najaB said, "<i><font color="pink">If extrasense didn't already have a history here, I'd agree. There are only so many times that someone can post pictures of rocks, claiming that they are fossils, monuments, flowers, snakes, rodent-like creatures or machinery and expect to be greeted with anything other than hostility. extrasense passed that point a long time ago on SDC.</font></i>"<br /><br />Moderators are doing an excellent job under the circumstances, and I had my doubts about you, but you turned out just fine. Listen, if you suppress the craziest, or looniest ideas you risk everything. For example, a ten-year old will view this behavior as something to fear; therefore, that individual will likely not join, or post out of fear. This behavior is not typical of just 10-year olds. Everyone will succumb to this behavior; I, of course, am not blinded by politics.<br /><br />If I were to give any advise, I would advise readers to just be yourself; speak your mind how you see fit, because it is those craziest and/or looniest ideas that are the most innovative of them all. Innovation is what moves this world folks. Meaning, there is no such thing as a loony hypothesis, and contrary to what Yevaud said about "Hypothesis", hypothesis is just a loony idea that may or may not be substantiated and/or unsubstantiated.<br /><br />najaB - Trust me on this. If you could suppress the hostility, and/or redirect that hostility to ignorance, in which I am opposed to ignorance, then you will add value-added quality to these SDC boards. Quantity will surely follow. You are probably thinking that this will equate to more loons, and crackpots, but what is a loon or crackpot? Is that someone who believes in fire breathing dragons, or is that someone who believes that Egyptian Monolith's have roots on Mars?<br /><br />If we respond to these kids, similarly the way we are responding to each other, then these kids, and all diverse people's of the world will benefit from it. It is counter productive