Light Speed, Time-Space & Gravity

Nov 6, 2020
The Light Speed is a constant irrational celerity that has no ends and equal to C=π Megameters / Centisecond

The relativity of the Light speed in vacuum is equal to 299 792 458 m / s which is approx. C= 2.99 Mm/Cs where Light could be found in a space devoid from matter and have a constant speed in relative to that vacuum. But its vector speed in an absolute emptiness where there is no matter neither vacuum, it differs from the reality of the nature of measurement. Those mathematics emptiness vector quarks tend to infinity π in measuring the speed of Light where speed=distance / time=trajectory of photons path and spins / the unit of time. The path of a photon is always spiral, circular and sinusoidal wave-particles at the same time. So they spin and move the same way and they have the same speed rotation around themselves the same way they move in their sinusoidal path. So the photon vector speed tend to infinity in a spherical trajectory in the n Dimension "Like the Light of the whole universe"and its duality entanglement tend to torus in the n-1 Dimension singularity "Like in Black Holes". The circles trajectories smallest as quarks or bigger as universe divided by there smallest and biggest distances diameters at the same time are equal to π if the unit of time is equal to 1 centisecond, the circumference should be equal to π Megameters "Millions of Meters".
C= 314 159 265.3 ... m/s


The Space-Time bend at infinity because of Light speed which propagate in Gravity. It is the speed of Light C=π Mm / Cs that makes the gravitons moves up and down and in a wavy form to make the curvature of the space-time. It is in Megameters / Centisecond because Light is extremely fast and it is about Millions of Meters per centisecond.

The continues time of 1 Centisecond at infinity will be like in the zero form in the straight line in the zeta function of Riemann because time is always straight but the space-time bend because of the gravity of Light shell.

The zeros of the zeta-function on the straight line σ=1/2σ=1/2. (continuity of unit Time 1+1+1+1....) but Like we know that time at infinity is a continues of Linked mixed numbers together like the Hours + Minutes + Seconds + .... its infinity will become a 1 unit of straight existence in presence of Light that is equal to 1 and straight till infinity to bend the space-time in the division presence of its mirrored distance of past and future. So if the photon does 1 spin the electrons does half spin. if Radius equal to half the diameter is equal to 1 so the circumference is equal to π and vice versa. (Circumference Radian vector speed ratio) 2π / 1/2 = π (to the Power) π2 / π = π (Cubic) π3 / π2 = π ....

In the end everything in Light tend to spherical shape in n D at infinity and to torus in n-1 D at before infinity. the same for its time-space but the time stay straight eternally as it is a 1 time for all times references.

The distance that Light travel is always the diameter of that circumference spiral topology. if that diameter is equal to 1 its circumference is equal to π. this is what we call the sinuosity of Light that tend to π.


The Hyperbola Moments Space-Time will bend at infinity and become elliptical to spherical as a 1 Unit of a diameter Time in the space-time dimension.

There is nothing faster than Light but the relativity of Light energy in proportion to the mass matter makes the curvature of Space-time that comes from gravity. It is the Light constant speed that makes everything in rotation and movement. The Photons are the commander of electrons in the atoms to form the mass by their virtue energy that they do.

At infinity the curvature of space-time bends to form the spherical universe in the n Dimension and makes black holes in the n-1 Dimension. So the Light can escape to another dimension to make there Loops incarnations to generate matters in another spaces. it is the metamorphoses of matter to Light to an inverse cycle of a systematic Link of Past, Present and Future. Besides, photons speeds will interact with each others to form the Light Shell of the Universe and to construct the matter in Space-Time.


