Horses?. Plural?.<br /><br />Thats great, what are their names?. My brother had a horse once, for his daughter, but the little fat girl was too lazy to look after, or even ride it. So when I went to stay, I would play with the horse. It really liked me, and would look over the hedge all day, when it knew I was staying.<br /><br />I didn't realise you can ride them too far, so once, when I rid him right along the river, to the sea, and then up and down the beach all day, ( which he LOVED, you had to actually stop him from swimming out to sea ) he suddenly said "Wufffff" and sat down on his arse on a sand dune. And that was that. He just wouldn't come home, I could get him up, but he would take a few wobbly steps and sit down again.<br /><br />I was freaking out " What will I do. I have pukkaroo'ed their horse!" So I took off his saddle (my own legs chaffed and rubbery at this point) and he was happier, so we walked home that way, me leading him, and carrying his saddle. - walk two hundred mtrs, sit down while Horse eat stuff, walk another hundred or so. . . . . . - <br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />Horse had a few good years, then just died one night, they didn't know why. <br /> <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" /> I was pretty sad,actually, that kid didn't deserve him. She has grown up to a nice young woman now, but I still count that as a black mark on her record.