emperor_of_localgroup":1o9xtiwc said:
As far as I know photoelectric effect has nothing to do with SR and GR.
Btw, IMHO, photelectric effect was not worthy of a Nobel prize. Looks like it was easier to get a Nobel in the earlier years.
Guess what you know doesn’t go very far teheh. The photoelectric effect was an actual road block in physics, to which Einstein’s work was certainly worth the Nobel prize.
Giving him the Nobel prize for his work on the photoelectric effect is giving him the Nobel prize for Special Relativity. Relativity is a direct outgrowth from the study of electromagnetism. It’s because electromagnetism raised the question of “with respect to what does light go at speed c; in what frame of reference are the laws of electromagnetism valid.”
After the failure to prove the existence of luminiferous aether by the Michelson–Morley experiment there was a huge gap to those questions. Einstein came along, 1905ish with his paper "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies,” and asserted his principal of relativity, and that there is no aether. Its basically restating the Galilean relativity. (Amazing we had the ground work for Special Relativity hundreds of years ago!)
“The Laws of Physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion.”
-Eisenstein 1905
Any frame of reference in uniform motion is perfect for conducting physics..or heck…playing basket ball. You play basket ball the same at the gym as you do on an aircraft carrier…even though the carrier is moving, just doesn’t matter. There is no special frame of reference, you don’t have to account for the fact the carrier is moving to play, or do physics experiments. (again, so long as its in uniform motion.
General relativity came along later to answer some questions about non uniform motion, but that’s for another thread.
Anyways stating that there is no special frame of refrence enabled him to declare that light was in discrete quanta, called photons. If we had to account for the aether, we would have odd cases, is the light going with or against the "aether wind," the aether would also have to be the primary frame of reference; so you would have odd ball things where a person would calculate light going faster than it should be, or slower. Its just a whole dark area talking about it, Realativity will never be disproven, maybe expanded on, but thats it.