Alternate Gravity Theory

Mar 8, 2022
Alternate Gravity Theory

(Hubris, i know not thy name.)

This is grand slam theory that attempts to tie up both gravity and the 'dark matter' effect.

The basic premise is that tachyons deliver time-dilation/mass & thereby gravity to space-time.

Tachyons are speculative particles that travel faster than light and with inverse time.

Standard matter mass would be a (some?) 3D cross section of the 4D radiant [distribution] of tachyons from standard matter.
Raises the question, what is the dimensional 'footprint'/extent of standard matter?
This is such a constant flow proximate to matter it accounts for the smooth curvature into lower dimensionality that is gravity.

I will say that our space-time experience happens on the luminal sub-luminal 'side' of space-time or within a bounded luminal sub-luminal region that is space-time.

Note: any next lower (N-1) infinite spatial dimension can bifurcate an N dimensional infinite space.

I'll leave in or on space-time a smidge fuzzy for now.
There might be a limited 4D extent/width/band/thickness of space-time (might be the degrees of freedom that allow time to pass/happen). And perhaps tachyon radiation is on both sides of space-time and both sides of the space-time 'band' have some membrane containment that most tachyons encounter.

So tachyons arrive at the other (superluminal) side of space-time so byenlarge they only deliver time-dilation/mass to space-time that we observe.

I believe with black holes the extreme compression creates time inversion and radiation of higher speed tachyons, so many of them that do eventually encounter space-time do so at a great distance from the source black hole. This would be the 'dark matter' effect.
The constant fine mist 'halo' of tachyon mass delivered to space-time at far distance from their black hole source.

This mass most likely spreads out from the tachyon delivery point(s) and is refreshed on an ongoing basis.

There may be something that slows (some?) tachyons down [in their domain] and those drift towards space-time. That would account for the great span/reach of the 'dark matter' effect.

Aside: It might be all tachyons eventually drift towards space-time (DE?), but that is beyond this/these proposition(s).

Perhaps small, nearby black holes could be observed to see if some invisible mass at some distance beyond expected gravity was apparent.
Something orbiting more rapidly and further out than gravity alone could account for.

If the total 4D tachyon output were combined it would be a great quantity, but since space-time, proximate to matter, only includes a very limited 3D cross section this may account for why gravity is such a weak force.
It might be that all or some of the other major forces are largely contained within space-time.

It might give a way to make guesses about the total 4D output of tachyons.

Does seem likely that tachyons would be all around us,
but there could be some aversion property of space-time.
Mar 8, 2022
The flaw in this theory may be the 'speed of gravity',
the rate of G/mass decay behind & advancement in front of a moving mass body.

A possible qualifier is the standard matter mass is from the tachyons that supersede light only very slightly?

I suppose if one could measure the decay and propagation/advancement of the 'dark matter' effect mass, the 'halos' mass, it might provide some insight.
If that propagated (decay & advancement) with higher than light speed could radiate from the black hole it might lend some credence to my proposition.
Mar 8, 2022
One might be able to estimate the speed of black hole tachyons (that intersect with space-time) by the propagation (decay & advancement) rate of the 'DM' effect halo. By what is the lag time. Don't know if there would be a 4D 'ballistic' arc to consider.
Mar 8, 2022
Gravity waves are something to consider.
If they are purely a compression tension effect then i don't think they conflict with this proposition.
If, however GWs have any mass component i would have no good response for that.
Mar 8, 2022
Thoughts about the tachyon domain.
Do tachyons arc/curve through it and have a longer path through it?
So their progress relative to space-time might be luminal or sub-luminal even though their speeds are always superluminal?

Does speed variance from luminal directly correlate with proximity to space-time?
And only at luminality can tachyons intersect/merge/emerge with space-time?

Are tachyons from matter that re-emerge close to matter at near luminal speeds?

In my imagination they traverse some volume of 4D space, but they could all be in some 'subdermal' layer(s) of space-time.
Mar 8, 2022
For this proposition to work normal matter must only produce barely superluminal tachyons, that vary from light speed almost immeasurably.
That would fit with the speed of gravity.

I believe in the interiors of black holes the compression creates higher speed tachyons.
Very possibly it also increases the proportional amount of tachyon output as well.
Tachyon production may consume some of their content.

Maybe the speed of gravity for black holes is somewhat superluminal? If that is the case and it is measurable it might lend credence to this whole concept.