It is the constant irrational speed of Light that makes the Gravity because the photons spin around themselves and in the wavy propagation movement they create the Gravity as a vaccum. So they create the gravity to go through and propagate inside afterall in the absolute emptiness. The present is the key of past and future. The past and future cones will be gone by the presence time of present to make the existence of the matter. All the other predicted cones will be illusions. The emptiness is in Light and without emptiness there is always Light. The absence of Light make the emptiness visible as a dark matter but the absolute emptiness is the hole of gravity where there is an emptiness in the extreme singularity where Light goes there to enter the gate of space-time by the quazar tunnel to make there loops. The same is in the quarks quantum Light , they act in the same way to form the shell of the Light inside nature and the universe.
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Aug 14, 2020
I want to try something out on you, Alain Serhal, since you have ability to illustrate... that I'm not sure you can illustrate... using a traveler (x) traveling point A to point B through space and time (including light time coordinate markers between A and B). Let's see if you can keep with the way I see things. The coordinate frame markers are massless 2-d single-sided frames of light time speeding at 'c' from A to B and B to A and the traveler (x) will travel from A to B. Frame (1) is the first emission of light from the source in each case, frame 10 the last for illustration purposes herein. A and B can be any distance apart in the universe.
Light time coordinate markers:

(A) 10>9>8>7>6>5>4>3>2>1 (B)
(A) 1<2<3<4<5<6<7<8<9<10 (B)

Massless 2-d single-sided frames of light time speeding at 'c':

(A) 0|10>0|9>0|8>0|7>0|6>0|5>0|4>0|3>0|2>0|1 (B)
(A) 1|0<2|0<3|0<4|0<5|0<6|0<7|0<8|0<9|0<10|0 (B)
(A) (10)|0|1>x<(9)|0|2>x<(8)|0|3>x<(7)|0|4....(4)|0|7>x<(3)|0|8>x<(2)|0|9>x>(1)|0|10 (B)
( )=observation to the rear of traveler as traveler travels A to B.
At any velocity whatsoever, where did the traveler travel faster than the speed of light, and/or (as Kurt Godel saw it twisting his friend Einstein in knots) travel backward in time?

In the above, I gave the scenario far more dimensionality than one, which is far more than either Einstein or Godel, or even Hawking, gave it. Some might call it warping space-time, warping bubbles of space-time, or the traveler able to deal in more than one dimension of light time.
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Nov 6, 2020
The traveler didn't go faster than Light at any condition in the x dimension and it has a natural visibility of present between past and future. (See the end of the below)


If the traveler exceed the light speed 2 times faster than Light speed 2C for example:
The observation of his past will be In the middle of its trajectory present path because of the Light pulse backward and forward each one 1/2C from A to B and from A and come back to A in 1C "So he see his past in an average trajectory done 1/2 away the distance from A to B but outside the considered 2D AB and always true in paradoxes, Rieman zeta function, Einstein special relativity, Godel and Hawking in all dimensions begining from 0 to X" and it will be gone outside the 2D single sides coordinate A to B as a virtual reality of past and future in a 4D systematic coordinate.

So it depends on the speed of the traveler. Because Light speed stay constant in all condition in relativity.
The present is the reality key of the untoucheable past and future.

Faster than Light the past and future will be outside the cones in the 4D in the warping space-time. And no matter can exceed the speed of Light except Light itself in its realtivity to space-time-gravity. If something can exceed the speed of Light it will go back or forward to the past and future of the warping space-time-gravity where Light can do the impossibility in the tunnel gate of a black hole to do its loop for matter generation and Light incernation to all universes.

If someone exceed the speed of Light 2 times forward on a special rockets that have 2 C as a speed and gone too far away from that person on a point A than comes back to B where A and B collapse in a circular form and sit around him, the other person see him as a light behind him and he needs 2 times faster in relativity to see that person in his naked eye as an observer so he see him half the way because Light needs 2 times to go backward and forward to his eyes to see where is the person traveler is gone so far. So he see him in the middle of his path as a past and beside him as a light in a future form. And the other person on the rockets see him directly and see himself 2 times slower in the middle as a past like the stars that are not always on their same places coordinates because light stars needs times to come over the observer so that distance stars move away. We see objects by light speed that is always done from its constant speed C.
So the Light here needs 1C times each time you need to see something by your naked eye. So if that person traveled 2 C times faster than C so you need 2 times faster to see his real place. So that person who traveled 2 times faster than Light will be visible in the middle of his path in the naked eye and the other person see his past as 2C ÷ 1/2=C more slower "average visibility" and he see him as a light beside him because he traveled two times faster and he come back beside him. So Light needs two times to go to that person rockets and comes back to his naked eye so he see him in the middle of his trajectory but in reality that person rockets become light and return to him and sit beside him as a Light
So his image past is in the middle of his trajectory because he traveled 2C (two times faster than Light).

