Spacester,<br /><br />Thank you for clearing that up, preparing the way to complicate it with discussion. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" /><br /><br />Hmmm....Should the cargo lander stay at Mars, or return to Earth?<br /><br /><b>Option One, Stay at Mars:</b><br /><br />The cargo lander would remain at Mars once it arrives. When new supplies and equipment arrive, it goes up, loads the supplies, and lands them. The supplies would have to be stored in modules (or whatever) during the jouney.<br /><br />-Pros-<br /><br />Propellant is saved by not forcing the IB to lug around the Cargo Lander every supply trip.<br /><br />The cargo lander will always be around for any heavy lifting that needs to be done. (??)<br /><br />-Cons-<br /><br />To transport cargo to Mars' surface, the cargo has to loaded onto the CL en orbit from the Transfer ship.<br /><br /><b>Option Two, Return to Earth:</b><br /><br />The Cargo Lander would return to Earth with the IB after fulfilling it's duty to transporting the supplies to the surface.<br /><br />-Pros-<br /><br />The supplies and equipment can be loaded directly onto the cargo lander for the journey. <br /><br />When the IB and CL arrive at Mars, the CL can descend to Mars without the hassle of removing and loading cargo unto itself.<br /><br />-Cons-<br /><br />The IB has to use more propellant to transport the CL to and from Mars every cargo trip.<br /><br />I like option one with the CL staying at Mars. If we load the cargo into modules for the journey, then when they arrive at Mars, it is only a matter of unplugging supply modules from the transfer ship and plugging them into our CL. Seems to me the most efficient way to run that operation.<br /><br />What are your thoughts? I'm looking out for your outline and conclusions on this. Apparently you had a busy weekend like I? <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />