Jeffrey Bell's latest op-ed piece makes a couple of claims that I was wondering if someone could confirm:<br /><br />http://www.spacedaily.com/reports/oped-06a.html<br /><br />Claims (specific or implied):<br /><br />(1) ISS's Control Moment Gyros (CMG) are too large to be delivered by anything other than the Shuttle (apparently including any planned future delivery vehicles).<br /><br />(2) Because CMGs cannot be delivered post shuttle retirement (and the fact that CMGs fail), the ISS's lifetime will be limited following retirement of the shuttle.<br /><br />(3) The modified CEV size (e.g., diameter from 5.5m to 5.0m) allows it to be launched on a wider rangle of launch vehicles, including EELVs.<br /><br />Any comments on the veracity of these claims?