sought purpose to their questions (i.e. teleology), but not so much today.
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Why an event happens can NEVER be answered. A why can not be verified. Only how might be achievable. But only after repeatable verification.

Even after verifying how, and when and where and what……… why can never be verified or trusted.

Why is a UN-answerable question. Why can never be verified. Only how.

Why does not matter. Why is a self concept.

The only question a man can pursue is how. Even if you were informed of why, it wouldn’t make any sense. Why is singular to all. An event has zillions of whys.

Why is just a personal comfort.

You can attach any why to any event. And we all do. Why is an ego question. Why reinforces our ego. Why is lipstick. A mask.

Where, when, and what are easy, how is the only part we can explore. Not the reasons for it. Only the how of it is learnable. One how can have multiple whys. Or NO whys.

Dead matter has no why. Only choice has why. Only living matter has choice and the concept of why.

Life can not explain itself. The only singularity ever detected in this whole universe.

Why? When where what and how might be determined, but why never is. We have no rational for why. No reference to compare to.

For we don’t know the why for anything. There’s no standard or scale for why.

How is our only capability. Why can never be satisfied.

We will never discern when, where, what, how and WHY creation came to be. We would have to be informed.

We have no clue what mass and matter is. CERN has only shown us that it can be dissolved thru fragmentation and can NOT be superpositioned.

Yet they keep predicting BHs. You will never find one. Our MW center has a toroidal plasma star, not a BH. A toroidal star has a very directional solar wind. That can create huge plasma bubbles. A solitary star orbited with multiple stars could be squished, tugged and twisted into a toroidal star.

A toroidal star, not a black hole. A twisted ring instead of a ball. A momentum amplifier. An inertia amplifier. A gravity amplifier. An x-ray, gamma wave amplifier. When fed.

That’s what I glean from the articles and images. And the how of motion.

That’s another bug of modern science. Everything is in a state of perpetual motion. Motion can not be stopped, it can only be transferred. It can also be rarefied and dissolved into space. Orphan motion.
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Oct 18, 2024
Welcome to SDC. This question is often asked. The answer is: we do not know and we will probably never know. The reason is we encounter a problem as we go back in time. It occurs at 5.39 x 10^-44 of a second after the Big Bang. At that point, the universe was so tiny, 10^-35 meters, that the temperature was so high, 10^32 K, that the particles each had so much energy they were like tiny individual black holes and thus could not communicate with each other thus could not exchange heat thus have no way of getting hotter, which they would need to do if we tried to imagine the universe any smaller.

As for actual looking, we can only see the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, which is the surface of the expanding fireball from 380,000 years after the Big Bang. We can't see any earlier than that visibly but maybe some day via gravity waves.
more like two galaxys in the size of a coin hit each other space couldnt handle it (same reason when a bubble that is the same size as another one touches the other one it just pops instead of joining together is because in a 85^63 second of them touching they have to open up to join the other so all the energy explodes out)
Oct 18, 2024
Thanks 7icarus7 for the reply really far too technical for a simple layman like myself to fully understand the equations etc etc though i do appreciate your superior knowledge. Ultimately your right as billslugg also said we just dont know maybe its just one of those things that was simply meant to be that something can come from nothing, no big deal. I suppose a religious person might say it was God that started off the whole process i,m not religious if i was i probably wouldnt be on here asking this question in the first place. Does there need to be a reason why the BB happened and if there was can science ever come up with the answer.
two coins with the energy of a nuke in them hit at high speeds but because they both are space itself the space in between them is now existing giving the energy a tiny room to move they move with great force because of the energy pushing it then a few atoms escape in the force causing more space and more and it repeats so fast its just a giant explosion
Oct 25, 2024
It’s likely much more simple. At T = 0, the probably that something (anything) can happen approaches infinity. Since we exist today, that “something” was that the universe popped into existence. Perhaps as just a particle in the quantum realm, and our universe exists inside a subatomic particle. Who knows. If there are no laws of physics at the moment of creation, nothing prevents magic from occurring. Of course, magic is just a way of saying we don’t understand the process.


