Tachyon Turmoil

Tachyon Turmoil

Contemplating tachyons,
feel free to critique, comment or add insights or stray thoughts on time or tachyons.

If EM/photons oscillate between the magnetic and electric maybe that is what weaves space-time together.

Maybe tachyons come in two (mutually exclusive?) 'flavors',
either all electric or all magnetic.

In geometry if space-time is an N dimensional space then tachyons might exist in the N+1 dimensional space that space-time (could) bifurcates.
The N+1 space has the magnetic region 'above' space-time and the electric region 'below'.
So EM 'stitches' between those two regions of the N+1 'tachyon space'.

If a tachyon is exclusively one phase maybe that either stops or at least impedes a photon from its ability to oscillate between phases.
That could be the reason that tachyons (might) cause time-dilation.

If experience and perception are functions of decoherence and if tachyons are imperviously coherent then there's no possibility of perceiving, 'experiencing' a tachyon.
That likely means tachyons can't 'communicate' anything because they can't interact with anything.

Causality is not an option.

(This almost sounds like the proffered properties of dark matter?!?)
Except that there is no such thing as magnetism. It is simply a mathematical construct to allow for relativistic effects of a moving charge. The charge force is all there is. And, yes, this is contrary to everything we have always read but it is true.
For example:
When a current flows up one parallel wire and down the other, there is a repulsion due to "magnetism". But this is only the charges responding to Lorentz contraction.
An electron traveling up the first wire is moving relative to the electrons approaching it in the second wire. It sees them as Lorentz contracted thus more electrons come into its field of view, thus repelling it.
But how can this be? The actual speed (the group velocity, not phase velocity which is near the speed of light) of an electron in a typical wire is only about 3 mm per second. How could that possibly invoke Lorentz contraction? This is because of the incredible strength of the charge force, about 10^32 times more than the gravitational forces we are accustomed to.
If tachyons have imaginary mass that means at rest they are inherently unstable. I think that means moving for them is akin to falling in a gravity field.
So without any interruption they continuously accelerate to infinity?

Effortless endless falling.

I wonder what the shape/curve of the gravity field is?
It could have correspondence to space-time gravity curvature especially if tachyons are the vehicle of gravity in space-time.

I guess a good question is do tachyons interact-with/influence one another?
I wonder if spinning a tachyon is similar to spinning a top. That the gyroscopic movement helps hold it in a high energy potential state, in opposition to its natural character?

If black holes could both slow and confer spin to intersecting tachyons that would give tachyons the prolonged energy to hold energy release till much further distance from the black hole. That would enable the 'dark matter' halo effect.
Getting a tachyon to spin seems like quite a challenge.
My thought is it has to be slowed down with tremendous energy and then there probably has to be some kind of intricate, specific interaction with [things in?] space-time.

Detecting tachyons is just looking for matterless mass. Of necessity those would be 'slow' (nearly luminal), high energy tachyons.

If one wants fast (low energy) tachyons for superluminal communications & paradoxes one would need tachyons whose start and end path were slow, high energy terminals that related to some wheres (whens?) in space-time with the middle of the tachyon's trajectory fast & low energy (to amplify the potential effects).

The start is easy, what might be impossible is building in a latent slowing/energy-gain at the receiving end of the trajectory after the fast, low energy middle.

Maybe a big high energy sponge/catchers-mitt might work? Pulling a few weak tachyon signals out of that would probably be very, very difficult, though.

Otherwise the superluminality or paradoxes would be next to nothing.
Does the mass energy released by tachyons get recycled back into matter in a constant cycle?

Maybe black holes birth/originate original tachyons and because of the inherent stability of space-time they start with spin & its stability which they only eventually lose as the extended mass of d'ark matter' halos?
Can an object/construct spin on multiple axiis (plural) simultaneously if it is spun in a higher dimension?

In 3D one can only do so by having the (2D planar) spin of each axis be at a different speed, otherwise the spins merge.