The same comprehension is mentioned above for Light travel from A to B and B to A in 1 C like a light pulses electromagnetics. So the middle will be 1/2C Where light speed was considered from A to B and B to A is always= 1C so the traveler wherever he moves slower than light he will be catchy by the naked eye by the special relativity inside AB even if Light is going from A to B and from B to A. But if the traveler exceed the speed of light his image past will appear backward and his future become visible as light and forward.

If we are in a 2D world and if Light is going forward and backward in each knots the past of the traveler will be in the middle average 1/2 of the considered trajectory and the future will be at the end where the traveler always doesn't reach the end.
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Nov 6, 2020
This is what I am talking about the 1 unit of time is the distance between the past image of a photon A mirrored to its future image B in 1 cycle spin and movement that gives you 1 C rotation "wavy-particles" speed as a continues mirrored distance equality in all its spherical spaces and in its spiral sinuosity speed of Pi.


Aug 14, 2020
'c' is flat Universe (U) (('1') ('-1')) plane horizon constant. Nothing travels faster than it (faster than 'c'). And, therefore, everything travels faster than it (faster than '-c'). It is infinitely-finitely-transcendently horizon constant. No observer, and no traveler traveling faster (or vastly faster), or slower (or vastly slower), than "rest" on Earth, would ever measure 'c' anything other than 'c'.
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Nov 6, 2020

But at infinity from where Light source begins it returns.

Emptiness, black hole , a point singularity, atoms, quarks, spherical or a sphere universes with no ends even a line with no edges or circular or cylindre extreme line or whatever metamorphic shapes at inifnity stay flat as a topology and a spherical behind reality.
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Aug 14, 2020
"But at infinity from where Light source begins it returns."

I see you've read me elsewhere but you've read me wrong in an important way. Light has no place in the infinite Universe, just as energy has no place in the infinite Universe. Both light and energy (light as energy and histories) have beginning and end in horizon short of the energyless, timeless, infinite Universe. I said it is "horizon constant", nothing more (velocity as the set, the plane, of all relative velocity has no velocity of its own). "Horizon" (net '0', neither infinite nor finite) to the infinity of finite local (foreground), relative, bubble (enclosed (englobed)) universes.
Nov 6, 2020
"Light has no place in the infinity world!!!!"

I don't think so.

Light is the shell of the universes and the dark light invisibles are the dark photons and emptiness when they are desactivated in between. Emptiness is in Light. The abscence of Light make the darkness "dark matter" visible. As Light speed creates the matter "electrons" by their roots energy over the mass. The Light is before the matter and it is the constructive of the matter in space-time.
The Light propagates in gravity and the ether vaccum of the gravity still remains.
Nov 6, 2020

I told you this is right for me to my though because if there is no light outside that universe to the other world there will be nothigness after infinity and there will be no infinity at all on the edges of the descreptive spherical world.

What I mean Light is everywhere and without edges infinitly but spherical expanding from inside to outside or reversaly.

Metamorphing edges and inversaly to be inside out as there will be no specific edges of expansion. It is a whole story it is like a spherical shell to the other world and its gates are the black holes because it is outside to be inside.

Infinity universes sometimes could be collapsed and sometimes not "over each others" in the same universe aperture of a black hole by the warping space-time. There is metamorphing edges in the infinitly spherical bubbles world because it is undefined and an eternal state of mind of an eternity place linked to reality because if reality is not here or there where is reality? Only emptiness could differentiate the distances between the photonic shells and emptiness is the darkness dark photons with no mass as light photon spin by their power speed to generate energy through matter by virtue.

Emptiness is the passages between light propagation. The photons light go to the gravity black hole to generation the matter by the Quasar for the creation inside this world and there and make distances shell between mass-spaces-time.

