Okay, this is now officially a pissing contest:<br />From:<br />
http://www.indexmundi.com/en/commodities/minerals/boron/boron_table%204.html<br />TABLE 4 <br />YEAREND PRICES FOR BORON MINERALS AND COMPOUNDS1 <br /> <br />(Dollars per metric ton) <br /> <br /> Price, Price, <br /> December 31, December 31, <br />Product 2003 2004 <br />Borax, technical, anhydrous, 99%, bulk, carload, works2 900-930 900-930 <br />Borax, technical, anhydrous, 99%, bags, carload, works2 846 846 <br />Borax, technical, granular, decahydrate, 99%, bags, carload, works2 378 378 <br />Borax, technical, granular, decahydrate, 99.5%, bulk, carload, works2 374 374 <br />Borax, technical, granular, pentahydrate, 99.5%, bags, carload, works2 426 426 <br />Borax, technical, granular, pentahydrate, 99.5%, bulk, carload, work2 400-425 400-425 <br />Boric acid, technical, granular, 99.9%, bags, carload, works2 836 836 <br />Boric acid, technical, granular, 99.9%, bulk, carload, works2 788 788 <br />Boric acid, United States Borax & Chemical Corp., high-purity anhydrous, 99% B2O3, 100-pound-bags, carlots2 1,996 1,996 <br />Colemanite, Turkish, 42% B2O3, ground to a minus 70-mesh, free on board (f.o.b.) railcars, Kings Creek, SC3 270-290 270-290 <br />Ulexite, Chilean, 38% B2O3, ground to a minus 6-mesh, f.o.b railcars, Norfolk, VAe 200 200 <br />eEstimated. <br />1U.S. f.o.b. plant or port prices per metric ton of product. Other conditions of final preparation, transportation, quantities, and qualities not stated <br />are subject to negotiation and/or somewhat different price quotations. Values have been rounded to the nearest dollar. <br />2Source: Chemical Market Reporter, v. 265, no. 1, January 2, 2004, p. 16; v. 267, no. 1, January 3, 2005, p. 20. <br />3Source: Industrial Minerals, no. 436, January 2004, p. 68; no. 448, January 2005, p. 72. <br /><br />Amorphou