Aug 14, 2020
The universe never popped into existence "once upon a magical time!" It pops into existence branching in all possible branches from every pop of entangled, entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instantaneous moment. You might wish you had made a different decision, gone in a different direction at some time.

In a Universe of all probabilities and possibilities, you did! Every quantum particle does! The infinities of universes reside in them all. All the impossible-possible branches! A superposition apex point eternal collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (BC) (BB) Horizon (a timelessly 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U)'). Binary base2 fractal zooms universe structure (hot and smooth as silk in one plane and/or cold and coarse grain chunky in its equal but opposite other 'Mobius Strip' plane).

And then there is the 'Trojan' (the "strange attractor"...?!)....
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Apr 24, 2022
1,515 Why quantum fluctuations do not return to "nothing" and form the universe

The existing model of the birth of the universe from nothing claims that the universe can be born from quantum fluctuations. However, the quantum fluctuations we know should return to "nothing" after a time of Δt. The existing model of the birth of the universe from nothing do not provide a reason or mechanism for the universe to be formed without quantum fluctuations returning to "nothing".

Therefore, in the case where the universe is born from quantum fluctuations, a mechanism is needed that allows the quantum fluctuations to exist and not return to "nothing".

Mechanism-1. If the total energy of the system, including the gravitational potential energy, is 0 or very close to 0.

If, Δt=t_p, ΔE=(5/6)m_pc^2,

The total energy of the system is 0.

In other words, a mechanism that generates enormous mass (or energy) while maintaining a Zero Energy State is possible.

The total energy of the system, including the gravitational potential energy,


Δt ≥hbar/2ΔE_T

If ΔE_T --> 0, Δt --> ∞

Δt where quantum fluctuations exist can be very large. In other words, Δt can be larger than the current age of the universe, and these quantum fluctuations can exist longer than the age of the universe.

Since the second mechanism changes the state of quantum fluctuations, it is thought that Δt does not necessarily have to be greater than the age of the universe.

If we express the gravitational potential energy in the form including ΔE,

If R = cΔt/2

ΔE_min means the minimum energy fluctuation that satisfies the equation ΔE≥hbar/2Δt.

If Δt=t_P,
U_gp ≤ -(3/5)ΔE

Therefore, in this case, we must consider gravitational potential energy or gravitational self-energy. Therefore,

In this eq. Δt ≥hbar/2ΔE_T
If ΔE_T --> 0, Δt --> ∞ .
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Apr 24, 2022
Now, let's look at the approximate Δt that can be measured with current technology in the laboratory.


We can see that gravitational potential energy term is very small compared to ΔE and can be ignored.

In the case of a spherical uniform distribution, the total energy of the system, including the gravitational potential energy, is

Therefore, we can see that the negative gravitational potential energy is very small in the Δt (much longer than the Planck time) that we observe in the laboratory, so the total energy of the system is sufficient only by ΔE excluding the gravitational potential energy, and the lifetime of the virtual particle is only a short time given by the uncertainty principle.

If Δt>>t_P, Δt≥hbar/2ΔE_T ~ hbar/2ΔE

Since E_T has some finite value other than 0, Δt cannot be an infinite value, but a finite value limited by ΔE_T.

However, in the early universe, a relatively large Δt is possible because ΔE_T goes to zero, and as time passes and the range of gravitational interaction expands, if the surrounding quantum fluctuations participate in the gravitational interaction, an accelerated expansion occurs.

Mechanism-2. Accelerated expansion due to negative energy or negative mass state


In short,

According to the uncertainty principle, it is possible to change (or create) more than (1/2)m_pc^2 energy during the Planck time,

If an energy change above (5/6)m_pc^2 that is slightly larger than the minimum value occurs, the total energy of the mass-energy distribution reaches negative energy, i.e., the negative mass state, within the time Δt where quantum fluctuations can exist.

However, since there is a repulsive gravitational effect between negative masses, the corresponding mass distribution expands instead of contracting. Thus, the quantum fluctuations generated by the uncertainty principle cannot return to nothing, but can expand and create the present universe.

