Lights on Moon

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Dec 11, 2019
FYI. There are reports of lights on the Moon over the years but are known to be natural phenomenon. During January 2019, there was a total lunar eclipse of the Moon in Cancer. A meteor hit the Moon and caused a noticeable flash that was recorded by various observers and posted at sites like Sky & Telescope. I missed that impact event because at the time, I was viewing M44, the Beehive cluster in Cancer using my binoculars. Other lights on the Moon are known from meteor shower events like the Leonids.

Well for sure and their are strange lights here also that can be explained like the northern lights but that don't mean their isn't life here.
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Dec 11, 2019
sward, that is a very interesting idea but you need someone from the FE community to defend FE teachings and the model(s). I use the FE model to compare with the E.T. aliens model in this thread because I find, FE model can be more specific about science and testability than E.T. alien disciples present in their model supporting E.T. aliens, here on Earth or the Moon today or in the distant past. At the moment, the thread is focused on the Moon, lights on the Moon and how a telescope can be used to see if E.T. aliens are operating on the Moon today. We have NASA LRO orbiting the Moon, in the past orbiting Apollo astronauts like Collins in Apollo 11, we had Israel's lunar space probe images that orbited the Moon and crashed on it, India tried too, China is on the Moon, etc.

There is much documented about the Moon today and easily tested, nothing confirms or shows E.T. aliens are on the Moon, inside a hollow Moon, etc. In this thread, if Truthseeker007 continues, I will use my six question outline method that I previously presented to him and others for investigation. I use this method and find it yields results - either supporting claims or showing the claims are not acceptable science testing standards.---Rod


I am sure somebody will show up that believes the Earth to be flat. And why do they have to be from some kind of community? Last time I checked you don't have to belong to some community or be an "Expert" to post here?

The who,what,where,when,how and why is very governmental for I am not saying anything is wrong with it I just remember always having to use it working in Iraq.:D
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Dec 11, 2019
I will message you about the Pentagon :) I hold to a difference between good science and junk science :)--Rod

Ok. Although I am aware the Pentagon is more controlled and propaganda science. It is mostly political and serving a political agenda. Just saying. Its not about finding truth but supporting the propaganda at the time. I am not sure if that is what you were referring to but when I see Pentagon and science close together I have to chuckle.:rolleyes:
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Ok. Although I am aware the Pentagon is more controlled and propaganda science. It is mostly political and serving a political agenda. Just saying. Its not about finding truth but supporting the propaganda at the time. I am not sure if that is what you were referring to but when I see Pentagon and science close together I have to chuckle.:rolleyes:

That is a good one :) Old school AF I knew called the building - Ft. Fumble.
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Dec 11, 2019
My comment. *It is not obvious that the Earth is not flat* and it is not obvious that E.T. aliens are on the Moon today so the comparison I make is valid. Flat earth teachers claim moonlight has a different temperature. Flat earthers teach the size and distance of the Moon from Earth - very different than the heliocentric solar system measurements using a spherical Earth baseline too, and the FE community rejects gravity - holding to Tesla who rejected Newton' gravity, thus they are all geocentric teachers in astronomy too. FE community teaches the Earth is immovable, all of these teachings can be investigated by the scientific method and shown true or false, however the E.T. alien disciples do not meet this standard of reporting and investigating that the FE community demonstrates in their reports. I consider FE community *science* methodology a better standard than E.T. alien disciples present in their teachings. From my view - you know much about E.T. aliens on the Moon as this thread demonstrates but clearly never spend time studying the Moon using a quality telescope and the subject of selenography like observing specific lunar craters and features at different times using a good lunar map.

Here is an example using the Moon and telescopes, how I could search for E.T aliens living on the Moon today, sometimes causing lights on the Moon. The Moon's minimum perigee is about 356400 km distance, the Moon's maximum apogee is about 406700 km distance, the average distance is 384401 km. At 384401 km, my telescopes resolve features 1" angular size, thus 1.864 km in diameter.

