Question How many readers think that viruses are falling to earth and starting to grow.

May 8, 2020
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I really think that viruses are fallen to earth like always but most die . however right now under the orange spectrum all things flourish. i would suggest there is around 170 unknown viruses on earth all of them are old . anything rna could be older then life on earth.
May 8, 2020
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In respect of what you say about viruses falling to Earth. As a coincidence I was wondering that myself the other day. I was watching the chem trails scarring the sky above me, and it flashed through my mind that when all that toxic rubbish is spreading out up there, we dont really know what could get trapped inside it, and if anything does it could be pulled back down when it disperses and falls. Astronauts have seen strange minute creatures in deep space that seem to have life because they are moving in a way that only life can, if they can live in such a vacuum without oxygen, it makes sense that something could live, floating about, within our atnosphere, there could be bacteria/viruses much smaller and invisible to the eye. Makes you wonder, but in reality, unless it has been put up there on purpose, we haven't had any big problems of this pandemic nature before. So most likely the only thing that falls back to Earth is the aluminum, plasma, mercury, and whatever else is in those chem clouds they like to poison us with, suprising what comes to mind when your staring into space, daydreaming, I'm always sky watching, it fascinates me, day or night.
May 8, 2020
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ok so maybe not so much virus but (foreign elements) from space that when deposited a virus can say .function consume , being waiting for this element to format structure sequence now active. ok so maybe it is the element's contained in the fallen rock. I think in viral terms our 30 hours is there 10 years. roughly as per discussion.
May 8, 2020
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have you seen what was found in the meteorite , this year . a protein strain. I mean Harvard was there. prux corporation and something and another group. it all mapped out . freaky stuff. alien or space. the space station toilet . who knows right
May 8, 2020
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Our planet is a mix of crystalline structures elements mixing together in formation ,however many things have fallen onto earth that have clearly taken hold in one form or another.
The discussion here is what is evolving and what is adapting.In its pure sense what was formed on earth and what fell to earth . We are in space and like the sea washing up things space would do the same thing.
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