Is time dilation due to Einstein or Physical Nature

Jan 12, 2024
Well, Einstein didn't "do" dilation, so if valid, it would be a matter of physics. What are you actually focusing on via your original question?
Thank you for your reply

I wanted to separate "Einstein said" from the discussion. My goal is to determine a realistic possible source for time, which can be traced to the present and help explain time dilation, inertia, gravity and expansion of universe.
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Jun 11, 2023
Well, Einstein didn't "do" dilation, so if valid, it would be a matter of physics. What are you actually focusing on via your original question?
Thank you for your reply
I wanted to separate "Einstein said" from the discussion. My goal is to determine a realistic possible source for time, which can be traced to the present and help explain time dilation, inertia, gravity and expansion of universe.
Rankin, I have the exact physical mechanical realistic answers for time which can be traced to the present and explain the exact physical mechanics of time dilation, inertia, gravity and expansion of the universe but are you open enough to accept the corrections to the misassumptions of modern physicists that leave you and future physicists in the dark for all eternity??

Let’s start by debating the miraculous creation of “Everything Visible and Invisible” in the universe and the universe’s space itself from the miraculous absurd “one-time” release of energy from a volume tinier than the volume of an atom 13.77 billion years ago by a Big Bang “Singularity” that magically pulled indestructible “identical” protons and antiprotons out vacuum with a half-life of 1.67e34 years that immediately annihilated each other!!

Irrespective of the given above): modern physicists tweak the given above so that all the matter and energy in the universe is given to have originated from their God): The Big Bang “Singularity”!!
My Neutron Permeable Indestructible Sac Evolution Theory over infinite time at highest GP1 Aether Particle pressure in the center of our finite in volume ageless universe with matter and energy reflective edges!!

I propose that once Neutron Permeable Indestructible Sacs evolved the sacs decayed to hydrogen that formed planets that minted more embryonic neutron permeable sacs then were destroyed in matter antimatter interactions that once warmed up to absolute zero decayed to hydrogen that formed stars that minted more neutron permeable sacs that made more stars that minted more embryonic neutron permeable sacs until equilibrium was reached today between destroyed neutrons and protons and freshly minted embryonic neutrons that when warmed up to absolute zero decay to hydrogen!!

Big Bangers create our universe from a magical “Singularity” energy release by unknown means and I evolve indestructible neutron permeable sacs from tiny tiny gaseous particles of mass that I call God Particle 1s GP1’s that appeared in our universe by unknown means!!

Since we have neutron indestructible permeable sacs that decayed to hydrogen throughout the universe, do you prefer the accepted absurd Big Bang “Singularity” Theory or my novel Evolution Of indestructible Neutron Permeable Sac Theory from tiny tiny gaseous particles of mass that I call God Particle 1s GP1’s that appeared in our universe by unknown means??

Or would like more information before supporting my novel original Neutron Evolution Theory that has no followers??

Talk More, Soon!! Have A Great Day!!
Dec 29, 2019
Is time dilation due to Eisteinn or Physical Nature
It is physical nature - something that was occurring from the early beginning of the universe, long before Einstein, whether any humans (or intelligent aliens) understood it or not. It is NOT some variation of Heisenberg's Principle (or Trees Falling in Forests) where it only exists if it is observed.

In Einstein's time (when he first described it) it was hypothetical. Nowadays it can be measured.
It is very hard to wrap the mind around the fact that the sum of time, distance proximity to mass, proximity to charge, and others, is a constant which is equal to the speed of light. This is why it is the same no matter how we measure it. It slows with velocity, mass, charge, momentum, energy, shear tensor. Get more of any of them and time slows to compensate. But only as viewed by an outside observer. To the person in the spaceship, near some mass, charge, energy, the clock speed appears normal.
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Jun 11, 2023
Rankin Asked): Is time dilation due to Einstein or Physical Nature??

Ken Fabian Replied): It is physical nature - something that was occurring from the early beginning of the universe, long before Einstein, whether any humans (or intelligent aliens) understood it or not. It is NOT some variation of Heisenberg's Principle (or Trees Falling in Forests) where it only exists if it is observed.

In Einstein's time (when he first described it) it was hypothetical. Nowadays it can be measured.
It is very hard to wrap the mind around the fact that the sum of time, distance proximity to mass, proximity to charge, and others, is a constant which is equal to the speed of light. This is why it is the same no matter how we measure it. It slows with velocity, mass, charge, momentum, energy, shear tensor. Get more of any of them and time slows to compensate. But only as viewed by an outside observer. To the person in the spaceship, near some mass, charge, energy, the clock speed appears normal.
While Billslugg, correctly, expresses the current "physical" curvature of spacetime view that is alleged to generate gravitational force in direct proportion to the mass of the object, the current view must be wrong because each and every particle of a mass cannot be a perpetual gravitational force energy machine in perpetuity??

