"Except for the global nature of the 26 second Earth Crust rise and fall "
The reference I provided explains that there is a coresponding rise and fall halfway around the world at the antipode, so it is, in fact, global.
"Billslugg, as you can see, the 26 second pulsation issue remains unresolved"
In all cases, we consider the latest explanation by a PhD level scientist associated with a university and operating in their field to be the "current best explanation". We can ignore the people in the cheap seats.
Solar Quasi Periodic Pulsations (QPPs) have been explained here. They are oscillations of a current sheet within a CME.
Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) are frequently detected in solar and stellar flares, but the underlying physical mechanisms are still to be ascertained. Here, the authors show microwave QPPs during a solar flare originating from quasi-periodic magnetic reconnection at the flare current sheet.
Billslugg Quoted Adoni): "Except for the global nature of the 26 second Earth Crust rise and fall " challenge to his comment!!
Billslugg agrees): “The reference I provided explains that there is a corresponding rise and fall halfway around the world at the antipode, so it (the 26 second Earth Crust rise and fall in a “harmonic” “Fourier sine wave” fashion) is, in fact, global!!” But fails to identify which one of the myriads of Earth antipodes is referenced.
Antipode per Wiki): “In geography, the antipode of any spot on Earth is the point on Earth's to each other are situated such that a straight line connecting the two would pass through Earth's center. Antipodal points are as far away from each other as possible. The North and South Poles are antipodes of each other.”
Adoni’s Quote): "Billslugg, as you can see, the 26 second pulsation issue remains unresolved" is countered and dismissed with “In all cases, we consider the latest explanation by a PhD level scientist associated with a university and operating in their field to be the "current best explanation". We can ignore the people in the cheap seats.
Is Adoni given to be in a “Cheap Seat”?? and his novel original logical concepts, postulates and theories with given factual backups given to be nonstarters because he does not have a PhD??
And Billslugg reference is to Solar Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) which have some explanation as I noted in my post): “And don’t forget that our Sun is given to pulsate mysteriously exactly every 5 minutes and 34 seconds?? (Some explanation is offered {by physicists}!!)” and does not dismiss nor apply to my discussion of the Earth’s 26 second Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs)!!
And Thanks, Billslugg, for bringing up a reference proving our Sun’s 5 minute and 34 second (QPP) pulsation is still under investigation!!):
Microwave imaging of quasi-periodic pulsations at flare current sheet - Nature Communications.”
“Quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) are frequently detected in solar and stellar flares, but the underlying physical mechanisms are still to be ascertained. Here, the authors show microwave QPPs during a solar flare originating from quasi-periodic magnetic reconnection at the flare current sheet.”
We have much to discuss?? Do all stars and planets pulsate based on the available given facts before us?? Have I been truthful and forthright about given facts?? Do my arguments and theories based on given facts make sense??
Talk more, soon?? Have a great day!!
PS): Billslugg’s Reference is very interesting part quote!!): “In this work, we analyze an eruptive flare on 2017 July 13 focusing on its spatially resolved microwave emissions observed by EOVSA. Combining EUV images provided by SDO/AIA, we find that the microwave emissions are mainly from two vertically detached but closely related sources. The main strong sources are located at the flare loops with their centroids almost unchanged at different frequencies. For the second weak ones, they extend toward the direction of the filament eruption with their centroids ascending with decreasing frequency. This provides strong evidence that the microwave sources are emitted by non-thermal electrons accelerated in the close vicinity of the flare CS as found by recent observations34,37,38,40,42.
The most striking finding is that the brightness temperature and spectra for the two CS-associated microwave sources vary synchronously and present an obvious quasi-periodicity. Through wavelet analysis, we find that the main period is in the range of about 10–20 s and the second period in the range of about 30–60 s. Such periodicity is also observed in the time derivative of the spatially integrated SXR emission. The periods observed here are basically compatible with previous results obtained in other events and at different wavelengths17,61. Moreover, the similarity between the evolution of the microwave brightness temperature and the time derivative of SXR flux hints the major role of non-thermal electrons in heating the flare plasma and exciting the corresponding emissions. We also find that the optically-thin parts of the spectra tend to be flatter (harder) than those for the typical thermal GS emission45. We suggest that the quasi-periodic flare reconnection during the event drives the acceleration of the non-thermal electrons and then produces quasi-periodic microwave emissions at both the reconnection CS and the flare loops. Our 2.5-dimensional MHD numerical simulation interprets that the quasi-periodicity of the magnetic reconnection is caused by the appearance of magnetic islands within the long-stretched CS, which is further testified by the similarity between the periods of the synthetic and observed SXR emission. It is also possible that the quasi-periodic reconnection is caused by an external driver that quasi-periodically changes the reconnection inflows3,4,5,6,7, which, however, is hardly detected in the current event.
The periodicity of the QPPs we derived seems to support the interpretation of the sausage mode, which is also able to generate flare QPPs at the microwave bands via modulating the magnetic field strength and the electron density within flare loops3. Theoretically, the sausage mode can produce expansion/shrinkage of flare loops8, but which is not observable for this event even with EUV images of the high spatio-temporal resolution. Moreover, the QPP phase difference between high (optically-thin bands) and low frequencies (optically-thick bands) predicted in the MHD model62,63 is also absent (see Fig. 3a, b). Thus, we tend to exclude the possibility of sausage mode giving rise to the QPPs as detected along the CS. Of course, the sausage mode in the flare loops could leak out when its wavelength exceeds a cutoff value8. But this is essentially equivalent to external MHD waves giving rise to the quasi-periodic reconnection within the CS.
The spatially resolved EOVSA data clearly locate the sources of the flare QPPs, in particular the CS sources above the flare loops, which provides convincing evidence for quasi-periodic magnetic reconnection as a cause of quasi-periodic flare emissions. Due to the quasi-periodicity of the reconnection, electrons are accelerated quasi-periodically either in the reconnection CS or in the termination shock above the flare loop-top, later of which is driven by quasi-periodic plasma downflows42,43, and produce quasi-periodic microwave emissions at the reconnection region. As the energetic electrons are injected quasi-periodically into the flare loops, they also excite quasi-periodic microwave emissions there. Moreover, the flare also produces a group of quasi-periodic type III bursts, the peaks of which coincide well with that of the microwave emissions. This supports the speculation that energetic electrons originating from the quasi-periodic reconnection also produce quasi-periodic type III bursts once they escape from the reconnection region and propagate away from the Sun.
The separation of the two microwave sources in the eruption direction is similar to but largely different from that of double HXR sources in the corona discovered by Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager observations64,65,66. In the framework of the standard flare model, the two vertically separated HXR sources are interpreted as those formed by the interactions of two oppositely directed reconnection outflows with flare loops and the erupting flux rope structure, respectively. The upper coronal HXR sources that rise with the eruption usually have softer spectra than the lower sources65. On the contrary, the microwave sources at the CS in our event do not significantly change their locations with time, and their lowest part has a harder spectral index than that of the flare-loop sources. These facts further support that the upper microwave sources are along the stretched reconnection CS with the lower tip probably corresponding to the termination shock as argued previously48.”