I don't think you will see NASA cancel the VSE to the moon they have a contract with the private sector and NASA does NOT want to be fined.<br /><br />It would also be a political blow.This is not like the X-33 or the other X programs that was more of test and in the back seen of the public view and the president and NASA did not say yes by 2008 we will have the X-33.<br /><br />Even the fact that NASA was looking for other type of space shuttle it it was in the back seat, that most people if you not a space buff did not know about it <br /><br />And than NASA change their mind thats go the the moon<br /><br />I think this thing thats go to the moon and now this teacher in space is more of a NASA move , thats like thats get kids back intrested in space to support NASA and get more money.<br /><br />NASA was going down a very dark road if the shuttle explode or not because people are just not intrested in space like before and it would not be long to NASA would do away with man space flight and would have no man space flight.<br /><br />It not just intrest in space and NASA the intrest in the sci -fi movies like star trek ,star wars, stargate SG1,battlestar galactica,X-files,fire-fly ,Space Above and Beyond all coming to the end is just shows this .<br /><br />Now there is like no sci -fi space movies now and all you can do is keep watching the old one over and over.<br /><br />And it not just sci -fi and space the math,science and english are all lacking in schools people are not at the proper standards.<br /><br />The university and college are lacking and empty where many of them have to be asians NOW to fill the class.<br /> <br />If any thing wee are de-involving the hot topic of the day now is pop stars ,drama TV,soap opera TV, romance<br />and comedy ,cops and robbers,shooting and car chases .. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>