I will give you an example but keep it as an example: if you infinitly extremely zoom in at quark then you see yourself again from back behind like when you put a mirror reflected to another mirror and you see many of yourself behind. Maybe like a deja vu. It is too hard to zooming inside somethingness behind you like it is too hard to zoom out in space. Nobody know if a universe could be in quarks and inversally but reflected to be outside out. Black hole singularity higgs still have mass but light has no mass but virtually no matter how far you go with infinity emptiness it could stay light-emptiness when light photon doesn't spin in an entanglement theory as an emptiness entity when you begin to do a calculation you visualize that photon spin for existency of time dilation duality and a photon spherical singularity in nD make emptiness inside to be outside as a black hole "torus" as outside to be inside in the n-1 D

We are living in a material world inside a light world.

That is what I call it Light shell nothing after nothing before and eternally.
It is the matters that expand in the universe and light wherever it goes it returns as a metamorphic vectorized wavy-particles energy that could define an edge shape in its no edge infinity but makes thise shapes though matter mass expansion. We see objects forms because there is a reflective Light on them. And without light the space will be emptiness or dark light invisible at infinity.

Nothing is faster than Light c it is the unlimited quanta with no ending and infinity.

This is the theory of C=π where the speed of light is C=π Megameters/Centisecond because I experiment it in reality of an approximate approach to a justification concept of Light Nature as a rule of this ratio speed. So its number of speed should be unique and perfect and without ending because light has no end if it is free but have all source. It is not the emptiness of moments dilation of existency in between that makes life real. It is Light itself by its nature that make eternal life. If emptiness is the end of the world there will be no world forever which is wrong because there was a world before that we are living it now or after, present or before.
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Nov 6, 2020
I have made a book for the speed of Light that is equal to C=π Mm/Cs (Megameters/Centisecond) since I was at school and I developed it when I get younger. it is been 25 years of Quantum Mechanic studies and development.

What I also Found that my theory C=π show also how Gravity equal to Pi to the power of 2 as a steradian oscillation of an electromagnetic sinusoidal movement from the surface of earth to its center as a circular steradians angular radiation that Light makes while propagating through gravity of earth.

Gravity = G = π2 = π . π = 3.14... x 3.14... = 9.86960438... m/s2

As the Light goes from the any point of the surface of earth from both direction left and right and comes back to its point of origin at the same time like it didn't go to anywhere.

The whole sphere "earth" has 4π steradians, and area of the sphere A=4πr2. Besides the volume of the sphere is equal to V=πr2. and 1 steradians is equal to the radius to the power of 2.
so the area steradians of the whole complete surface is equal to the radius to the power of 2. So if the radius is equal to π as speed propagation from surface to the center of earth you will have the steradians of a complete magnetic surface closed sphere that is equal to the power of 2 of that radius; which is equal to 1 steradians of gravity = 4πr2 /4π = radius2= r2 = π2 m/s2
The radius is equal to π because the light from a point on the surface goes down to the circle and comes back to its origin for the electromagnetic gravity of Light speed back and forth as a one direction to all different spherical direction within the sphere that gives you G=π2 m/s2

The steradian of a sphere is always equal to the radius to the power of 2 as an electromagnetic radiation fields.

E=MC2 & C=π both theory leads to E=C=π. The energy of the mass is the Logarithmic ora Light volume of that mass.

The same experience that I have done with the speed of electrons that probabily came from the number e of Euler as electrons are the imaginary illusionaire particles of Light that have C=π
eiθ = cos θ + i sin θ
eiπ = cos π + i sin π = -1

= (eiπ)π
= eiπ2
eiπ/2 = cos(π/2) + isin(π/2) = i πi = e(ln π)i = cos(lnπ) + isin(lnπ)
e= -1 as electrons have negative charge and because electrons spin half 1/2
Work = Force • Displacement • Cosineθ
W = F • d • cosθ
Power = Work / time
P = W / t
P = F • cosθ • (d/t)
P = F • v • cosθ

There are two forms of mechanical energy - potential energy and kinetic energy.

