Is time travel impossible

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<font color="yellow">This assumes this increase in mass would alter the direction of time..</font><br /><br />No, it does not. It assumes that there is an ultimate symmetry to the Multiverse, and that there is a principle similar to the Laws of Conservation applied to the larger system. No more, no less.<br /><br />Let me simplify. Be they water levels, or relative charge, things seek equalibrium. In the most crude example, take two water vessels. Connect them via a tube.<br /><br />Pour water into one vessel. As soon as the connecting tube is full of water, both vessels will maintain equilibrium no matter which vessel continues to be supplied with water.<br /><br />If one applies that principle to Histories, it only stands to reason that my travel through "time" will land me in a History that was <b>exactly</b> one Dragon short of its potential maximum.<br /><br />Individual Histories wouldn't seem to be any different than individual water vessels in that case.<br /><br />In no way does that alter the "direction of time". Perhaps (and most likely) it alters the <b>consequences</b> of Time, but has no bearing on its "direction".<br /><br /><font color="yellow">What gives you reason to believe that time is moving forward, or backward if it can't have a direction?</font><br /><br />None of what I said considers that time does or does not have a particular "direction". However, I'll grant you that it assumes that "time" in all possible Histories moves in the same "direction".<br /><br />How rapidly or slowly it does so is very arbitrary, and only from the perspective of the "Traveller" versus the "Viewer".<br /><br />I'm not sure how you think you can apply "logical fallacies" to something so esoteric as time travel.<br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <em>"2012.. Year of the Dragon!! Get on the Dragon Wagon!".</em> </div>


Why do I get the impression that some people get their undrstanding of time through watching Star Trek?


<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>Are you referring to moi?<p><hr /></p></p></blockquote><br /><br />You may think we disagree on everything, but not here.<br /><br />Time has no preference either up, down, left, right, forward, or backward, it don't spin either, nor does it stand on it's head, or roll, or make breakfast, but it does stand .................... on it's own two feet as pure contradiction to all that exist. In this respect we have the necessary ones and zero by which all ones can be differentiated from all other ones, and that is the conceptual reality of time as we know it.


Just be thankful that there is an infinity of variables to the sequences, or this world would be a very boring place, as time offers that infinity through neverending divisibility.


Time Travel... This is one of the most interesting topics to talk about because so many people think they have the idea down to a science! :p The cool part is tons of people think that so they are all trying to prove it. Faster then light travel! Possible? Answer - YES! (some info to back my crazy story up! ) but can we send mass faster then the speed of light... Answer - not proven or disproved! Worm hole! now that's a fun topic considering no one has ever seen a worm hole. We love to imagine its some super gate that will throw us 1,000's of years in to the future (cute hu). Black holes! now that's a good one a hole in time and space that's so strong it sucks light in to it! lol the ideas kind of funny if u really think about it. Now i'm no expert trust me! But i have spent my share of time in the physics lab with my friends throwing around ideas about time travel and we always seem to get around to the idea that forward travel seems the only plausible idea. The idea of moving back in time has vary few theory's that MIGHT work but they are all strictly theory mostly developed my theoretical physicists. But what do i know! <br /><br />"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." <br />- Albert Einstein


<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /><p>If I could travel back in time 2 hours I would be in mid-Atlantic, well hardly I'd be thrown 60,000? miles out in space er, no the Sun is moving & the Milkyway hurtling towards the great attractor... <br />It therefore seems time travel can't happen without apace travel & surely the g force would crush me. <br />Aha now we're in Startrek territory where warp drive causes space to hurtle past saving the crushing. (Einstein spins in his grave) <br />So it seems time & space are inextricably linked & maybe we could travel to the stars merely by time travel & should concentrate on this rather than rockets. <p><hr /></p></p></blockquote><br /><br />My topic, quoted above, isn't about time travel only but the apparent space travel associated with it which seems to make it impossible.


My view is that regardless of the "Theory" Time Travel is NOT and NEVER will be possible in the manner of pop scfi etc.<br />How can one "travel" to a future which is not in existence. or to a past which has been and gone. We exist in this instant and no other.<br />Sure, maybe the idea of travelling at light speed and coming back to find Earth time has flowed at a different rate may be correct but that is not "time travel" as such. <br />To envisage time travel to a past or future would require all events and occurences to to be predetermined for the future and "stored" in the past. <br />If by some means I calculated where our solar system would be in ten years time and managed to travel there would I find our solar system already there and tens years ahead of ours? Similar to going back.<br />I would be hanging about in space( if I could actually become stationary with respect to some point) till our solar system caught up with me ten years later.<br />Sorry, but its a nice scifi theme but thats about all. Time Travel, that is real time travel, is just IMPOSSIBLE. <br />


If I'm right & time travel <i><b>has</b></i> to include space travel & obviously at high speed, then only future travel is possible as any movement adds time & the higher the speed the more addition. <br />This is a different time-travel of course than my topic, rather longevity <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" />
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