If outside at noon, can I look at where the earth will be in 3 months relative to the sun?

Sep 22, 2024

Strange question I am sure :) but if I am outside on a clear day at noon can I look at the location relative to the sun where the earth will be in 3 months. We are about 150 million km from the sun right? so can I look 150 million km left or right from the sun to the point where the earth will be 3 months later? Or will that point be out of view.

Why do I want to know?
I don't know I was just wondering if outside if I can point at a direction where we will be in 3 months.
Hope the question makes sense.

As viewed from Earth, the Sun appears to move against the background sky. It moves along the ecliptic, in an easterly direction, making one full circuit per year. It is never "not moving".
As viewed from any spot on Earth, the Sun moves, along with the stars behind it, every day, from east to west, taking about 12 hours. But if you look at how the Sun moves relative to the stars behind it, the Sun moves west to east and takes a year to make a circuit.
When you turn 45 degrees, you will be looking behind where you will be in 90 days. To see where you'll be, you need to look up too. Ahead. That angle will depend on Sol's velocity.
Sep 22, 2024
Thanks for the replies! To me it makes sense now. If I look straight at the sun (with protection :cool:) I need to look 45 degrees to the west. But also up I guess because of the earths tilt. See link picture.

And there is another spacial displacement. And that would be our galactic velocity.

So determining the true length of displacement can not be determined. Or measured.

We could probability determine where we might be in 3 months, but the real length and displacement of that move could not be measured.

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