Potential energy is the stored energy of position. In this set of problems, we will be most concerned with the stored energy due to the vertical position of an object within Earth's gravitational field. Such energy is known as the gravitational potential energy (PEgrav) and is calculated using the equation

PEG= m•g•h
KE = 1/2 • m • v2
KEi + PEi + Wnc = KEf + PEf

1/2 • m • vi2 + m • g • hi + F • d • cosθ = 1/2 • m • vf2 + m • g • hf

In such instances, the system is said to have conserved its mechanical energy.
As such, they can be mathematically canceled from each side of the equation. In other instances, the speed is constant during the motion, so the KEi and KEf terms are the same and can thus be mathematically canceled from each side of the equation. Finally, there are instances in which the KE and or the PE terms are not stated; rather, the mass (m), speed (v), and height (h) is given.

The speed of electrons is equal to e Megamaters/s

The speed of electrons is equal to e= 2 718km/s = 2 718 281 .8 ....m/s
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Nov 6, 2020
What a coincidence between Einstein general relativity and Newton force and the gravity that make all the world questioning themselves from what the gravity is born and what is the gravity?

For Me like I told you that the Light create the gravity from their spin propagation vacuum in the ether of an absolute emptiness. Because Photon spins they twist the space-time to make the gravity.
From the infinity dimension propagation in the 0 dimension of Black hole to create the matter "mass".

If you look inside earth you don't see the Light but there is volcano inside earth and deeply. This will show that fire is inside earth and from fire Light source appears in a tournament deeply under the ground that makes the forces of gravity in its centrifugal equilibrium forces. It is that Light that make the gravity inside earth, sun, moon and other planets and stars as it is captivated in a huge amount of rotational photonics spins to be released into space. The same for the death stars it become extreme because they are inversely extremely inside to be outside.

Those planet that have Light inside or not they are always the stars from far and give Lights all around if it is not from inside by many reflections that came from another sources. in the Dark Matter of emptiness the Gravity is equal 0. All are connected together in the Light shell of the universe and exit and enters from death stars "Black holes" or directly from the giant black holes of center of galaxies. Those Light spin movement make those gravities all around from their shell to bend space-time fabrics as Light have its own constant irrational π speed with different times in 1 unit time for all. Those time bends at infinity but there unit of existence that counts are a 1 straight "Balanced Average Curvy Mirrored (|) Topology" forever in proportion to Quark, Matter & Energy.

The gravity is π2 m/s2 on the surface of earth because the electromagnetic of the steradian Light radiation equilibrium (the inside and the outside movement back & forth as pendular radiation "radian" in all movement direction and vice versa) and the gravity is 10 m/s2 in its pivot point because of the base 10 of the hierarchy number formation of the 1 unit time conversations number between time division in the ISU.
Area A=r2 , Volume V=πr2
The roots of the speed of Light Energy through matter "Mass" is the propagation of Light through Gravity. But the Power of the speed of Light Energy C2=π2 through matter "Mass E=MC2" is the speed of Light multiplied by itself. The Gravity is the steradian ratio speed of the radius π "Speed of Light".
So in both situation it is defined as 1G but Light speed is π Mm/Cs where it is the roots of energy over the mass.
The Gravity is the Celerity over the time.
Celerity = Gravity x Time.
Gravity= Celerity / Time = π2 m/s2
Gravity=Power / Speed = Volume Light Speed / Light Speed = π3 / π = π2 m/s2
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What a coincidence between Einstein general relativity and Newton force and the gravity that make all the world questioning themselves from what the gravity is born and what is the gravity?

For Me like I told you that the Light create the gravity from their spin propagation vacuum in the ether of an absolute emptiness. Because Photon spins they twist the space-time to make the gravity.
From the infinity dimension propagation in the 0 dimension of Black hole to create the matter "mass".

If you look inside earth you don't see the Light but there is volcano inside earth and deeply. This will show that fire is inside earth and from fire Light source appears in a tournament deeply under the ground that makes the forces of gravity in its centrifugal equilibrium forces. It is that Light that make the gravity inside earth, sun, moon and other planets and stars as it is captivated in a huge amount of rotational photonics spins to be released into space. The same for the death stars it become extreme because they are inversely extremely inside to be outside.