To produce a complete stabilization spin for a tachyon it would have to cover all its dimensions.
Also if tachyspace is an additional dimension higher than space-time presumably tachyons are as well. Would that mean to achieve a stabilizing spin on a tachyon it would have to be done from an even higher dimension space? And is that even theoretically, geometrically possible?
The lower dimensional version is take a circle in a 2D plane, but instead of spinning it inside the plane one leaves 2 contact points (each an end of the axis; a diameter) & rotate/spin it through the 3rd dimension.

One needs a gyroscopic effect for virtually every orientation of the tachyon's base geometry. So i think that kind of higher dimensional spin might work to stabilize it.

One needs angular momentum that redirects regardless of which base geometry direction it might try to go.

Maybe it needs some kind of higher dimensional containment as well.

Maybe it's just creating a higher dimensional bubble/containment-space for it. Essentially a higher sphere 'trap' for it.
I suppose it could be a same dimensional bubble that was sealed until it eventually fractures and loses containment.

If it's a higher dimensional bubble with two fixed escape/entry points it would need a tiny entry tweak (to not shoot straight through) and it would run around inside the bubble until randomly at some point it hit an exit.

It makes me think of the stunt where a motorcycle rider is inside a spherical mesh cage and rides around looping upside-down and circling everywhich way over & over.

This is beginning to sound a little contrived.
A tachyon's orientation is always out[ward].
So if a tachyon approached another tachyon it tends to get steered away by the negative mass curve.
With enough pressure/density maybe that gets overcome to some degree.
Matter is energy caught in a temporal discontinuity.
In a sense it is edge-on (perpendicular) to space-time.
A tachyon is an unbelievably kinetic mover that follows/turns down that withheld detour of/in space-time and as difficult as it is actually picks up energy, maybe partly because it's outside of time and then it releases that energy as mass, which probably ultimately gets recycled back into the matter.
All that energy slows down the tachyon until it unloads it as mass.

This is my guess about standard matter mass.

Now i have to figure out what variation on that happens in a black hole.
I/we are talking about tachyons as if they were persistent coherent things. I think that may be very inaccurate.
I don't think our perceptions/concepts of the fuzzy, pluralistic future are wrong.

I am thinking a discrete tachyon could only happen in an instant. Its roots would be multithreaded from possibly innumerable futures. A tachyon (event?) is/acts-as a temporal consolidator.
Aggregating multiple future fragments are tied together.
If it does exist as a discrete thing it does so only in a single instant of the present.

It may be that tachyoness deposits the accruing past like evaporating rain deposits sediments.
Now is where higher/highest energy tachyoness loses energy and leaves the deposit that is space-time behind and reaccelerates towards infinity and dissolves to blurry superluminal incoherence again.

Maybe a black hole [can] subducts actual discrete tachyons or a bubble of tachyoness in its own inverted time (fluxuations?) and that bubble in subspace(?) radiates/travels out from the black hole to eventually be-released/erupts as a packet depositing mass as a result.
Resulting in the 'halo' of mass attributed to 'dark matter'.
Maybe our future has two general sources,
first is the instantaneous tachyoness front (degrees of freedom) and
second is the deterministic physics mechanisms.

Only rarely does the first supercede the second.
This sounds a lot like quantum mechanics...

I've reinvented the wheel! lol
Tachyons are time travelers.

I think tachyons almost invariably move perpendicularly to the/our immediate space-time.
The only exceptions are where time is halted or possibly minutely inverse. That's where they have some traversal through or at least an influence on/around-in immediate space-time.

Matter is potential energy which means it is time halted/paused energy. Because time is stopped there a tachyon can traverse it it likely picks up minute amounts of energy and after either moves through or closely parallel to immediate space-time. That is where it releases gathered energy in the form of slowed time, aka 'mass'.

After the energy is released the tachyon likely dives (turns) perpendicular through prior space-times into the past.