Q: How large is the area that E.T. aliens and their buildings on the Moon occupy compared to my telescope view?
Q: Where are E.T. alien lights on the Moon coming from? This is selenography and requires specific location(s).

I like your scientific approach. You can't argue with that.

I would think all the buildings would be in the inside and underground. So I am not even sure how that would be tested. I know when they smacked the moon awhile back it rang like a bell. As if it is artificially constructed.

I am not sure their would be any artificial lights coming from the moon and may all be natural. Would these ships that are traveled in even have lights and can they even be seen and especially from so far away. I mean if you were at the moon would you be able to see planes flying in the Earth? Or would you even see a rocket leaving from the Earth?
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Getting back on track with *Lights on the Moon*, here is some examples of what I look for in good science when it comes to reporting lights on the Moon.

""Meteoroids are smashing into the Moon a lot more often than anyone expected. That's the tentative conclusion of Bill Cooke, head of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office, after his team observed two Leonids hitting the Moon on Nov. 17, 2006. "We've now seen 11 and possibly 12 lunar impacts since we started monitoring the Moon one year ago," says Cooke.", ref - Lunar Leonid Strikes Another example comes from my stargazing log about viewing the total lunar eclipse of January 2019 last year. "I observed one meteor flash by south of the Moon near mid-eclipse. 0008 EST, about 2nd magnitude moving towards Leo. Here is a report by Bob King on 23-January-2019 showing a meteor flash took place on the Moon during the total lunar eclipse - many other reports on this too. A Space Rock Strikes Moon During the Total Lunar Eclipse,, "The flash appeared west of Mare Humorum (Sea of Moisture) southwest of the crater Byrgius at 4:41:38 UT (11:41 p.m. EST)…"
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I like your scientific approach. You can't argue with that.

I would think all the buildings would be in the inside and underground. So I am not even sure how that would be tested. I know when they smacked the moon awhile back it rang like a bell. As if it is artificially constructed.

I am not sure their would be any artificial lights coming from the moon and may all be natural. Would these ships that are traveled in even have lights and can they even be seen and especially from so far away. I mean if you were at the moon would you be able to see planes flying in the Earth? Or would you even see a rocket leaving from the Earth?

Apollo missions placed lunar quake detectors or seismic detectors on the Moon just like the laser reflectors used for lunar laser ranging measurements showing the distance and we have a long documentation history on these. I have not seen any reports showing the Moon is hollow for example - at least not in reputable sources, e.g. did publish an official report claiming the Moon is hollow for everyone to read?
Dec 11, 2019
Apollo missions placed lunar quake detectors or seismic detectors on the Moon just like the laser reflectors used for lunar laser ranging measurements showing the distance and we have a long documentation history on these. I have not seen any reports showing the Moon is hollow for example - at least not in reputable sources, e.g. did publish an official report claiming the Moon is hollow for everyone to read?

Do you think NASA would if they did? Do you believe they are totally truthful in everything they do and tell the people everything they know?I think what we forget is they are an arm of the government. You and I both know it is never a good idea to trust your government. Yes great people that work for the gov but it is the hidden hand Elite which holds the keys to the true secrets. Also remember how closely connected the US and Israel top echelon are connected. Heck our tax dollars more than likely paid for Israel's lunar!
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Do you think NASA would if they did? Do you believe they are totally truthful in everything they do and tell the people everything they know?I think what we forget is they are an arm of the government. You and I both know it is never a good idea to trust your government. Yes great people that work for the gov but it is the hidden hand Elite which holds the keys to the true secrets. Also remember how closely connected the US and Israel top echelon are connected. Heck our tax dollars more than likely paid for Israel's lunar!

My answer is I do not know what NASA does or does not do unless they publish the report(s). Getting back on track, *Lights on the Moon*, I presented in this thread examples where astronomy documented lights on the Moon using quality equipment and where the lights appeared from small meteor impacts.

