Is our universe trapped inside a black hole? This James Webb Space Telescope discovery might blow your mind

Feb 16, 2024
Which way is the Milky Way rotating, clockwise or counterclockwise? Is this maybe a reference to which way a galaxy's north is pointing, relative to the Milky Way? If so, why not be clear about it?

That being said, the appearance of an event horizon somewhere near the "red limit" is something I've been predicting for a long time. This appearance can be explained by applying relativistic addition of velocity to the cosmic expansion rate. C'mon, you math freaks out there, give it try!

V(r) != Hr
V(r) = c × tanh(Hr/c)
Infinity is real.
Feb 16, 2024
I think you are seeing some changes with the comment system on the site. Like this post, I am commenting from the forum.
It's weird. On some tabs it's like this, I'm logged in, but only see my comments. On other tabs, I can see other comments at the bottom of the article, but I'm told my login is wrong. I hope that helps.
Sep 20, 2020
It's weird. On some tabs it's like this, I'm logged in, but only see my comments. On other tabs, I can see other comments at the bottom of the article, but I'm told my login is wrong. I hope that helps.
Same happened to me, the changes seem to have some teething problems. I couldnt login as well at one stage and created a new account, only to find my old one worked later. Go figure....
Feb 16, 2024
What universe is meant here?

If universe is "all there is", what is outside the black hole?

Or, how is the black hole outside this "universe" to contain it?

What does the question mean?

Cat :)
A semantic question. It does seem like the "uni" part of "universe" implies that there can only be one, yet we still talk about a plurality of universes. So, if two universes have any interaction at all, they are now two parts of a larger, single universe. I've considered using "cosmos", but it's already used, too. Maybe "metaverse" could work for a universe that contains other universes. Or maybe the "multiverse" is just sheer fantasy.
Feb 16, 2024
V(r) != Hr
V(r) = c × tanh(Hr/c)
Infinity is real.

If we revise Hubble's Law this way, we now describe a universe that is infinite and all causally connected. Use all of Relativity, and our universe now appears to finite, bounded by a neutronium plated event horizon. I emphasize again, that what it looks like. Trying to approach this boundary would be like chasing a rainbow; you never get any closer to it. It's always equidistant, all the way around, for all observers. Because it's really infinite.


Apr 3, 2020
Just as a follow-up to the earlier comments system changes, posts made in the forum are not listed with the comments posted to the main site and vice versa. The two are independent of one another.
Just as a follow-up to the earlier comments system changes, posts made in the forum are not listed with the comments posted to the main site and vice versa. The two are independent of one another.
IT seems really odd that 2 separate sets of comments on the same article would be created and maintained by a publisher.

Is this forum about to "go away" in favor of the "new" (but old-style) comment sections for each individual article?


Apr 3, 2020
No, the forum isn't going away. There have been some changes across several Future owned sites and this is just one of them. I would expect the more serious conversations on topics will take place on the forum site.

Time will tell regarding how this sorts itself out.

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