Neutron stars might have some increased speeds as well as increased quantity of tachyon output. A weak DM like effect/halo.
Not as great as black holes, but significantly greater than normal matter.

Odd thought, maybe only luminal or sub-luminal things can link up with the time/experience stream/chain/sequence. So maybe tachyons are all around, but we have no coherent connection with/to them,
we can only have coherent connections with their (after?) effects in relatively coherent space-time.
Mar 8, 2022
According to theory for tachyons to approach space-time they need infinite energy.
Maybe tachyons have a higher dimensional time field so they only need extreme proximity to space-time to slow time passage in space-time.

Matter (would) produces (conducts?) the highest energy, slowest speed tachyons proximate to itself and as these tachyons lose energy (producing mass?) they speed up and vere away from space-time?

Black holes would produce a greater quantity of highest energy, slowest speed tachyons & some might have an additional characteristic like spin that delays the higher dimensional time field influence on space-time. That means the mass influence around black holes would extend much further, but have a somewhat dissociative alternate mass curve in addition to standard gravity curvature. The 'dark matter' halo effect.
Mar 8, 2022
Maybe tachyon trajectories intersect with matter & tap into its potential energy. That slows them down close to light speed and then the tachyons release that energy back by producing mass/time-dilation around matter. Then they speed up again and lose any influence in/on space-time as they travel away.
Mar 8, 2022
If my proposal is correct then everywhere a cloud of 'dark matter' effect is there must be a/some black hole(s) at the center. Not sure about including neutron stars.

With galaxies it is pretty much a given.
It is with non-galactic DM attributions where that would have to determined.
I don't know if that's readily possible since black holes have no direct radiation.
Mar 8, 2022
If I'm going to attribute all mass to tachyons i would need to explain how near luminal speed would engender increased intersections with tachyons.

If tachyons come in from every higher dimensional direction how would movement change the likelihood of intersection? Probably wouldn't.

Would tachyons have any aversion to a matter body at rest that gets amilerated by movement?

That might imply that tachyons sort of harmonize with movement which might have them harmonizing (conjoining?) with one another?

Could it be understood by comparing mass curves?
Moving mass curves?

Tachyons are probably more stable (coherent?) in movement. Maybe colder, too?

For clarity one might need to distinguish between a mass curve and actual mass?

Raises the question is mass curvature of matter a function of matter or a function of tachyons or are they both ambiguously different (mirror? inverse?) views/sides of the same coin/curve(s)?

Aside: even though tachyons have imaginary mass could they have different quantities of imaginary mass?

Original Q: Just guessing i would say (faster) movement allows for a more coherent, stronger (more numerous?) interaction(s) between matter and tachyons.
Mar 8, 2022
Low energy higher speed tachyons probably predominate the tachyverse, so in movement matter it just (is able to) interact(s) with a greater proportion/number of tachyons which increases the mass[ing] process?
Mar 8, 2022
As I've said before i think mass/gravity is a shrinking of space towards lower dimension,
so the foreshortening of length in the direction of movement is an organic selection of tachyons 'polarized' (aligned) in the direction of movement.

As for mass going to infinity at light speed I'm not quite so confident about. It would almost be like crossing into the tachyverse itself. It makes it sound like either the tachyverse is explosively dense with tachyons or at least is explosively dense with them at near light speed.
That counters my argument that the tachyverse favors (is more abundant with) low energy high speed tachyons. That implies the opposite as far as i can see.

Maybe it's that there are no/zero tachyons at sub-light speed (or at rest) so movement gets more associations with tachyons, but then i have to explain why a body at rest has any mass/tachyon intersections at all.
That might be that the potential energy wad of matter snags up a certain limited proportion of near light speed tachyons to slow them
and 'potential' is a time specification that time inverse tachyons 'get around'?

The thought of tachyons being dense near light speed might be like this,
low energy high speed tachyons actually conjoin as an insanely fast tachyon ice and individually distinguishable tachyons exist most numerously near light speed?

This does all sound like a strange realm if i am at all on target.

This is turning into a brain buster.
As I've said before i think mass/gravity is a shrinking of space towards lower dimension,
so the foreshortening of length in the direction of movement is an organic selection of tachyons 'polarized' (aligned) in the direction of movement.

