Since learning that the earth's core is years younger than its surface (due to gravity), I have begun thinking about how supermassive black holes may have an exit point that is chronologically as well as spatially distant from the singularity itself. If the expansion of the universe is related to time itself, than any regression in time goes back to a time period of a smaller universe. If you go back far enough (say 14 billion years), then the universe becomes a single point. It has been theorized that white holes may exist and those could be in the past as the massive gravity causes time regression for everything entering the singularity. So if a supermassive black hole produces a supermassive time effect, could that transport matter/energy back so far that the only exit point could be the Big Bang event?
Could this recycling of matter/energy also account for dark matter and quantum entanglement? I'm hoping someone can prove this wrong so I stop dwelling on it. Thanks!
Could this recycling of matter/energy also account for dark matter and quantum entanglement? I'm hoping someone can prove this wrong so I stop dwelling on it. Thanks!