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Then you go and write this allegorical story about a person that you KNOW nothing about!<br /><br />"Your best friend Jim tells you that while you were off fishing yesterday morning, he saw your wife letting your neighbor, Big Richard, out the back door. She was wearing a bathrobe and hugged him right there on the doorstep. <br /><br />You immediately decide based on what Jim said that your wife is cheating on you, go home and shoot her. <br /><br />Well -- as it turns out: after you left to go fishing that morning, your wife was coming out of the bathroom, and saw a rattlesnake in the bedroom. She jumped up on the bed and called Richard from the phone on the nightstand. He came over and killed the snake. As he was leaving, she hugged him and said thank you, and that she didn't know what she'd have done if he hadn't been able to kill the snake for her. "<br /><br />A. I have been married to my wife for fourty two years, do you think it MIGHT be possible that we would trust each other by now? Also , as we live in a two bedroom apartment with my children and grand children, your scenairo is impossible!<br /><br />B. To my knowledge (other than the usual traffic tickets) I have never broken the law for ANY reason, let alone shoot somebody (I don't even own a gun).<br /><br />C. I am a true Christian. I follow someone who said that I should NOT even get mad at anyone, let alone commit murder!<br /><br />Now, I do understand what you are trying to do here, and in some ways I appreciate it. But, in its own way aren't you doing the same thing that you accuse me of doing? What I have just done is take something (I understand that you were just trying to be kindly allegorical here) and do the same thing to you that you have been doing all along (perhaps even rightfully in some cases) to my posts!<br /><br />I can do something that it seems almost impossible for anyone to do on these boards. I am perfectly willing to admit to making mistakes and errors. And if you don't think that i


Glad to see you still posting here! However, your reference to the movie "Tucker" is somewhat obscure to me. I then notice that you are answering a post that is way back at the beginning of the thread by mikejz. <br /><br />This started me wondering if it might actually be possible to make up a thread system that would place posts after at least the last post of the individual you were answering. Or better still, make a copy of the persons post that you were answering, and place your own post right after it, both posts being placed at the end of the present thread. Would this be too complex for such thread systems?


<font color="yellow">However, unless you are taking such bits of another post out to Word and then re pasting them back after working on them, how do you get that nice yellow affect? I am NOT being factitious here, I really would like to know, or is it in the FAQ section somewhere?</font><br /><br />Yes, it is in the FAQ, but I'll answer it for you anyway. You change the font colours using the colour UBB tags. For example, if you want to change the text colour to yellow, use the following UBB tag - " [yellow]Text you want to be yellow.[/yellow]"


<font color="yellow">Testing to see if this works. Hopefully...</font><br /><br />Hey Wow! it does, now I see, if I just bring over something by cutting and pasting and then use the tags.<br /><br />Oh boy, what fun! I sis also go to the FAQ section. I do know what HTML stands for, but what is UBB?


<font color="yellow">"Then you go and write this allegorical story"</font><br /><br />Apparently, the definition of allegory has gone right over your head.<br /><br /><i>al·le·go·ry ( P ) Pronunciation Key (l-gôr, -gr)<br />n. pl. al·le·go·ries <br /><br />The representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form. </i><br /><br />I'm suprised that you didn't add:<br /><br />D. My best friend's name is <b>not</b> Jim.<br /><br />E. I don't have a neighbor called 'Big Richard'.<br /><br />F. I hate fishing.<br /><br />G. There are no rattlesnakes around my house.<br /><br />H. My wife never uses bathrobes.<br /><br />I. There's no phone on the nightstand by our bed.<br />


I was NOT trying to be nasty nor confrontational, honestly. I am indeed tired of this constant antagonism. I will therefore go on to other threads. <br /><br />I leave you this one, please enjoy!


<i>Glad to see you still posting here! However, your reference to the movie "Tucker" is somewhat obscure to me.</i><br /><br />My apologies, I was hoping more people had seen the movie. My post may have seemed a bit off the wall, but I assure everyone that is directly applicable to this thread.<br /><br />Tucker was a movie (starring Jeff Bridges) based on truth about an upstart car manufacturer in the 1950's. Tucker was an entrepenuer that felt that the Big 3 in Detroit (GM, Ford, Chrysler) were overbloated with government pork and decided to take a stab at starting is own car company. His cars were the first vehicles to have seat belts, roll cages, and headlights that turned with the steering wheel. His cars had many other innovations, but my memory is failing me as to what they were right now.<br /><br />But long story short, in the end, although Tucker's car designs were better, he was elbowed out of the business by the Big 3 in what can only be described as cartel like behavior. They forced material manufacturers to boycott is company, and when Tucker was forced to go public to generate capital, they corrupted his board and shareholders. In the end, Tucker was left broke, and was even accussed of criminal allegations (of which he was aquitted).<br /><br />Sound familiar?


Perhaps you would be referring to actions by Boeing or LM against the newer space companies of Burt Rutan, and Elon Musk?<br /><br />I don't think it is quite the same situation as Tucker's, as spacex has already obtained a DARPA contract for the Falcon I for some $100 million, and Elon Musk is certainly rich enough on his own to build spacex into a genuine power in the launch industry!<br /><br />Then there is Burt Rutan, who is backed by Virgin Galactic, and other very rich and powerful backers. Even he has obtained contracts FROM boeing for drop tests for the X-37. To say nothing of the fact that he has far more customers for his next sub-orbital flight vehicle than he can even allow for.<br /><br />No, I really don't think that either Boeing nor LM can stop or even slow such efforts down by much! Which, while I am not one of Boieng or LM's many detractors on these boards I do think that this will even be good for the entire industry in the long run, as it may well not only be successful in itself, but build a fire under the slower and more traditional companies!
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