I have gone from cautiously optimistic on these issues, to at least pessimistic on them.
As I now see it NASA is NOT going to be allowed to have a budget large enough to get anywhere. I do not however blame either Congress or president Obama specifically for this, the entire country is in a deep recession (and that is at best, I would actually call it a deep depression only second to the Great Depression of the 1930's in history), and therefore the money for even any reasonable projects in cost for NASA, such as going just back to the moon, let alone the far more expensive proposition of going so much further out as Mars, just is not going to be there!
Don't get me wrong here, anybody that knows how I feel from other posts of mine knows just how badly I feel about this. But I am enough of a realist to see where this is going, and it means that NASA isn't going to go anywhere but the ISS for a long time into the future! And that is that!
So that leaves only two alternatives for those of us that want a real future in space for mankind. Either other countries such as Russia, Chine, Europe or others will have to go further outwards, but this is equally unlikely, as the economic problems of the US are also the economic problems of the entire Earth. Or getting humanity into space is going to have to be up to the for profit private alt.space industry!
So as far as I am concerned NASA is not going to go anywhere outside of LEO period. The Constellation project is going to be canceled, and NASA is not going back to the moon, and certainly not on to Mars! And that is that! However, just perhaps there might be enough left over for NASA to continue a large robotic program for both Mars and other destinations within our solar system, and I consider that to at least be a relatively good thing in itself. Besides which, NASA may be able through COTS D to help such as spacex to develop a follow on system for the space shuttle for getting up to the ISS, and continuing the important work there on just how we will eventually be able to use the materials of space to develop the infrastructure needed to eventually go further out in a far more sustainable manner.
So that only leaves the pure private for profit capitalistic enterprises to do the job!
And that is quite probably going to take quite a bit more time, but it does have the very large advantage of creating a true demand for humanity in space that would be truly sustainable.
Nobody can actually predict the future of humanity in space, but let me take what I consider to now be the only remaining path now open for this important activity. Mind you, this is a very minimalist type of program!
Hopefully, there will be other pure private for profit enterprises also developed, but at this time there are only three truly viable companies that are actually engaged in cutting metal (or composites for that matter) at this time. They are the true leaders, and will be the true developers of Cheap Access to Space. And it has now become rather obvious that without CATS, humanity will quite probably not even be going back to the moon, let alone on to Mars and beyond!
Those three are: spacex (under the control of Elon Musk), which is making a truly major effort to develop both rocket launch systems and the COTS Dragon capsule, to eventually bring down the cost of a pound of material, human or otherwise, to the magic number of at least $1,000 per pound to LEO instead of the $10,000 pound for the oldest systems, or even the $5,000 per pound for the newer EELV systems. This is an absolute must, or humanity is not really going to go anywhere in space in a truly sustainable manner. This is why I truly hope and pray that they will be able to do this!
Then there are the equally important efforts of Burt Rutan, Scaled Composites, and Virgin Galactic to truly show that there are indeed enough wealthy people that are now more than willing to provide the funding for space tourism. Which at this particular time is the only profitable path for placing human beings into space. Oh, there are, and have been for quite sometime now very profitable commercial satellite ventures in space, but they do not require humanity in space for their operations!
From what I have read, Scaled Composites and Virgin Galactic now have enough people willing to pay for just a few minutes in sub orbital space for full level (at least once a week) operations for many years to come after such operations have been safely started! And even such relatively low level efforts are going to prove to be quite profitable (with the provisions of course, that such operations are made to be very safe).
There is also another market for what I believe will be Rutan's next step after sub orbital flight itself. That is the very high speed (hypersonic) movement of both very high value cargo, and highly paid business people around the Earth's surface. This also would not yet be an orbital operation, but still going into sub orbital space, only actually going to other airports on the Earth's surface, instead of just coming back down at the same point that the sub orbital flight left from.
And strangely enough, I do think that there is now a very viable and on going effort by the government that will result in making the zone of hypersonic flight truly a viable and eventually profitable area for such as Burt Rutan. That is the highly funded Air Force project to truly develop the hypersonic zone of flight for military purposes. I believe that the Air Force is within a decade at most of accomplishing this truly significant achievement! And strangely enough, there really would be no reason why the Air Force would keep such an effort totally secret from private for profit industry. After all, the only countries that might also be able to use such a realm of velocity are generally either friends of the US, or at most neutral to us. Potential third world enemies of this country would not have the ability to make use of such an area. The technology would just be far too expensive for and technological for them.
But it would not be too expensive for such as Burt Rutan that he and Scaled Composites and such as Virgin Galactic or such companies as FED EX, or the other major shipping companies could not develop the ability to ship high value cargo to any place on the planet in less then two hours. And eventually, not only those highly valued materials but also give high paying businesspeople (women as well as men) the ability to get to anywhere on the planet in less than two hours also (while at the same time probably joining the rather still exclusive club of those that could claim to be astronauts). In fact, I would think that if either or both Boeing Aircraft and/or Airbus would also become very interested in such an effort, that would give such an effort a massive push for success!
Then what would be next? Well, most would say tourist travel to LEO would be the next goal, and I would agree with them. But without bringing in the third of the more viable new companies, this is going to take a very long time. That third company is Bigelow Aerospace with its inflatable habitat space stations.
In the beginning Bigelow's immediate goals are to just be able to launch and build these habitats in LEO for the use of researchers doing much the same as what is now (and even more in the near future) being done on the ISS. Bigelow is truly hoping that either spacex, or even ULA with the EELV's will be able to bring down the price per pound to LEO to a level where he can build small space stations from his inflatable modules for quite reasonable costs.
Then further on such small and relatively inexpensive space station would become the destinations for such as Burt Rutan to place something such as small linear aerospike rocket engines on his sub orbital hypersonic vehicles, and truly go into LEO! For without at least some kind of relatively inexpensive destinations for tourists (or certainly space researchers) to be able to stay in orbit for longer periods then just launch vehicles able to get to LEO, there would be no reason for such a tourist industry to even develop at all. I would say that such a minimum stay would probably be at least a week, and average two weeks or even more!
After that.........
Well, this has already become a very lengthy post! I would be more than happy to continue, but for now I have other things to do. However, would others here possibly not only like me to continue, but also start another entire thread on
either this forum (I would start with this post itself, and then go on) or the space business and tech forum, perhaps even in both forums?
The time line for what I have already brought up? If I were to be very conservative I would say two decades. But I would hope that as private industry has a far better history of generally moving faster than government, then it might all happen in less that a decade!
I am sure there are arguments against what I am saying here, but remember that I am being as realistically minimalist as I can be here, so anything less and there will probably be NO future for mankind in space at all, and I am of the opinion that means that within some few hundreds of years that would mean that there will be NO future for mankind whatever!!
So do think about that possibility (probability, as far as I am concerned) before you come up with any kind of total opposition! Details will quite probably change, but if we are going to go on at all, then this is the only path the current economic and governmental situation evidently still leaves us!
But I am more than open to ANY ideas for getting at least the thrust of Mankind's industry off of this Earth before we destroy it! The human space program IS the ultimate environmental program!!!
Well, in the meantime. please do Have A Very Great Day!!