You say!!): But Billslugg did not say that each and every particle of a mass is given as a perpetual gravitational force energy machine in perpetuity??

But consider that the total mass of the Earth is given to generate gravitational force in perpetuity and that a loss in some of the mass of the Earth is given to reduce the gravity of the Earth directly proportional to its mass to the Earth in perpetuity and a gain in mass increases Earth’s gravitational force proportionately in perpetuity.

I suggest that perpetual matter particle gravitational machines as given are impossible and ask any of you to argue against the given facts and logic below):

The Proofs About My Suggestion That Gravity Is The Direct Function Of Mass And The Rate At Which The Matter Particles Of The Mass Heat Up!!):
1): Take Our Own Sun As An Example Of Gravity Generation As Our Sun’s Matter Heats Up!!):
A): We Are Given That Our Sun Formed From The Collapse Of A Molecular Hydrogen-Helium Cloud At 10 Degrees Kelvin!!
B): We Are Given That For The Past 5 Billion Years That Our Sun Has Been Heating Up And Generating Gravity!!
C): We Are Given That Our Sun Will Heat Up By 6% Per Billion Years For The Next 5 Billion Years While Generating Gravity!!
D): In 5 Billion Years); We Are Given That Our Sun Will Start Cooling From 7777 Kelvin To 3000 Kelvin While Net Emitting The Stored Anti-Gravity/Dark Energy Stored Inside The Nucleon, Electron And Neutrino Indestructible Mass-Energy Vessel Permeable Hovering Sacs In The Form Of Compressed GP1 Aether Particles That Were Stored During The 10 Billion Years That Our Sun Heated Up And Generated Gravity Blowing Off Half Its Mass Leaving A White Dwarf Remnant About The Size Of Earth At 200,000 Times Earth Density!!
E): One Proof That As Matter Cools And Net Expels GP1 Aether Particles); Dark Energy Is Released Is The Red Giant Phase Of Our Sun’s Life Cycle And All Red Giant Stars!!

2): From Observations Of Bullet Clusters We Know That Gravity And Dark Matter Gravity Stays With The Star Matter And Dark Neutrino Matter Heating Up From The Radiant Energy Of Stars And Not With An Equal Amount Of Cooling Hot Gaseous Matter Left Behind As The Two Galactic Clusters Separate!!

Above 1 & 2): Coincidence Or Direct Proof That Gravity Is A Direct Function Of Mass And The Rate At Which The Matter Particles Of The Mass Heat Up And That As Matter Particles Cool And Net Expel GP1 Aether Particles); Dark Energy Is Released Like By The Cooling Hot Gases Equal To The Mass Of The Stars Of A Bullet Cluster And The Cooling Gases At 7777 Kelvin When Our Sun Will Begin To Transform To A Red Giant!!

3): From The Discovery Of The DiPole RePeller Void In 2017): We Are Given That Lowering The Energy Quotient Per Cubic Meter In A Void Releases Measurable Dark Repulsive Energy As The Matter Including Dark Neutrino Matter In The Void Cools And Net Expels Compressed GP1 Aether Particles Creating A Void With Repulsive High GP1 Aether Particle Pressure System!!

4): Suggestion): As Superclusters Crunch And Energy Density Per Cubic Meter Increases And As Nucleon Matter In All The Stars And Neutrino Dark Matter Heats Up By Net Compressing GP1 Aether Particles Inside The Matter Vessel Sacs While Reducing The Volume Of Space): We Generate Increasing Low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Throughout The Supercluster As We Are Given That Gravity And Dark Matter Gravity Will Be Generated By The Reduction In GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Relative To The High GP1 Aether Particle Pressure Of Expanding Voids!!

5): We Are Given That As The Great Attractor And The Shapley Attractor Crunch And Energy Density-Vacuum Energy Increases Per Cubic Meter); Matter Gravity And Dark Matter Gravity Is Generated In The Attractors That Causes The Local Galactic Group, The Virgo Galactic Centric Cluster And The Virgo Supercluster To Be Pulled At 341 Kilometers/Second Towards The Attractors); While The Cooling DiPole RePeller Void With Decreasing Vacuum Energy Per Cubic Meter Pushes Us At 290 Kilometers Per Second Towards The Great Attractor For A Net Total Peculiar Velocity Of 631 Kilometers/Second For Our Virgo Supercluster And Our Local Galactic Group!!

6): We Are Given That Low Air Pressure Hurricane Systems Develop At The Equator And That Hurricanes Intensify From Solar Radiant Heat And Warm Water!!

From The Given Above): I Suggest That The Heating Up Of Matter Particles Results In Low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure That Results In Low Air Pressure And/Or Gravitational Force Is Generated As Potential Dark Energy And Mass Is Stored In Matter Particle Permeable Sacs!!