Those planet that have Light inside or not they are always the stars from far and give Lights all around if it is not from inside by many reflections that came from another sources. in the Dark Matter of emptiness the Gravity is equal 0. All are connected together in the Light shell of the universe and exit and enters from death stars "Black holes" or directly from the giant black holes of center of galaxies. Those Light spin movement make those gravities all around from their shell to bend space-time fabrics as Light have its own constant irrational π speed with different times in 1 unit time for all. Those time bends at infinity but there unit of existence that counts are a 1 straight "Balanced Average Curvy Mirrored (|) Topology" forever in proportion to Quark, Matter & Energy.

The gravity is π2 m/s2 on the surface of earth because the electromagnetic of the steradian Light radiation equilibrium (the inside and the outside movement back & forth as pendular radiation "radian" in all movement direction and vice versa) and the gravity is 10 m/s2 in its pivot point because of the base 10 of the hierarchy number formation of the 1 unit time conversations number between time division in the ISU.
Area A=r2 , Volume V=πr2
The roots of the speed of Light Energy through matter "Mass" is the propagation of Light through Gravity. But the Power of the speed of Light Energy C2=π2 through matter "Mass E=MC2" is the speed of Light multiplied by itself. The Gravity is the steradian ratio speed of the radius π "Speed of Light".
So in both situation it is defined as 1G but Light speed is π Mm/Cs where it is the roots of energy over the mass.
The Gravity is the Celerity over the time.
Celerity = Gravity x Time.
Gravity= Celerity / Time = π2 m/s2
Gravity=Power / Speed = Volume Light Speed / Light Speed = π3 / π = π2 m/s2
It's an interesting idea about light.
IMO light isn't a speed but a defined distance a wave can travel it's max point.
Fluctuation being that point of potential and nothing that a wave travels through.
The particle aspect of light is also trapped in that jump from min chunk of space to min chunk and why it appears we have a duality of space/time particle/wave because the universe has a duality of something and nothing .

Gravity travels between the min chunks in the nothing space with no time/space and leaving a wake on normal space at C.
Why gravity seems to communicate at instant speed and why spooky action works instantly.
Does gravity and spooky action even travel if it goes through a universe of nothing?

After all fluctuation is the machine of the universe, the rest are just products of it and laws of it.

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Nov 6, 2020
I respect your opinion but you are ignoring time in Life, as Light always need time to travel those distances. That's why it has a speed. Look at the Lighteneing Roots "Flashy Light on and off it was there and it become there, so it travel a distance and it took nanoseconds of time" "Look at the early morning 8 min. Light needs to travel from sun to earth to enlighten the ambiance (from darkness night to morning Light), the consecutive amount of photons Quanta" "Look at Data speed in fiber optic" and much more proof.
The only way that have no time no space is in the inside of Black Hole, but instead it has extreme Gravity with Higgs sub particles from the singularity that have also mass, no spin and no charge. Light has no mass but propagates in its emptiness through Gravity to create matter, from its energy by virtue.
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I respect your opinion but you are ignoring time in Life, as Light always need time to travel those distances. That's why it has a speed. Look at the Lighteneing Roots "Flashy Light on and off it was there and it become there, so it travel a distance and it took nanoseconds of time" "Look at the early morning 8 min. Light needs to travel from sun to earth to enlighten the ambiance (from darkness night to morning Light), the consecutive amount of photons Quanta" "Look at Data speed in fiber optic" and much more proof.
The only way that have no time no space is in the inside of Black Hole, but instead it has extreme Gravity with Higgs sub particles from the singularity that have also mass, no spin and no charge. Light has no mass but propagates in its emptiness through Gravity to create matter, from its energy by virtue.
No real proof that time exists at all.
The arrow of time could simply be the activity of fluctuation and it's degrading effects on matter/energy (entropy)
Standard physics and black hole theory don't really mesh with what we see in the universe for time/space.
Once the nuclear force is overcome in a black hole nothing can stop the collapse to an infinite mass point.
We just don't see that anywhere in the universe.
Something else stops a black hole from collapse and IMO that mechanism is lack of activity/time.
As a black hole compresses activity/time also compresses so a black hole can't shrink forever because forever in a black hole doesn't exist.
Time also can't exist because a black hole doesn't shrink it forever.