* Motion of positive mass due to negative gravitational potential energy,

F=-G(-m_gp)(m_3)/R^2 = + G(m_gp)(m_3)/R^2

The force exerted by a negative (equivalent) mass on a positive mass is a repulsive (anti-gravity) force, so the positive mass accelerates and expands.

The gravitational force acting between negative masses is attractive(m>0, F= - G(-m)(-m)/r^2 = - Gmm)/r^2), but since the inertial mass is negative in the case of negative mass, the gravitational effect is repulsive(m>0, F= (-m)a, a = - F/m ). So the distribution of negative energy or the distribution of negative equivalent mass is inflated.

In a state of uniform energy distribution, when time passes, the radius of gravitational interaction increases. In this case, the mass energy increases in proportion to M, but the size of the gravitational potential energy increases in proportion to M^2/R. Therefore, since the negative gravitational potential energy increases faster than the positive mass energy, the phenomenon of accelerated expansion can occur.

By combining mechanisms 1 and 2, we can simultaneously explain the existence of a universe born from quantum fluctuations without returning to "nothing", and the problem of inflation in the early universe.

Wow, I might be a genius~

The Birth Mechanism of the Universe from Nothing and New Inflation Mechanism
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Nov 30, 2024
I have seen some very good replies here tonight. It looks as though the question was speaking to why the universe was created. And of course, space is part of the universe, laws are a part of the universe and time is part of the universe. So, I will address the question that was asked.
I assume that there was nothingness, no laws, no virtual particles, no math and no time or energy. In fact, there was nothingness, absolute nothingness. When there is nothingness, there are no rules, no time and no math or physics. In such a situation, there are also no laws.
So anything is possible.
With no time there is no limit on what can be accomplished.
With no laws there is no limit in what can be created or how it is created.
In effect there is no reason that would stop the universe from evolving.
We know that through recursive mathematics we can verify that in a "nothingness" an infinite number of infinite iterations can occur; none of which are of importance, until one is.
The iterations can occur limitlessly in what will later become time. And math and laws and physics can become the universe. The universe can become space. Time will evolve with the universe.
We can assume that it would occur in the most logical manner, because the plan would have taken many eternities to come to being.
We can assume that the first creation would be energy in the form of photons, because we know that photons can carry an infinite amount of information. And photons carry information at the speed of light. And photons in a gravitational cone, as outlined in my paper, can create mass with the properties that are required to form matter with different attributes. The remainer of the theory is standard physics and quantum mechanics. A big bang and inflation can occur. Or whatever happened.

The reason the universe was created is because it could be.

I have a paper on Figshare that you are welcome to read and comment on. I am happy to answer your questions. I will be glad to post it here if allowed to do so.
Nov 4, 2024
I like to consider there to be no beginning a concept minds with a beginning have trouble understanding. I’m neutral on the evolution or creation theory but I do worship nikola Tesla and believing everything was created is a scientists cheat code for my expression the answer is always right in front of you sometimes really simple.
Nov 30, 2024
15 Why quantum fluctuations do not return to "nothing" and form the universe

The existing model of the birth of the universe from nothing claims that the universe can be born from quantum fluctuations. However, the quantum fluctuations we know should return to "nothing" after a time of Δt. The existing model of the birth of the universe from nothing do not provide a reason or mechanism for the universe to be formed without quantum fluctuations returning to "nothing".

Therefore, in the case where the universe is born from quantum fluctuations, a mechanism is needed that allows the quantum fluctuations to exist and not return to "nothing".

Mechanism-1. If the total energy of the system, including the gravitational potential energy, is 0 or very close to 0.

If, Δt=t_p, ΔE=(5/6)m_pc^2,

The total energy of the system is 0.

In other words, a mechanism that generates enormous mass (or energy) while maintaining a Zero Energy State is possible.

The total energy of the system, including the gravitational potential energy,


Δt ≥hbar/2ΔE_T

If ΔE_T --> 0, Δt --> ∞

Δt where quantum fluctuations exist can be very large. In other words, Δt can be larger than the current age of the universe, and these quantum fluctuations can exist longer than the age of the universe.