And At The Earth’s Poles We Are Given That As Matter Cools High Air Pressure Systems Develop As Compressed Net GP1 Aether Particles Pulsate Out Of Nucleon, Electron And Neutrino Pulsating Hovering Permeable Indestructible Vessel Sacs Resulting In High GP1 Aether Particle Systems That Transform Air Particles To High Air Pressure Systems As They Cool!!

7): Side Note): If You Look At A Picture Of A Low Air Pressure Hurricane System On Earth And A Picture Of A Low GP1 Aether Particle Spiral Galaxy System In Space Side By Side); You Will Find The Pictures Are Nearly Identical Because Both Are Low GP1 Aether Particle Systems!!

I welcome any and all questions about any and all of my posts, theories and associated proofs!! If you should question, you will learn about gravity, dark matter gravity and dark energy mysteries as given by modern physicists along with logical easy to understand physical mechanical explanations based on given facts!!

Talk More Soon!! Have A Great Day!!
It is very hard to wrap the mind around the fact that the sum of time, distance proximity to mass, proximity to charge, and others, is a constant which is equal to the speed of light. This is why it is the same no matter how we measure it. It slows with velocity, mass, charge, momentum, energy, shear tensor. Get more of any of them and time slows to compensate. But only as viewed by an outside observer. To the person in the spaceship, near some mass, charge, energy, the clock speed appears normal.
"But only as viewed by an outside observer" . . . at a distance, thus a false reading since it is late, a history however late, and never on the spot. Even on the spot of an object reality, the emission of light, emission of a frame, will be behind the times of object reality, a past history to some degree, and object reality has moved on (including the object reality of any clock and time it then is showing). The more distance acquiring between unobservable object reality (spontaneous concurrent REALTIME) and observable frame of emitted SPACETIME the slower the image -- object and/or event -- in the light gets in time to be witnessed by any outside observer. Light, regarding the photo-emitted, can no more keep up with distance in time than it can keep up with distance in space. A growing distance from observers is a slowing time for the now imaginary SPACETIME traveler, whatever it may be. A contracting distance between observers and travelers is time speeding up for the imaginary traveler, whatever it may be, under observation.

"Equal but opposite" (herein "slowing down" / "speeding up" in SPACETIME) exists regardless of the total denial of its ("speeding up") existence by too many. It's amazing the number of people, including supposed expert pros, who can think only 1-dimensionally. Stephen Hawking wrote that even he had difficulty thinking 2-dimensionally, much less 3- or more-dimensionally. Once you realize that something is missing, has to be missing, and work at figuring what it is, concentrating, thinking in more and higher dimensions than one, gets easier. More than one noted professional physicist has lamented "lazy physics" and physicist colleagues who are too lazy to rise up in their thinking processes ("Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds...." -- Albert Einstein). One-dimensional thinking doesn't only apply to physicists and physics, though....

.... and in some people, who do know better, pushing some 1-dimensionality is a tool, a hammer to hammer with!

The faster the speed, the greater the separations in relativity into many relativities, the greater the blink (the greater grows the application of the 'Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle'. to those separations . . . that blink . . . both microcosmically and macrocosmically. Relatively speaking though, regarding growing separation (including speed), think an expanding triangle (triangulation) of three points (three clocks), never just two points (two clocks) involved. In contraction of separation, an oncoming at speed, think a contracting triangle (triangulation) of three points (three clocks), never just two points (two clocks) involved. One clock each (in growing separation / in oncoming) will be the blinking slower timing or blinking faster timing clock.
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Jun 11, 2023
A growing distance from observers is a slowing time for the now imaginary SPACETIME traveler, whatever it may be. A contracting distance between observers and travelers is time speeding up for the imaginary traveler, whatever it may be, under observation.

More than one noted professional physicist has lamented "lazy physics" and physicist colleagues who are too lazy to rise up in their thinking processes ("Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds...." -- Albert Einstein). One-dimensional thinking doesn't only apply to physicists and physics, though....

The faster the speed, the greater the separations in relativity into many relativities, the greater the blink (the greater grows the application of the 'Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle'. to those separations . . . that blink . . . both microcosmically and macrocosmically. Relatively speaking though, regarding growing separation (including speed), think an expanding triangle (triangulation) of three points (three clocks), never just two points (two clocks) involved.
In contraction of separation, an oncoming at speed, think a contracting triangle (triangulation) of three points (three clocks), never just two points (two clocks) involved. One clock each (in growing separation / in oncoming) will be the blinking slower timing or blinking faster timing clock.
Atlan0001, I can never get through to you that the universe has only three dimension and that as Classical Motion states): “There is only ONE rate of time. And it's universal. Omnipresent. Every second has universal volume!!”

You're confusing electromagnetic wave Doppler effect with universe time or observer time speeding up and universe or observer time slowing down!!

