When we ask "Is there a 9th planet" it's important to remain focussed on the concept of the question. Technically Pluto is still a "planet" but no longer considered a "full planet", instead defined as a "minor planet". Unfortunately there are far too many of these for the term to mean very much at all, although there is of course a subgroup of minor planets called "dwarf planets" that could be considered worth giving a decent amount of credence to.
Pluto is sometimes described as "the prototype dwarf planet" (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarf_planet) so maybe those who are in the Pluto fan club will take some satisfaction out of that title. As for the major problems to Pluto being a fully fledged planet, it doesn't clear its pathway of other large solid bodies, but then technically it could be claimed that Earth doesn't either. I say that because there are claims of a number of bodies that seem to have a "resonance" with Earth. Having said that, Earth definitely dominates its region of space, which Pluto doesn't do, so that should be considered more important.