Q: Can your provide a specific example of a light on the Moon that is confirmed like the small meteor impacts showing the light is E.T. activity on the Moon? The example needs to follow the model I used and cited for small meteor impacts documented now. As a good government bureaucrat, I need some specifics here, otherwise the claim will be sent to the X-Files Department :)
Dec 11, 2019
My answer is I do not know what NASA does or does not do unless they publish the report(s). Getting back on track, *Lights on the Moon*, I presented in this thread examples where astronomy documented lights on the Moon using quality equipment and where the lights appeared from small meteor impacts.

Q: Can your provide a specific example of a light on the Moon that is confirmed like the small meteor impacts showing the light is E.T. activity on the Moon? The example needs to follow the model I used and cited for small meteor impacts documented now. As a good government bureaucrat, I need some specifics here, otherwise the claim will be sent to the X-Files Department :)

How would you even tell the difference if the light is ET or a meteor. And who says they even need lights to get around? If they can transverse from universe to universe and dimension to dimension do you think they would even need the same kind of light we do?lol!
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How would you even tell the difference if the light is ET or a meteor. And who says they even need lights to get around? If they can transverse from universe to universe and dimension to dimension do you think they would even need the same kind of light we do?lol!

Okay you asked *How would you even tell the difference if the light is ET or a meteor* My answer - how do you decide it is ET activity and not a small meteor? Your discussion provided no specific examples like I do, that included luminosity using the apparent magnitude scale in astronomy for the light flash documented. So, because I am a good government bureaucrat and the SF cannot be completed, I am sending the report to the X-Files Department :)
May 1, 2020
Theres no aliens on the moon ,everyone knows they spend their time at area 51 working on black projects for the government.
Mar 5, 2020

According to Houston, the Seas (Mare) on the Moon are 3.7 billion years old using scientifically fraudulent geochronology. According to Eugene Shoemaker using linear time crater counting calculated a date of about 300 million years.

(Wikipedia) Transient lunar phenomena

The region of the Aristarchus plateau has been the site of many reported transient lunar phenomena, with a total of 122 such reports by 2007; the highest recorded for any lunar feature.

Some of the geological features in the Marius Hills and Aristarchus Plateau appear to be geologically recent. If volcanic activity were to be confirmed that would make Houston/Nasa a bunch of liars.

The Seas on the moon were created 300 million years ago (or less) by the impact of an interstellar asteroid traveling at a velocity greatly exceeding 50kms (escape velocity for the Solar System).

Interstellar asteroid impacts also create the starting conditions for oil on Earth.

They also punch holes through Earth’s crust creating “mantle plumes” like Yellowstone. Chicxulub (a firecracker) was released from Big Oil’s X-files to cover up the Deccan interstellar asteroid impact and maybe another impact in North America.

Houston/Nasa would like for you to think aliens rather than active volcanism on the Moon.

Why would the world capitol of oil geology (Houston) have anything but a scientific motive for controlling planetary geology?

Don’t waste time looking for interstellar asteroid impact geology in the scientific literature. 80% of what exists is here on

The Moon Rocks slipped me a note saying that evil Oil Men were holding them hostage in Houston😊
My comment. *It is not obvious that the Earth is not flat* and it is not obvious that E.T. aliens are on the Moon today so the comparison I make is valid.
The best refutation for the Flat Earth theories is still the one Aristotle used several hundred years BC. Just watch a sailing ship sail away on the beach. The ship drops below the horizon while the sail is still visible. It's gone around the curve of your view.

If you have good equipment, you can use that to calculate the curvature of the Earth. You wind up with a sphere at around forty thousand kilometers circumference. If you don't have the equipment it's still BIG.

For the Moon, photographs taken at moon-rise and moon-set give enough offset to see that the Moon's shape is a ball when viewed stereoscopic-ally. Try it. It works.

Many observatories have photo's taken for just that purpose.

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