"John Carter of Mars" (2012)

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After several fits and&nbsp; starts, decisions over live/animation etc. etc. etc......<br /> <br /> <strong>When:</strong> 2012 (first of a trilogy)<br /> <br /> <strong>Studio:</strong> Disney/Pixar<br /> <br /> <strong>Format:</strong> combined live & digital animation<br /> <br /> <strong>Director/Screenplay: </strong>Andrew Stanton (WALL-E, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., Toy Story 1/2)<br /> <br /> <strong>Source material:</strong> Edgar Rice Burroughs (1912)<br /> <br /> <strong>Synopsis:</strong> Civil War vet John Carter is transplanted to Mars, where he discovers a lush, wildly diverse planet whose main inhabitants are 12-foot tall green barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, who is in desperate need of a savior. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Hopefully they won't tone down the green martians' looks too much. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Can't help but wonder how they'll portray Dejah Thoris - clothed or pretty much naked save for a few adornments? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


Very cool, probably the series of books that got me hooked on sci-fi.  I'm pretty sure I read the whole series.


This is great news! I grew up on ERB.<br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>


<p>E.R. Burroughs 'Capt'n John Carter' and all was great.&nbsp;I don't mean to be cynical, but, if Disney is involved, you may as well bar the doors on Barsoom. They will screw it up, I hate to say. (I hope they don't. But if history is any guide, they will.)</p><p>You watch. They will sanitize what was already sanitized. And they will add prurience where there was none. And they&nbsp;will divert attention&nbsp;away from the deep human reactions to phenomena and alien environment, and concentrate on 'relations' with their women and how the women 'feel' about their men having to do something risky and blah blah blah. (Kind of like how Disney f-----up 'Pearl Harbor'.) Disney will err. They suck because they try to be family oriented, and at the same time&nbsp;they try to relate to the adult audience, and in trying to do both they fail at both.</p><p>All of you&nbsp;have to admit that Disney's "Pearl Harbor" sucked sea brine.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p>ZenGalacticore</p> </div>


<p>Just read three of the stories from SFBC and agree the combination of animation and live should work, Burrows iminagition and lack of science knowledge at that time made for an interesting read.</p><p>JSR</p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> Whould you like a jelly baby? </div>


Re: &quot;John Carter of Mars&quot; (2012) - UPDATE


Pulitzer/Hugo/Nebula winning novelist Michael Chabon is doing the 'polish' (final re-writes) on the John Carter script, and it sounds like he's a fanboy;

“I’ve been hired to do some revisions to an already strong script by Andrew Stanton and Mark Andrews,” Chabon said. “I wrote my original screenplay The Martian Agent back in 1995 because I wished I could do Burroughs’s Barsoom. So this is pretty much a dream come true for me.”

The last re-write Chabon did was Spider-Man 2 and previous to that he wrote the novel Wonder Boys, the adaptation of which received an adapted screenplay Oscar nomination for Steve Kloves in 2001.

Disney got the option rights to Burrough’s 11 volume series in 2007 after the rights lapsed at Paramount. Andrew Stanton, the writer and director of Finding Nemo and WALL-E, is also set to direct.

Good signs all around.



docm":3v7evme7 said:
Synopsis: Civil War vet John Carter is transplanted to Mars, where he discovers a lush, wildly diverse planet whose main inhabitants are 12-foot tall green barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, who is in desperate need of a savior.

I wonder how they will handle the delicate topic of Martian women's reproduction......don't they lay eggs, like a chicken? :lol:



docm":231j5y53 said:
Can't help but wonder how they'll portray Dejah Thoris - clothed or pretty much naked save for a few adornments?

Almost certainly not naked, but that is just evidence of how neurotic our society is. Nakedness easily available, but only acceptable if the women are portrayed as bimbos (porn or comedy) or sluts to be hacked up ( horror ). Oh, and a few weird art-house movies that are mainly concerned with maintaining their status as weird and arthouse.

If we could just get over the fact that guys like female bodies perhaps we wouldn't have to have all these really offensive sterotypes thrown in our face.


Well, DT was anything but a stereotype, being tough as nails and more than a little smart.



docm":327mr9by said:
Synopsis: Civil War vet John Carter is transplanted to Mars, where he discovers a lush, wildly diverse planet whose main inhabitants are 12-foot tall green barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium, who is in desperate need of Kerberos.
I'm glad to see that they are sticking to the original post-Civil War setting instead of trying to update it to a more modern period. I still fear that Disney will try to alter the characters by giving them 21st century thoughts and speech patterns to make it more relevant.


When: June 8th, 2012

Director: Andrew Stanton (Toy Story 1/2/3, WALL-E, Finding Nemo & wrote these and a ton of others for PIXAR)

Screenplay: Michael Chabon (Pulitzer, Hugo and Nebula prize winning novelist, Spider-Man 2, Wonder Boys)

Tars Tarkas: Willem Dafoe

Matai Shang: Mark Strong (Sinestro in Green Lantern 1/2/3, Lord Blackwood in Sherlock Holmes)

John Carter: Taylor Kitsch (Gambit in Wolverine, Tim Riggins in Friday Night Lights)

Dejah Thoris: Lynn Collins (Silverfox in Wolverine, Dawn Green in True Blood)

Sarkoja: Polly Walker

Collins, Kitsch and their characters as drawn by Boris Vallejo
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