A sudden thought from a picture I was looking at(!):
As I look at the spin of the galaxy, the spiral arms of it, and the reverse direction of the far outer limits of the arms due to slowing! trending toward the outside of the arms, I realize that the spin there, if it exists at all, is not nearly enough to throw anything out of the galaxy! The outside spin curving far away from the inside spin virtually, in fact, reverses direction of spin (an almost stop action to it) from the inside spin. Thus, it, everything in those asymptotic outside lanes of curvature slowing in spin in space and time, to virtually reversing in spin, stays, or should stay, with the galaxy always as a virtual counterclockwise motion to a clockwise motion! It's a lost track of the galaxy, there. A bounding bonding toroidal ring around the galaxy, thus a black hole-like "dark event horizon" in fact, of the galaxy proper (firmly containing the galaxy proper in its bounds)!
The lines of the lanes are . . . become . . . paralleling -- almost inwardly facing centripetal -- lines, lanes, negative to a positive interior, and not outpouring (not capable of any throwing, any tossing, out (virtually, just the opposite . . . developing from slowing and reversing materially inside-out a material strong binding force, a material Casimir-like effect, drawing from the outside-in: The outside frontier of the galaxy, in))!
Now if I can just hold onto that string-spoke into the model's hub, among so many other string-spokes.