What you’re saying is that as an ambulance siren moves away from you and the pitch of the siren lowers due to Doppler effect that time slows down for the ambulance driver as he drives away ignoring the fact Earth Time ticks the same for the both of you!!

Well, universe time works the same way, Doppler effect lengthens the wavelength of electromagnetic waves for light from objects moving away from you and shortens the wavelength of light from objects moving towards you but the Universe Clock ticks the same for observers on objects moving away from each other because time for each observer is local time which is the same as universe time as Classical Motion states so brilliantly!!

Talk More, Soon!! Have A Great Day!
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Time dilation(just like space expansion) is an illusion that comes from measurement error. It comes from the effects of inertia of our instruments. And the present narrative of light. Light has a different dynamic than what you have been taught.

The wrong equations are used for it. Light is a duty cycle dynamic, not a wave dynamic.

And neither length or time changes. Light is an on and off dynamic. The on time remains constant. But the off time changes with emitter motion. Because of added distance. The on time remains constant because the on time is emitted as a chunk, like a bale of hay.

This will produce deep duty cycle red shifts with conventional velocities at long distances. And this effect can be enhanced with our(detector) velocities. Our motion.

Our universe has always been square. It's why square velocities work like they do.
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Atlan0001, I can never get through to you that the universe has only three dimension and that as Classical Motion states): “There is only ONE rate of time. And it's universal. Omnipresent. Every second has universal volume!!”

You're confusing electromagnetic wave Doppler effect with universe time or observer time speeding up and universe or observer time slowing down!!

What you’re saying is that as an ambulance siren moves away from you and the pitch of the siren lowers due to Doppler effect that time slows down for the ambulance driver as he drives away ignoring the fact Earth Time ticks the same for the both of you!!

Well, universe time works the same way, Doppler effect lengthens the wavelength of electromagnetic waves for light from objects moving away from you and shortens the wavelength of light from objects moving towards you but the Universe Clock ticks the same for observers on objects moving away from each other because time for each observer is local time which is the same as universe time as Classical Motion states so brilliantly!!

Talk More, Soon!! Have A Great Day!
I can never get through to you that time (spontaneous concurrent REALTIME (t=0)) is based upon the universality of the Planck / Big Bang, Black / White Hole (Schrodinger-LIKE), collapsed cosmological constant (/\) point-singularity of an infinity of horizon universes [in] 'Horizon Mirror'.(the Infinite MULTIVERSE (multi-dimensional) Universe (which "multiverse" THE INDETERMINATE (the indefinite) "point singularity" well describes and defines))!

How many points -- point-singularities -- to the balloon, ballooning, surfaces of horizon universes?! I estimate, guestimate, infinities! And ONE to the 'Horizon Mirror' . . . the 'Mirror Horizon' . . . ['Set'] of all! A very 'Dense Abyss'.
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Jun 11, 2023
Time dilation(just like space expansion) is an illusion that comes from measurement error. It comes from the effects of inertia of our instruments. And the present narrative of light. Light has a different dynamic than what you have been taught.

The wrong equations are used for it. Light is a duty cycle dynamic, not a wave dynamic.

And neither length or time changes. Light is an on and off dynamic. The on time remains constant. But the off time changes with emitter motion. Because of added distance. The on time remains constant because the on time is emitted as a chunk, like a bale of hay.

This will produce deep duty cycle red shifts with conventional velocities at long distances. And this effect can be enhanced with our(detector) velocities. Our motion.

Our universe has always been square. It's why square velocities work like they do.
Though, Classical Motion, You, always, state the facts so eloquently and truthfully, I am unsure by your comment): “The wrong equations are used for it. Light is a duty cycle dynamic, not a wave dynamic.” ie how to distinguish between a “duty cycle dynamic” and a “wave dynamic”!!

I propose that electromagnetic waves propagate in a pressurized GP1 Aether Particle medium as alternating spherical beads of high GP1 Aether Particle Pressure and low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure and that the amplitude/strength of an electromagnetic wave is determined by the difference between the high GP1 Aether Particle Pressure bead (Plus) and the low GP1 Aether Particle Bead (Minus)!!

We are given as an unsolved mystery as to how atoms “vibrating” at a 5850 Kelvin frequency in our Sun’s Photosphere heat up iron by increasing its “vibration” frequency to 3.5 million Kelvin in our Sun’s Corona!!

What I propose is that neutrons, protons, electrons and neutrinos given to all have rest mass are permeable indestructible sacs that pulsate GP1 Aether Particles in and out and that the high amplitude low frequency harmonized pulsation rate of GP1 Aether Particles of hydrogen and helium in our Sun’s Photosphere, pumps up the nucleons of atoms in the Sun’s Corona with enough GP1 Aether Particles to increase the GP1 Aether Particle atomic level pulsating frequency up to a 3.5 million GP1 Aether Particle harmonized pulsating frequency in our Sun’s Corona!!

