Problem with that concept is that you won't be able to put in decking structures and conduits during tank construction. That means a lot more work in orbit, and a lot of air scrubbers to clean welding residues: flux, gasses, ozone, spatter particulates, etc, out of the air once you've built those structures in space. Esp metal particulates, they are a major headache because in zero g they will float around and eventually come to rest across electrical contacts in various equipment, shorting them out and destroying expensive equipment that cost a lot to put in orbit. Soot is a lot easier to deal with than welding dross.<br /><br />No, I would say go with rocketman5000's idea, and if that doesn't clean it out entirely just put in a low pressure pure O2 atmo, maybe 100 millibars, let it oxidize the minor residue, and then scrub the air with ionic breeze machines.