At the event horizon of a black hole time is essentially stopped. I hypothesize that on/in a black hole's interior time may oscillate backward and forward in time. I believe if a tachyon hits when the oscillation is backward in time it softens the intersection and holds/captures the tachyon maybe in some kind of time suspending pocket of space-time. These pocketed tachyons travel (radiate?) out from the black hole and create the mass at great distance from the black hole. Alcubierri bubbles? This is the 'dark matter' effect.

I don't know if in a black hole there are many little oscillations or more singular drum-like undulations back and forth in time.

It may be the stream of tachyons that locks in the/a fixed past.
Perhaps at that point the far past is almost as much a product of the nearer past as it is of older pasts.

There may be multiple pasts & then one has to wonder why we are/seem tethered to a single past.

Do tachyons accelerate back to/through the big bang(s) & then where might they go?
"At the event horizon of a black hole time is essentially stopped." - Questioner

Only for an external observer. The person falling through the event horizon sees their clock operating normally.

That's a good point,

But I think what matters is the tachyon's POV.

It could be the tachyon is trying to go back in time and in crossing/intersecting the black hole it may cease to progress in time which for it is a slowing or halting of time. That might force it to slow and absorb energy. It's hyperkineticness may then run it across space-time till it unloads that energy & then it returns to its path backward through time,
perpendicular to the layers of space-time(s).
As a black hole exists through time i wonder if the interior merges/overlaps through time (becomes less temporally specific).

For the black hole the universe is speeding in fast forward. It is nearly a temporal constant.
If a tachyon picks up energy as it travels towards the past does it have to release that energy in the present now? Temporal 'surfacing'?
Releasing energy in the past seems like a bit of a problem, but i am hardly certain.
Tachyons in their universe environment are the normal particles, all of the particles we've identified in our universe environment. We are the tachyon universe to that universe. In crossing through the horizon between a traveler wouldn't tell any difference in universes except that his once universe has contracted, compacted, disappeared into a "point-singularity" of horizon in the distance / speed to his rear as he speeds, accelerates, into an accelerating expansion of universe opening to his fore. A future histories future light cone, one end forward an open end opening, the other end rearward a point of closure closing, he (the traveler) maintaining dead center radial-0-point in horizon though his galactic scenery keeps moving and evolving toward him from the points of Horizon forward and away from him toward the same Horizon of points rearward. His constant of placement: Spontaneous Concurrent REALTIME (t=0) 'front' ('frontier').

A tachyon will never be captured or identified as a "tachyon". It is a chameleon particle (always something else . . . some other particle ("What the heck! What is that and where did it come from?!?!").
Back to why moving objects accrue mass & to infinity at light speed.
One thing first, is Inertia kinetic or potential energy?
If it is potential energy then it would be like matter that increased its energy.
But why would the increase of mass energy be nonlinear?

Whether tachyons form or are preextant proximate to immediate space-time i will leave open for the moment.

I'm relatively sure they are very nearly at light speed proximate to space-time.

So i guess i will add another exception to tachyons traveling perpendicular to space-time, in the case of moving matter.

Movement entails a relationship between the past and the present & potentially the future. Inertia is the continuity (constancy?) of that relationship in unimpeded space. It's like the past influencing the present.

The faster something moves the more energy that is caught in that temporal relationship.

In my mind it is sort of somewhere in between the time halted energy of matter and my posited reverse time in black hole interiors.
In any event that allows a temporal conduit that draws tachyons through it to be more parallel to space-time & pick up some of that energy and then release it as mass.

But somehow it's like opening the floodgates as matter movement approaches light speed.

It's like there is a potential tower/stack of tachyons that roar through as movement approaches light speed. Like a pressure potential.
I don't know how to make sense of that.
Tachyons are all about transiting from present to past or past to further past.

This certainly seems to be the most unimpeded temporal relationship judging by the extremely nonlinear variability.
If tachyons are creating mass, then they are resistance to change of velocity,

in short


That would mean tachyons lock in a fixed relationship between space/distance and time.

That would mean tachyons produce resistance to acceleration and deceleration.

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