Since the second mechanism changes the state of quantum fluctuations, it is thought that Δt does not necessarily have to be greater than the age of the universe.

If we express the gravitational potential energy in the form including ΔE,

If R = cΔt/2

ΔE_min means the minimum energy fluctuation that satisfies the equation ΔE≥hbar/2Δt.

If Δt=t_P,
U_gp ≤ -(3/5)ΔE

Therefore, in this case, we must consider gravitational potential energy or gravitational self-energy. Therefore,

In this eq. Δt ≥hbar/2ΔE_T
If ΔE_T --> 0, Δt --> ∞ .
I believe you are addressing a universe that starts with empty space, not nothing. A universe with noting would not have laws, virtual particles, space, time or anything. You need to specify what you mean by "nothing".
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Apr 24, 2022
I believe you are addressing a universe that starts with empty space, not nothing. A universe with noting would not have laws, virtual particles, space, time or anything. You need to specify what you mean by "nothing".

The article you mentioned is about quantum fluctuations in nothing, where the laws of physics apply, but there is no matter or energy.

In a state where there are no laws of physics or even space-time, any change or any birth is discussed in post #4.

We don't know the answer, but I've been thinking about it a little bit because it's a question that I'm curious about as well.

So, here are my personal thoughts:

Let's start with the following equation:

A = A

Before the universe was birthed, the concept of A did not even exist. This A is an concept created by intellectual creature called humanity, 13.8 billion years after the creation of the universe. Also, mathematical terms, including =, are concepts created by humans born after the birth of the universe.

If we move A from the left side to the right side,

0 = A - A = 0

To make the idea clearer, let's express this a little differently.

0 = (+A) + (-A) = 0

This equation can be conceptually decomposed as "0", "0=(+A)+(-A)", "(+A)+(-A)=0", "0=0".

1)"0" : Something did not exist. Nothing state.

2)"0 = (+A) + (-A)" : +A and -A were born from "nothing". Or "Nothing" changed to +A and -A. Because +A and -A exist, it is a Something state.

3)"(+A) + (-A) = 0" : The sum of +A and -A is still zero. From one perspective it's "Something", from another perspective it's still “Nothing”.

4)"0 = 0" At the beginning and end of the process, the state of “Nothing” is maintained.

5) "B = 0 = (+A) + (-A) = 0" : The intelligent life form called humanity defines the "first nothing" as B. B may be total A, which is the sum of all A, or it may be a new notion.

In other words, “nothing” can create something +A and something -A and still remain “nothing” state. And, the newly created +A and -A create new physical quantities and new changes. For example, in order for the newly created +A and -A to be preserved in space, a new relational equation must be created.

∂ρ/∂t + ∇·j=0

Is there such a case in the nature or the universe? Yes!

1)Let's look at how pair production (electron and positron) occurs from photon (light).

B = 0 = (+Q) + (-Q) = 0

The charge of a photon is zero. When photon do pair production (electron and positron), photon do not conserve charge by creating beings with zero charge, but by creating +Q and -Q to preserve zero. That is, in all cases, in all circumstances, in order to satisfy or maintain “nothing”, this equation of the form (+Q) + (-Q) = 0 must hold. This may be because "0" is not representative of all situations and is only a subset of (+Q) + (-Q) = 0.

At the beginning and end of the process, the total charge is conserved, but in the middle process +Q and -Q are created. Due to the electric charge generated at this time, new concepts including electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic forces are needed.

According to Emmy Noether's theorem, if a system has a certain symmetry, there is a corresponding conserved physical quantity. Therefore, symmetry and conservation laws are closely related.

Conservation of spin, conservation of particle number, conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, conservation of angular momentum, conservation of flux... etc.. New concepts may be born from conservation laws like these.

2)Let’s look at the birth process of energy. (This is not a proven fact and is still a hypothesis. Edward Tryon, Alan Guth, Stephen Hawking, and others have advocated such a model.)


E_T = 0 = (+E) + (-E) = Σmc^2 + Σ(-Gmm/r) = 0

“E_T = 0” represents “Nothing” state.

Mass appears in “Σ(+mc^2)” stage, which suggests the state of “Something”.