As for mass going to infinity at light speed I'm not quite so confident about. It would almost be like crossing into the tachyverse itself. It makes it sound like either the tachyverse is explosively dense with tachyons or at least is explosively dense with them at near light speed.
That counters my argument that the tachyverse favors (is more abundant with) low energy high speed tachyons. That implies the opposite as far as i can see.

Maybe it's that there are no/zero tachyons at sub-light speed (or at rest) so movement gets more associations with tachyons, but then i have to explain why a body at rest has any mass/tachyon intersections at all.
That might be that the potential energy wad of matter snags up a certain limited proportion of near light speed tachyons to slow them
and 'potential' is a time specification that time inverse tachyons 'get around'?

The thought of tachyons being dense near light speed might be like this,
low energy high speed tachyons actually conjoin as an insanely fast tachyon ice and individually distinguishable tachyons exist most numerously near light speed?

This does all sound like a strange realm if i am at all on target.

This is turning into a brain buster.
You have it backwards. There is no shrinking of space toward a black hole, or even toward ground for a Newtonian apple falling from a tree. There is always "accelerating expansion" of the observed picture for the traveler on the spot or the observer observing incoming oncoming! "Accelerating contraction" (toward a quantum particle-point-singularity) in observed picture for distant observers and travelers in accelerating separations.
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Mar 8, 2022
You have it backwards. There is no shrinking of space toward a black hole, or even toward ground for a Newtonian apple falling from a tree. There is always "accelerating expansion" of the observed picture for the traveler on the spot or the observer observing incoming oncoming! "Accelerating contraction" in observed picture for the distant observer and the traveler in accelerating separation.
To my mind the reason inertia veres towards mass is because it seeks/finds the shortest path,
and mass creates that shorter/more-shrunken path.
From the inertia POV it's just continuing on the same pace, direction and distance (length) and the universe turns underneath it and stretches away and speeds up behind it.
Mar 8, 2022
Maybe a better analogy is the high speed super cold winds of the outer planets. Providing that tachyons have minimal interaction with one another. They could parallelize in streams and currents at phenomenal (infinite?) speeds and near absolute zero temperature(s).
Mar 8, 2022
"From the inertia POV it's just continuing on the same pace, direction and distance (length) and the universe turns underneath it and stretches away and speeds up behind it."

I think that's incorrect.

I should have said,
"...the universe turns underneath (around) it and speeds up and telescopes/shrinks towards it behind it and in front of it."

But distance remains the same to either side of its vector of movement?
Not completely clear on that.

Time dilation can't be vector specific can it?
The whole (all directions) exterior universe has to speed up.

Maybe if it turned or ricocheted 90° the universe would telescope in the 'new' front and back of it and the 'new' 'sides' would release/de-telescope. If so that would be really strange.
Mar 8, 2022
So if i were moving in a one foot by one foot cart in a time dilation zone where previously 3 seconds slow to one second and now what used to be three feet is now (by constant movement characteristics) one foot does that mean i see the front-back length of my cart as now 1/3rd of a foot while side-to-side the width is still one foot?

And as one turns that shortened length turns with me and always in front and back and that vector of the universe is telescopically 'zoomed'?

So the one INconstant POV of inertia is the/my front-to-back length, which is dependent on the speed at which I travel.
So if i were moving in a one foot by one foot cart in a time dilation zone where previously 3 seconds slow to one second and now what used to be three feet is now (by constant movement characteristics) one foot does that mean i see the front-back length of my cart as now 1/3rd of a foot while side-to-side the width is still one foot?

And as one turns that shortened length turns with me and always in front and back and that vector of the universe is telescopically 'zoomed'?

So the one INconstant POV of inertia is the/my front-to-back length, which is dependent on the speed at which I travel.
You drive your auto down the highway. Imagine it is the universe you are driving as far as seeing what is coming toward you to your front versus what you see receding away from you in your rearview mirror. Regardless of progression and recession you remain mid-horizon as far as the distant horizon of the universe (the distant horizon of the Earth) is concerned. Universe (future histories (t=-1) future light cone) comes rapidly out of the point of universe horizon (line of the Earth horizon) to you ahead. Universe (past histories past light cone) goes away from you into the universe horizon (line of Earth horizon) to your rear.