So, have I solved modern physicists’ mystery as to how our Sun’s Corona maintains a temperature up to 3.5 million Kelvin when our Sun’s Photosphere is given at only 5850 Kelvin?? Or Not??

And Are all the given mysteries of modern physicists solvable by simply correcting their misassumptions??

Talk More, Soon!! Have A Great Day!!
Jun 11, 2023
I can never get through to you that time (spontaneous concurrent REALTIME (t=0)) is based upon the universality of the Planck / Big Bang, Black / White Hole (Schrodinger-LIKE), collapsed cosmological constant (/\) point-singularity of an infinity of horizon universes [in] 'Horizon Mirror'.(the Infinite MULTIVERSE (multi-dimensional) Universe (which "multiverse" THE INDETERMINATE (the indefinite) "point singularity" well describes and defines))!

How many points -- point-singularities -- to the balloon, ballooning, surfaces of horizon universes?! I estimate, guestimate, infinities! And ONE to the 'Horizon Mirror' . . . the 'Mirror Horizon' . . . ['Set'] of all! A very 'Dense Abyss'.
So much Mumbo Jumbo Double Talk!! Do you, even, understand what you're saying?? If so, please, explain with your proofs?? What does Planck or the absurd impossible Big Bang "Singularity" God that you worship alleged to be the omnipotent miraculous creator of "Everything Visisible and Invisible" including space itself 13.77 Billion Years, Ago, when the universe is, in fact, finite in volume, ageless and infinitely old beyond a reasonable doubt have to do with universe wide ticking of identical universe seconds in every locality in the Cosmos??

Talk More, Soon!! Have A Great Day!!
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Waves like sound, seismic, and water waves have continuous alternations of such things as air pressure, location displacement and water level. The reference is usually an average or zero. And a wave is a continuous alternation above and below the reference. The reference can also be a direction and alternate from it. The important part is that it is continuous. AND if the wave shifts, or if the wave is stretched or compressed.........BOTH alternations are effected the same amount. Both parts are changed equally. Symmetrically.

A duty cycle has a waveform too, but it is much different than the continuous alternating waveform Duty cycle has an on time and a off time. One on time and one off time make the waveform. We use this type of signal for multiple functions today. It's called Pulse Width Modulation. One use is power regulation. We can ratio the on and off times to dim lights and control motors, and regulate air and fuel into your engine, just to mention a few.

One waveform can be described in many ways. One way is time. One is length. And one way is rate. Time is the duration of the waveform. How long it takes to pass a stationary point at c or at media velocity such as air.. This is called the period. If you draw a line at c during the period, that line will be the length of a light wave. And the number of waveforms at one light second is the Rate of the waveform. Flicker rate.

When we use PWM in our circuits, we usually hold the flicker rate constant, and vary the ratio of the on and off time....within a constant period. We do this with local fields and local current.

But EM radiation is different. Natures duty cycle is 50/50 without motion. And the emission is always the same length. The only thing that can be varied with motion is the off time. So light has an inverted PWM. With power we use pulse length. But with motion light, only the absence of length changes.

The space length or the off time length. And unlike our circuits, keeping the on time constant and changing off time........changes the period. It's Space Width Modulation.

Unlike the continuous waveform, the duty cycle waveform shifts in a much different manner. It's not symmetrical. The off time of the duty cycle is changed with motion.

Most of this might be difficult if not familiar with electronics. And even for such people the concept of space width modulation is highly unusual.
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Jun 11, 2023
Waves like sound, seismic, and water waves have continuous alternations of such things as air pressure, location displacement and water level. The reference is usually an average or zero. And a wave is a continuous alternation above and below the reference. The reference can also be a direction and alternate from it. The important part is that it is continuous. AND if the wave shifts, or if the wave is stretched or compressed.........BOTH alternations are effected the same amount. Both parts are changed equally. Symmetrically.

A duty cycle has a waveform too, but it is much different than the continuous alternating waveform Duty cycle has an on time and a off time. One on time and one off time make the waveform. We use this type of signal for multiple functions today. It's called Pulse Width Modulation. One use is power regulation. We can ratio the on and off times to dim lights and control motors, and regulate air and fuel into your engine, just to mention a few.

One waveform can be described in many ways. One way is time. One is length. And one way is rate. Time is the duration of the waveform. How long it takes to pass a stationary point at c or at media velocity such as air.. This is called the period. If you draw a line at c during the period, that line will be the length of a light wave. And the number of waveforms at one light second is the Rate of the waveform. Flicker rate.

When we use PWM in our circuits, we usually hold the flicker rate constant, and vary the ratio of the on and off time....within a constant period. We do this with local fields and local current.

