Is Dr. Livingston from the Space Show a nut?

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I've heard a few episodes from the space show and found them to be generally pretty good.<br /><br />However, in the May 10th episode archived on his site he interviews someone about remote viewing which uses psychic powers to view things remotely in your mind... or something.<br /><br />"Paul Smith returned to The Space Show to discuss his new book, "Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate--America's Psychic Espionage Program", and to share his thoughts with us on how remote viewing can be used to facilitate our becoming space-faring."<br /><br />I mean what the hell, I thought this was a serious space show. Does he have a history of this kind of thing?<br /><br />Ahhrg... This kind of thing makes my blood boil! /:mad:


I'm inclined to the same conclusion. There's been no scientific evidence for remote viewing, and a lot against. Of course, even good science shows sometimes stumble, so it doesn't mean the other episodes are worthless, but if I were listening to it, I'd certainly take future episodes with a big grain of salt -- assuming I tuned in at all. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p><font color="#666699"><em>"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly . . . timey wimey . . . stuff."</em>  -- The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>


If research only focused on things that were already understood, then few new advances would ever be made. We need to keep on open mind. There are quite a few interesting papers available on the web, on both sides of the issue of remote viewing. For stuff that seems to support the existance of remote viewing, see:<br /><br /><p>, <br /><br />, and<br /><br /></p>


<font color="yellow">"We need to keep on open mind. "</font><br /><br />Yep -- an open mind is a really good thing. In many ways it's like opening a window in your house. Lets in fresh air, keeps things from getting stuffy. Of course -- generally when you have an open window -- there's still a screen to keep out insects, birds, and the like. Keeping your mind so open that you don't filter out <b>anything</b> tends to leave you with a head full of creepy-crawlies and bird&%$#@!.


<font color="yellow">Keeping your mind so open that you don't filter out anything tends to leave you with a head full of creepy-crawlies and bird&%$#@!.</font><br /><br />Excellent!<br /><br />Get to know the beasts too well, and it's "Dr. Livingston, I presume?".


I don't know about remote viewing, but I know it's possible for somebody else to have access to the precise contents of your mind. It happened to me.<br /><br />It's impossible to dismiss my own direct experience of the day two little girls, step daughters of my boss when I was a landscape gardener many years ago, told me exactly, unambiguously, what I was thinking. It scared the crap out of me. They were only five and six years old respectively.<br /><br />Either they were frighteningly intelligent for their age and able to correctly assess what I might think in answer to their question, "Think of something, and we'll tell you what it is." Or they could simply enter another's mind and read the thoughts there.<br /><br />It was something specific and obscure, and difficult to imagine two little girls stumbling across randomly. But they told me exactly, precisely what I was thinking, in my own words, as I thought it. Weird yet true. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font size="2" color="#339966"> I wish I could remember<br /> But my selective memory<br /> Won't let me</font><font size="2" color="#99cc00"> </font><font size="3" color="#339966"><font size="2">- </font></font><font size="1" color="#339966">Mark Oliver Everett</font></p><p> </p> </div>


Derren Brown does this regularly on Channel 4 UK TV & a lot more besides. It's psychology & minute observation but not mind reading as said here.<br />An absolutely stupendous show & indicates how robotic we are & easily manipulated, scary <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /> <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" />


Excellent .ESP is business and cheating .James Randi relentlessly fought against it.You may My post on Randi in phenomenon column.


I've been really impressed with most of the show's from The Space Show. I don't listen to every show, but I go through the archives often enough and listen to shows that interest me.<br /><br />Listened to the Elon Musk and the Wally Shirra shows recently. I really enjoyed them.<br /><br />I guess that one psychic show was a bit off. I'll forgive him though for that show.<br /><br />kadetken,<br /><br />Now that I noticed this thread, I looked up your show. Listening to it now.<br /><br />Very cool. <br /><br />30 minutes later. . .<br /><br />Oops, thought I had pressed the continue button to post this. Well, I finished listening to the show now. Ken, Excellent Job! I'de love to see a presentation by you if I ever got the chance.


I can't identify any paranormal experiences in my life, so I don't use the paranormal as part of my working hypothesis. On the other hand, I don't critisize those who do make good use of paranormal, nor reject the possiblity that paranormal (including remote viewing) may help me some day. Neil


I look forward to hearing you again on The Space Show.<br /><br />Hmmm. . .saving my pennies, how much does it cost to attend the Conference?<br /><br />Definitely go with the "A Roadmap to Cislunar Space". From what I've heard from you on that topic here on, you will have a very interesting presentation on it!<br /><br />In fact, I've actually been looking for more information on that topic. While racking my brain for where to find good information on the moon and so on, I remembered a debate: Lots of talk lately concerning the moon.<br /><br />In particular, your posts on that debate are what I remembered. You impressed me very much with those posts.<br /><br />So, again you'de give an excellent presentation on the topic. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" />
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