"Forgive me for saying so, but that's ridiculous. Jeff Bell, by any reasonable definition, is merely an online columnist, no different than, say, Bill Safire, Maureen Dowd, E.J. Dionne"<br />And by that raises above the level of expections for typical anonymous and infromal character of the public forum.<br />"That's the nature of opinion writing."<br />Personal insults instead of rational objections ? <br /><br />"SpaceDaily is, or ought to be, primarily a space-related news outlet, not merely a cheerleader for Space Cadets. I'm certainly not defending everything that Jeff Bell writes but, frankly, some of the criticisms I've seen against him are silly"<br />Nobody denying the right for and positive, healthy role of criticism based on scientific evidence, rationality, and experience. People object to Bell's writing because its filled with insults, personall attacks, contempt for others etc. <br /><br /><br />"Why should Pillinger, who by any definition is a public figure, be immune to such criticism? Furthermore, I'm sure I could find someone who thought Bell was too easy on Pillinger"<br />You raise two important issues-the first is debatable, a scientist is not a politician nor is he a tv star, his enviroment is science and research,his critic should be confined to the tools and norms that enviroment, not public contest of popularity(likewise their are diffrent standards for sports, politics or movie commentary).I doubt the rationality of treating scientists and their projects on the same level as tv stars, and their movies, because they are subject to different rules as to judging their performence.<br />Now the second point-the acknowledgment that one can find someone who insults "better" doesn't make an argument.One would want somoene who is able to criticise in scientific and rational matter issues he disagrees with, which would be both positive and healthy for scientific discourse, insulting people(insane, liar) doesn't enlighten us much as to the scientific flaws