But EM radiation is different. Natures duty cycle is 50/50 without motion. And the emission is always the same length. The only thing that can be varied with motion is the off time. So light has an inverted PWM. With power we use pulse length. But with motion light, only the absence of length changes.

The space length or the off time length. And unlike our circuits, keeping the on time constant and changing off time........changes the period. It's Space Width Modulation.

Unlike the continuous waveform, the duty cycle waveform shifts in a much different manner. It's not symmetrical. The off time of the duty cycle is changed with motion.

Most of this might be difficult if not familiar with electronics. And even for such people the concept of space width modulation is highly unusual.
Thanks for your reply, Classical Motion!! I will mull over your concepts. So, is your "Duty Cycle Dynamic" like (DC) electric current flow and your "Wave Dynamic" like (AC) Alternating electric current flow??

And would my alternating beads of high GP1 Aether Particle Pressure and Low GP1 Aether Particle Pressure for the propagation of EM Waves in a pressurized GP1 Aether Particle Medium be a wave like dynamic for EM Waves in your opinion??

Talk More, Soon!! Have A Great Day!!
One cannot avoid sine waves by expressing a wave form as a series of step increases. Any arbitrary wave form can be expressed as a sum of wave forms of different frequencies and phases. It is called a Fourier transform and is well established. The steeper the transition, the higher the frequencies that must be invoked to construct it.
Jun 11, 2023
One cannot avoid sine waves by expressing a wave form as a series of step increases. Any arbitrary wave form can be expressed as a sum of wave forms of different frequencies and phases. It is called a Fourier transform and is well established. The steeper the transition, the higher the frequencies that must be invoked to construct it.
For our amusement Microsoft AI gave me 9 out of 30 facts?? about Sine Waves!!):

1): A sine wave, also known as a sinusoidal wave or sinusoid, is a periodic wave whose shape follows the trigonometric sine function. Let’s break down what this means:

2): Periodic Wave: A sine wave repeats itself in a regular pattern over time. It oscillates smoothly, rising and falling in a predictable manner.
Trigonometric Sine Function: The sine function, denoted as sin(x), describes the height of a point on the wave at any given time. It takes an input angle (usually in radians) and returns the corresponding vertical displacement. The sine function produces the familiar “S” curve.

3): Simple Harmonic Motion: When an object moves back and forth in a straight line (linear motion) with a restoring force proportional to its displacement, it exhibits simple harmonic motion. A sine wave represents this type of motion.

4): Uniform Circular Motion: If you imagine a point rotating around a circle at a constant rate, its vertical position traces out a sine wave. This circular motion corresponds to the sine wave’s behavior.

5): Frequency and Amplitude:
Frequency (f): The number of oscillations (cycles) that occur each second. It determines how fast the wave repeats.
Amplitude (A): The peak deviation of the wave from zero. It represents the maximum height of the wave.

6): Phase (φ): Specifies where in its cycle the oscillation starts at time t = 0. A non-zero phase shifts the entire waveform backward or forward in time.

7): Acoustically Pure Tone: A sine wave represents a single frequency with no harmonics. It’s considered a pure tone in acoustics. When you hear a single musical note played on an instrument, it closely resembles a sine wave.

8): Fourier Analysis: In engineering, signal processing, and mathematics, Fourier analysis breaks down complex functions into a sum of sine waves with different frequencies, phases, and magnitudes.

9): Why “Sine”?: The term “sine” comes from the Latin word “sinus,” which means “fold” or “curve.” The sine function’s shape resembles the curve traced by a point moving around a circle, reinforcing its connection to circular motion.

Remember, when you combine two sine waves of the same frequency (but different phases), you get another sine wave of the same frequency. This property makes sine waves fundamental in understanding various physical phenomena and mathematical representations123.

Talk More, Soon!! Have A Great Day!!
Yes like duty cycle DC. But the "on" time is not shaped like a square wave. It's shaped like a ramp. The density at the front of the ramp, is rarefied and ramps up to a maximum, then it disappears. And with no motion, the duration of the space is equal to the duration of the ramp.

If you look at a conventional voltage and current waveforms of a dipole, you will notice the both element currents stop at maximum.

If you look at an AC waveform in a full path circuit, the current has two zero points per cycle. This is called the crossover. The current goes down to zero, the charge flips, and starts up in the opposite direction. This flip takes hardly any time because the electron has the least inertia of any mass.

But the dipole antenna has no crossover points. The current grows to maximum at the tips, and then the charge is flipped, while at max. Not at zero like normal circuits. Current from the tips is what allows voltage at the tips. Max voltage at tip = comes from max current from or to tips. A counter pole, not a power polarity pole. The element is a capacitor.......current first.