Obviously time is not dilating to your front in speeding toward you and to you head on. Just as obviously, time is dilating to your rear. In the accelerating expansion of the universe to your front, you are confronting light-time head on to your front (there is no stern chase of light, no catching up to any light because you are meeting it face to face head on). Relativity is building to your front, at the same time and in the same amount it is breaking down to your rear. In that breakdown time is slowing, the relative clock you would be observing in your rearview mirror falling further and further behind the real-time clock to your rear you will not be observing because the constant of the speed of light is constant and your distance from receding clocks to your rear forbids real-time clocks receding to your rear keeping up with you, relatively speaking that is. The time you observe to your rear is receding away (going away) from you into the point of distant horizon universe (line horizon of Earth) the time to you front is oncoming out of and smacking you in the face.

Will you see the universe, see time, to your rear as it recedes from you into the point of distant horizon? Yes! The universe resets the distant horizon keeping you fixed mid-horizon! You are going places obviously as you observe . . . and at the same time going nowhere as you accelerate (in a constant of powering) in contracting the universe's more immediate distances ahead within an overall accelerating expansion of universe! You're manipulating -- once you have the constant of powering -- the space and time distances and forces (mainly the big two) of the universe local-relative to you.

The Earth was once titanically large to us in its distances between points. No one ever dreamed shrinking those distances could be possible. Now the world is small between those same points. Next up, the Solar System stepping out to the galaxy, stepping out to the universe of galaxies at large. Shrinking those distances will be possible! More(!) . . . there may even be tunnels (wormholes) tunneling through the infinities of horizon universes, horizon universe to horizon universe. All life has to do to stay in business is keep moving up and out in "accelerating expansion."
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Nov 3, 2024
Alternate Gravity Theory

(Hubris, i know not thy name.)

This is grand slam theory that attempts to tie up both gravity and the 'dark matter' effect.

The basic premise is that tachyons deliver time-dilation/mass & thereby gravity to space-time.

Tachyons are speculative particles that travel faster than light and with inverse time.

Standard matter mass would be a (some?) 3D cross section of the 4D radiant [distribution] of tachyons from standard matter.
Raises the question, what is the dimensional 'footprint'/extent of standard matter?
This is such a constant flow proximate to matter it accounts for the smooth curvature into lower dimensionality that is gravity.

I will say that our space-time experience happens on the luminal sub-luminal 'side' of space-time or within a bounded luminal sub-luminal region that is space-time.

Note: any next lower (N-1) infinite spatial dimension can bifurcate an N dimensional infinite space.

I'll leave in or on space-time a smidge fuzzy for now.
There might be a limited 4D extent/width/band/thickness of space-time (might be the degrees of freedom that allow time to pass/happen). And perhaps tachyon radiation is on both sides of space-time and both sides of the space-time 'band' have some membrane containment that most tachyons encounter.

So tachyons arrive at the other (superluminal) side of space-time so byenlarge they only deliver time-dilation/mass to space-time that we observe.

I believe with black holes the extreme compression creates time inversion and radiation of higher speed tachyons, so many of them that do eventually encounter space-time do so at a great distance from the source black hole. This would be the 'dark matter' effect.
The constant fine mist 'halo' of tachyon mass delivered to space-time at far distance from their black hole source.

This mass most likely spreads out from the tachyon delivery point(s) and is refreshed on an ongoing basis.

There may be something that slows (some?) tachyons down [in their domain] and those drift towards space-time. That would account for the great span/reach of the 'dark matter' effect.

Aside: It might be all tachyons eventually drift towards space-time (DE?), but that is beyond this/these proposition(s).

Perhaps small, nearby black holes could be observed to see if some invisible mass at some distance beyond expected gravity was apparent.
Something orbiting more rapidly and further out than gravity alone could account for.

If the total 4D tachyon output were combined it would be a great quantity, but since space-time, proximate to matter, only includes a very limited 3D cross section this may account for why gravity is such a weak force.
It might be that all or some of the other major forces are largely contained within space-time.

It might give a way to make guesses about the total 4D output of tachyons.

Does seem likely that tachyons would be all around us,
but there could be some aversion property of space-time.
"The basic premise is that tachyons deliver time-dilation/mass & thereby gravity to space-time." Prove that tachyons exist. Prove it. Then you can post this. If you can't, then you should withdraw all this. Tachyons are thought to not exist by the vast majority of serious physicists; it is an extreme outlier idea. Prove it. And, just stating it they exist does not prove it.
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