I agree that distance and time are linked but only going from point A to B at the max speed possible.
Time doesn't really have to exist for that to happen, the entropy of fluctuation can make it appear time exists.

I've read a few papers about the link to C speed and why that mechanism exists.
Most of them link C to a random setup of our universe that things are pretty much exact for it to be the speed it is, matter to be matter, life to be possible etc .

IMO the speed of C is only a perception of what fluctuation is A, B, C min chunk at max speed for light and in it's perception it travels across the universe in no time.
Pretty good evidence that time isn't a real substance but just an activity.

Easier to imagine that fluctuation is the law maker and creator of all we see.
It also sets conservation of energy when it becomes balanced after it created all the stable energy and matter we see.

All JMO though :)
Nov 6, 2020
Time does not exist as a particles. On another hand, it is untoucheable so it does not exist as particles. Of course, In the end it is not a particles. So it does not exist in a materialistic way. But space-time "spacetime" continuum exist.
Time is a continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future. And through eternity "infinity" and zeroness.

The Light has a constant irrational speed that define time into existence.

The past is the set of events that can send light signals to an entity and the future is the set of events to which an entity can send light signals.

we measure time by the general relativity.

According to the special theory of relativity, in the high-speed particle's frame of reference, it exists, on the average, for a standard amount of time known as its mean lifetime, and the distance it travels in that time is zero, because its velocity is zero.

Time is a kind of measurement created by Light as a function of dimension.

But we can define time into existence to measure things. Time is an element of meaurment and not particles or mass.

What I am saying about the definition of speed is the measurement ratio of distance divided by time.

Time is a component quantity of measurements.
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Time does not exist as a particles. On another hand, it is untoucheable so it does not exist as particles. Of course, In the end it is not a particles. So it does not exist in a materialistic way. But space-time "spacetime" continuum exist.
Time is a continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future. And through eternity "infinity" and zeroness.

The Light has a constant irrational speed that define time into existence.

The past is the set of events that can send light signals to an entity and the future is the set of events to which an entity can send light signals.

we measure time by the general relativity.

According to the special theory of relativity, in the high-speed particle's frame of reference, it exists, on the average, for a standard amount of time known as its mean lifetime, and the distance it travels in that time is zero, because its velocity is zero.

Time is a kind of measurement created by Light as a function of dimension.

But we can define time into existence to measure things. Time is an element of meaurment and not particles or mass.

What I am saying about the definition of speed is the measurement ratio of distance divided by time.

Time is a component quantity of measurements.

If time is a thing then certainly it's a measure of relativity.
But what are we measuring in relativity?

Is it simply the activity of going from point A to B or the static happening of being on point A or B?

If we set some point is space then it takes X time to get to that point at C.
But what passes in the trip?
Gravity communicates at instant speed so the trip doesn't even exist
Light and gravity have 2 different perspectives on the trip.

Is the trip a real distance or perspective of relative time/space depending on how you travel in the universe?

We could be easily trapped in perspective of being mass beings in a universe of fluctuation laws if such a simple trip can have 2 outcomes.

Time and space could easily be just illusions of perspective.

Nov 6, 2020
Go Check ZENO'S PARADOXES on Wikipedia :)

You can also Check my other Threads perfectly from the beginning to the end and see how I define the speed of Light in absolute emptiness, nature and in all other dimensions; and how it differs from the one of vacuum and why it is equal to π Mm/Cs.

Check my Theory C=π with the uploaded images in other threads and Riemann zeta function, Einstein, Maxwell and other theories at infinity illusionary perspectives "Light, TimeSpace, Gravity, Time, Space & Matter".
Go Check ZENO'S PARADOXES on Wikipedia :)

You can also Check my other Threads perfectly from the beginning to the end and see how I define the speed of Light in absolute emptiness, nature and in all other dimensions; and how it differs from the one of vacuum and why it is equal to π Mm/Cs.

