How to Find an Insterstellar Comet: A Q&A with Discoverer Gennady Borisov

Gennady Borisov stunned the astronomical community earlier this year when he announced that he had spotted an interstellar comet dashing through our solar system.

How to Find an Insterstellar Comet: A Q&A with Discoverer Gennady Borisov : Read more

FYI. For those who stargaze and use Starry Night software ( does use for some of their sky charts), the comet ephemeris is loaded, tracking 2I/Borisov with simulation views. At my location, the comet rises shortly after 0126 EST tomorrow morning. Sky charts available using Starry Night. I may try and view using my 10-inch Newtonian but limiting magnitude stars in my area about mv+5.5/5.6 (a good dark sky site about +6.0/6.5). This comet is still very faint for 10-inch telescopes.


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