In other words, “Nothing” produces a negative energy of the same size as that of a positive mass energy and can produce “Something” while keeping the state of “Nothing” in the entire process (“E_T = 0” is kept both in the beginning of and in the end of the process).

*I don't think the total energy of the universe is currently 0. I just think there must have been a moment when the energy was zero when the universe started.

Another example is the case of gauge transformation for scalar potential Φ and vector potential A in electromagnetic fields.

Φ --> Φ - ∂Λ/∂t

A --> A + Λ

Maxwell equations of electromagnetism hold them in the same form for gauge transformation. After all, the existence of some symmetry or the invariance that the shape of a certain physical law must not change requires a gauge transformation, and this leads to the existence of new physical quantities (Λ, ∂Λ/∂t, Λ) that did not exist in the beginning (Φ, A).

This can be interpreted as requiring the birth of a new thing in order for the conserved physical quantity to be conserved and not change. The condition or state that should not change is what makes change.

Why was the universe born? Why is there something rather than nothing? Why did the change happen?

Everything in the world can be classified into the following two categories:

Things that have a "changing nature"
Things that do not have a "changing nature" ==> Things that have a "non-changing nature"

"Nothing” or “something” that has the property of changing create change.
However, as we've seen above, we can see that “Nothing” or “something” with unchanging property can also create change.

B = 0 = (+Q) + (-Q) = 0
E_T = 0 =(+E) + (-E) = Σmc^2 + Σ-Gmm/r = 0
∂ρ/∂t + ∇·j=0
Φ --> Φ - ∂Λ/∂t
A --> A + Λ

It changes, but does not change!
It changes in order not to change!

What does not change (B = 0) also creates changes in order not to change in various situations (Local, Global, phase transformation, translation, time translation, rotation transformation ...). This is because only the self (B) that does not want to change needs to be preserved.

The change of the universe seems to have created a change by the nature of not changing. The universe created Something (space-time, quantum fluctuation, energy, mass, charge, spin, force, field, potential, conservation laws, continuity equation...) to preserve Nothing. By the way, as this something was born, another something was born, and the birth of something chained like this may still preserve the first "nothing", and in some cases, the first "nothing" itself may also have changed.

Charge and energy are the basic physical quantities of matter or existence. If such a basic physical quantity can come out of a 0, we must think about the possibility that other things can also come out of a 0.

The Birth Mechanism of the Universe from Nothing and New Inflation Mechanism
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Nov 30, 2024
1) I will be going through your equations as a first step. Your first equality is incorrect in the first order in that mathematics does not exist in an area of nothingness. I will follow up when I see something that is relevant to the discussion.

2) Most of the equations I have read so far are dependent on what happens in nothingness. Of course, nothing within nothingness can exist, as a pretext to the later creation of the Universe. I suggest that you have the talents that are needed to examine the past rather than the future.
The way I approached the problem is to use recursive math to prove that within nothingness, something could have occurred to validate that from nothingness, something can be extracted. The recursive math simply shows the possibility, that there are mathematical odds that something can appear. For example, would it have been possible within nothingness, to have something on the order of 1.626 x 10^35 m of a photon wave be created? Or for any energy or mass of a similar magnitude to emerge given the fact that time does not exist in nothingness. Of course the answer is yes, why, because there are no laws of math or physics in nothingness.
So that is where I would like you to start. My hope is that you will have some insights that I may have missed.

3) I think you should search for a mathematical understanding of the idea of infinite infinities in the nothingness from the perspective of the "factual" universe that we both now live in. We know that we exist. We know that at some point in time there was nothingness from which all of our universe evolved or was created. Work from that point forward to see what happened in the nothingness. In my mind nothingness held potential. That is what we are made of. Look for me on figshare for the mathematical basis.

4) Think about "potential" as in potential energy. Think about what exists now and how it "must" have come into being using math and physics.
Think about where "invention" comes from and how much space that math, physics, and invention occupy in terms of what is possible in nothingness. While, none of those will be active in nothingness per se, they are potentially brought in to the equation by "potential and recursive math" assuming time does not exist in nothingness.
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