Check my Theory C=π with the uploaded images in other threads and Riemann zeta function, Einstein, Maxwell and other theories at infinity illusionary perspectives "Light, TimeSpace, Gravity, Time, Space & Matter".
Will do Alain, Always looking for novel ways to fill in the blanks and behind the scenes mysteries of the universe :)
Nov 6, 2020
Sure Bro.

After all we are not going to wait decades or even centuries to ameliorate our science, math and technologies.

"Light is so fast".
Nov 6, 2020
The traveler didn't go faster than Light at any condition in the x dimension and it has a natural visibility of present between past and future. (See the end of the below)


If the traveler exceed the light speed 2 times faster than Light speed 2C for example:
The observation of his past will be In the middle of its trajectory present path because of the Light pulse backward and forward each one 1/2C from A to B and from A and come back to A in 1C "So he see his past in an average trajectory done 1/2 away the distance from A to B but outside the considered 2D AB and always true in paradoxes, Rieman zeta function, Einstein special relativity, Godel and Hawking in all dimensions begining from 0 to X" and it will be gone outside the 2D single sides coordinate A to B as a virtual reality of past and future in a 4D systematic coordinate.

So it depends on the speed of the traveler. Because Light speed stay constant in all condition in relativity.
The present is the reality key of the untoucheable past and future.

Faster than Light the past and future will be outside the cones in the 4D in the warping space-time. And no matter can exceed the speed of Light except Light itself in its realtivity to space-time-gravity. If something can exceed the speed of Light it will go back or forward to the past and future of the warping space-time-gravity where Light can do the impossibility in the tunnel gate of a black hole to do its loop for matter generation and Light incernation to all universes.

If someone exceed the speed of Light 2 times forward on a special rockets that have 2 C as a speed and gone too far away from that person on a point A than comes back to B where A and B collapse in a circular form and sit around him, the other person see him as a light behind him and he needs 2 times faster in relativity to see that person in his naked eye as an observer so he see him half the way because Light needs 2 times to go backward and forward to his eyes to see where is the person traveler is gone so far. So he see him in the middle of his path as a past and beside him as a light in a future form. And the other person on the rockets see him directly and see himself 2 times slower in the middle as a past like the stars that are not always on their same places coordinates because light stars needs times to come over the observer so that distance stars move away. We see objects by light speed that is always done from its constant speed C.
So the Light here needs 1C times each time you need to see something by your naked eye. So if that person traveled 2 C times faster than C so you need 2 times faster to see his real place. So that person who traveled 2 times faster than Light will be visible in the middle of his path in the naked eye and the other person see his past as 2C x 1/2=C more slower "average visibility" and he see him as a light beside him because he traveled two times faster and he come back beside him. So Light needs two times to go to that person rockets and comes back to his naked eye so he see him in the middle of his trajectory but in reality that person rockets become light and return to him and sit beside him as a Light
So his image past is in the middle of his trajectory because he traveled 2C (two times faster than Light).

The same comprehension is mentioned above for Light travel from A to B and B to A in 1 C like a light pulses electromagnetics. So the middle will be 1/2C Where light speed was considered from A to B and B to A is always= 1C so the traveler wherever he moves slower than light he will be catchy by the naked eye by the special relativity inside AB even if Light is going from A to B and from B to A. But if the traveler exceed the speed of light his image past will appear backward and his future become visible as light and forward.

If we are in a 2D world and if Light is going forward and backward in each knots the past of the traveler will be in the middle average 1/2 of the considered trajectory and the future will be at the end where the traveler always doesn't reach the end.
Correction of the wrong typing paragraphs above and below "I can not edit it anymore"
IT is 2C x 1/2 = C
The same way 2π × 1/2 = π
It is not ÷ nor /
Gravity = G = π2 = π . π = 3.14... x 3.14... = 9.8...m/s2
Aether not ether as vaccum
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