When the current is in a regular conductor, a full path conductor, WHEN a current changes, the current spins around the conductor. This spin is connected to two power poles. When voltage is applied to an open conductor, that spin is reversed. A reverse counter poll is formed at the tip. And right at it's max....the charge flow stops and the charge flips. All the charge flips at the same time. This cuts the electrons from those aligned fields, and the fields fly out in space. Once the alignment is broken, the element is again neutral and ready for the next cycle. You can see current spin using low frequency so your eyes can catch it. Dip the conductor in ferrofluid. Changing current has a longer path and thus delay from the voltage path. Changing current has self inductance. Spin.

There is another way to picture this, but it might be confusing. But it's a little simpler for some. Think of charge poles moving down the feed line to the dipole. Don't think of alternating poles, let's follow one set of poles as they move down into the antenna. I'm referring to peek voltage poles. These peeks move down the line at close to c speeds. There are two and they travel together. There are equal and opposite of each other. As they move down the line the poles are kept close together so to cancel one another and express no net field around the feedline. We are referring to the voltage peeks only.

When those poles get to the feedpoint, the poles change direction and start to separate. As they separate, the field between them is stretched. When the stretched field reaches 1/2 wavelength in length, the poles have reached the tips. Those sudden stops and flips from c velocity....cuts and separates the charge from the field....and the whole field flies off. The field was already moving close to c. The poles are moving from each other at 2 X c.

It's interesting to note the degree input with this. A full voltage pole is 1/2 wavelength long. 180 degrees. It takes half of that, 90 degrees to get the pole peek to the feedpoint. In the remaining 90 degrees....A 1/2 wavelength field is stretched....in1/4 period duration.....that's 2Xc. And then those c speed poles are stopped in an instant at the tips. And the field jerks loose and collapses(expands) into space. An inverted collapse. An out collapse.

The thing is that the antenna is charged up and then fired. Like a spark.....only it's a space spark. Not a ground spark. It takes 180 degrees to charge up and then it fires. Fires every 180 degrees. Two times per 360 cycle.

My explanation about EM radiation and current for that matter, is not thought valid under present theory. Or excepted from anyone I know. Students: Do Not use in class or essay or conversation. No one will like it. There is no basis for it.

This is only my conjecture, but may be checked and verified with/thru electronic curiosity. And some antenna adjustments. And hope someone will play with it.
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It does not matter that you posit a ramp instead of a step function. The sharp corners of the ramp cause high order sine wave to be invoked. Rounding the corners off can fix the problem but at that point we are simply back to a sine wave. No matter how you slice, dice and reshape your waveform it is always comprised of sine waves.
Jun 11, 2023
It does not matter that you posit a ramp instead of a step function. The sharp corners of the ramp cause high order sine wave to be invoked. Rounding the corners off can fix the problem but at that point we are simply back to a sine wave. No matter how you slice, dice and reshape your waveform it is always comprised of sine waves.
Classical Motion Said):
My explanation about EM radiation and current for that matter, is not thought valid under present theory. Or accepted from anyone I know.
The proper hardware will eliminate all theory.

Well!! Classical Motion, I am in the same predicament with respect to all my novel original postulates and theories that solve all the mysteries of modern physicists by correcting their misassumptions!! Like you no one has accepted anyone of my novel original theories about neutron permeable sac evolution from tiny tiny gaseous God Particle 1s (GP1s) in our finite in volume ageless universe with matter and energy reflective edges nor accepted my novel theory that gravitational force is a direct function of mass and the rate at which the matter particles of the mass heat up despite numerous factual proofs and nor etc etc etc!!

Anyway, we are given that the Earth’s crust has an unsolved mysterious seismic rise and fall every 26 seconds due to more sensitive seismic “proper hardware that will eliminate all theory.”

From Billslugg’s interpretation of sine waves, Fourier Analysis and my own research, I postulate that the Earth’s crust’s rise and fall at every tiny point on Earth’s solid surface is best described as a harmonized/constructive interference Fourier sine wave of all the EM various Earth generated internal EM frequencies): A harmonic oscillation or not in your guys’ opinion??

And that the harmonized momentum push of all of these Earth internal EM Waves is what separates the Earth's atoms and nucleons the most at least GP1 Aether Particle Pressure and the least at highest GP1 Aether Particle Pressure!!

As the entire weight of the Earth falls onto the center of gravity of the Earth every 26 second, all the nucleons and atoms of the Earth are compressed closer and closer together extracting heat from those atoms and nucleons like a giant compressor reaching highest GP1 Aether Particle pressure and storing Atomic, Nucleon And GP1 Aether Particle spring upward/apart energy after the downward momentum of the entire Earth mass is transferred as a potential repulsive compression energy force of the atoms, nucleons and GP1 Aether Particles involved resulting in the observed harmonic pulsation of our Earth’s solid crust!! Agree?? Disagree?? and Why arguably correct or incorrect??

Also, would you guys be interested in the exact physical mechanical harmonic solution to this given unsolved mystery): Why the Earth’s crust rises and falls every 26 seconds??

