Large Hadron Collider may be closing in on the universe's missing antimatter

I'm reasonably certain they are going to discover to their astonishment it was never "missing." That there is more physicality to matter-antimatter universe mirroring its self-similarity than they ever dreamed of. And they don't annihilate, have never annihilated, will never annihilate, and can never annihilate, this the third universe of three in one.
No, they meant 360°. Normally when a spin 1 particle is turned through 360° it remains identical. With CP violation it changes. Non-integer spin is different. For example, spin 1/2, must be rotated twice to be identical.
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Jul 13, 2022
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I'm reasonably certain they are going to discover to their astonishment it was never "missing." That there is more physicality to matter-antimatter universe mirroring its self-similarity than they ever dreamed of. And they don't annihilate, have never annihilated, will never annihilate, and can never annihilate, this the third universe of three in one.
Is it feasible for a mirror antimatter universe to exist?
Speculative fun,
Since antimatter has mass,
maybe something separated mass & antimatter and piled up antimatter till it collapsed into black holes where it is an indistinguishable non-problem.
I don't think there would be any way to differentiate an antimatter black hole from a matter black hole.

Now the question is are there enough massive black holes to account for all that antimatter?