<span style="font-size:12pt;font-family:'TimesNewRoman'"><span>The International Space Plane (ISP) Program (http://www.international-spaceplane-program.org), which was started in 1988 by the International Space Agency (ISA) (https://www.isa-hq.com) or (<font color="#800080">https://www.international-space-agency.org</font>) at Cornell University (http://www.cornell.edu) in Ithaca, N.Y., and is based on the work of the Father of the Rocket Age and the Designer of the Apollo Moon Rockets, Dr. Wernher von Braun (<font color="#800080">http://history.msfc.nasa.gov/vonbraun/bio.html</font>), is now looking for a launch site in Brazil.</span> <p>The International Space Plane (ISP) Program is based on 5 basic principles.</p><p>1) Disposable (Expendable) Launch Vehicles are not efficient; waste large amounts of precious materials and human resources; and present a space debris hazard in Earths Orbit (Orbiting Debris) and on the Earths Surface (Reentry Debris).</p><p>2) Using EXTERNAL energy sources not carried on (in) a space launch vehicle increases the launch vehicles fuel efficiency and cargo carrying capability.</p><p>3) A totally reusable one-vehicle architecture is most cost effective and operationally sound strategy to employ in a space launch vehicle.</p><p>4) Utilizing Earths atmosphere for aerodynamic lift/braking and for Oxygen (O2) will increase the space launch vehicles efficiency and capabilities.</p><p>5) Creating a NEW launch philosophy, systems, and technologies that will allow for wide range of mission requirements and capabilities with out numerous, repetitive, costly, and wasteful redesign and reconfiguration.</p><p>When the International Space Plane (ISP) Program was conceived and started in the early 1980’s, the ISP Program was more about a NEW SPACE LAUNCH PHILOSOPHY than it was about any single Space Launch Vehicle of Space Launch System.</p><p>The International Space Plane (ISP) Program seeks to promote, design, build, and operate a Space Launch System that can provide daily, if not many times a day, Space Launch Capability on a large scale. This goal is out side the NATIONAL DOMAIN and must be achieved through MULTI-NATIONAL means and infrastructure.</p><p>At present the International Space Plane (ISP) Program is ready to find a suitable launch site near the Earths Equator. The Electromagnetic Ground Based Space Ramp and the Reusable Launch Vehicle could be designed and built for less than the present cost of several space shuttle launches.</p><p>More information can be found on the main International Space Plane (ISP) Program website, or found on the website of the International Space Agency.</p><p>Ad-Astra! To The Stars! In Peace For All Mankind!</p></span> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>