Talk more, soon!! Have a wonderful day!!
The most probable cause of the 26 second period microseisms is winter storm waves from the Southern Ocean traveling northward and running up on the Afican continental shelf in the bight of Africa. Here is the conclusion from the 2006 paper:

"A possible mechanism may be long period oceanicwaves that interact with the continental shelf, perhaps reflecting from it, and constructively interfering in a narrowfrequency band in the deep ocean. In this case, the observedsource directivity may be caused by the shape of the Africancoast in the Gulf of Guinea."

Every emission of a moving emitter is a different frequency. And the change in that frequency only comes from the off time while keeping a constant on time.

I hardly think that kind a changing waveform can be described with sine waves. Sine waves are symmetrical. This change is not. It would be interesting to see the FFT of any frequency 50% duty ramp.

I would think that sines waves would only work with 50% duty cycles. But I have not played with this one.

One might describe one emission with sine waves, but not a sequence of them. Each emission could be unique. Especially if the detector is changing velocity. My conjecture so far was just for moving emission.

A moving detector also has an effect.

The only evidence I can offer for duty cycle light is a baled hayfield.

Some ponder in tubs and some ponder in hayfields.
Any wave form, even a perfectly square wave, can be modeled by a Fourier Transform of pure sine waves. The steeper you make the transitions, the higher the frequencies required. A perfect square wave could only be modeled with an infinitely high frequency wave, which is impossible, however a perfect square wave is also impossible in practice.
Jun 11, 2023
The most probable cause of the 26 second period microseisms is winter storm waves from the Southern Ocean traveling northward and running up on the Afican continental shelf in the bight of Africa. Here is the conclusion from the 2006 paper:

"A possible mechanism may be long period oceanicwaves that interact with the continental shelf, perhaps reflecting from it, and constructively interfering in a narrowfrequency band in the deep ocean. In this case, the observedsource directivity may be caused by the shape of the Africancoast in the Gulf of Guinea."

Interesting Take!! Except for the global nature of the 26 second Earth Crust rise and fall which implies a harmonic resonance from the Earth's Crust to lowest GP1 Aether Particle Pressure at the densest core center of the Earth alternating with each harmonic seismic pulsation from hottest to coldest in Earth’s densest central core!! (Ignore for now!!)

Your reference does get one thing absolutely correct): Constructive Interference Causes the observed 26 second “harmonic” electromagnetic “Fourier sine wave” rise and fall of the Earth’s crust globally!!

Googling): What causes the Earth’s crust to rise and fall every 26 seconds?? I got!!):
Discover Title): The Earth Is Pulsating Every 26 Seconds, and Seismologists Don't Agree Why!!
Like clockwork, seismometers across multiple continents have detected a mysterious pulse since at least the early 1960s. By Anna Funk Oct 27, 2020 3:00 PM

“But even since then, no one has really confirmed the cause of the regular seismic activity. Though many assume it’s caused by waves, some hold out that it’s caused by volcanic activity.
The Earth Is Pulsating Every 26 Seconds, and Seismologists Don't …

Billslugg, as you can see, the 26 second pulsation issue remains unresolved and will remain unresolved for all eternity like matter gravity generation, dark matter gravity, dark energy, etc etc etc until the misassumptions of modern physicists are corrected!!

Billslugg, why not help yourself and all physicists get out of the dark ages!! Just, admit what you must know): The Harmonized constructive interference of all of the electromagnetic waves generated inside Earth harmonize to expand Earth’s atoms and nucleons for 13.5 seconds as gravity crunches and compresses the Earth’s Atoms and Nucleons for 12.5 seconds resulting in a 26 second “harmonic” electromagnetic “Fourier sine wave” rise and fall of the Earth’s crust globally!!

Look at it this way): What else, other than the harmonized constructive interference of all of the electromagnetic waves generated inside Earth could generate the steady 26 second “harmonic” “Fourier sine wave” rise and fall of the Earth’s crust globally??
Other than the harmonized constructive interference of all of the electromagnetic waves generated inside Earth exactly every 26 seconds??

And don’t forget that our Sun is given to pulsate mysteriously exactly every 5 minutes and 34 seconds?? (Some explanation is offered!!)

Talk more, soon!! Have a great day!!
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"Except for the global nature of the 26 second Earth Crust rise and fall "

The reference I provided explains that there is a coresponding rise and fall halfway around the world at the antipode, so it is, in fact, global.

"Billslugg, as you can see, the 26 second pulsation issue remains unresolved"

In all cases, we consider the latest explanation by a PhD level scientist associated with a university and operating in their field to be the "current best explanation". We can ignore the people in the cheap seats.

Solar Quasi Periodic Pulsations (QPPs) have been explained here. They are oscillations of a current sheet within a CME.


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