I recently read an artical 'Massive distant galaxy upsets theories' by Robert Roy Britt at space.com.<br />Its says that the Universe is about 13.6 Billion years old.<br />The galaxy that he talks about is 12.8 Billion light years away.<br />That does not make since!<br />If the light from the galaxy took 12.8 billion years to get here, then the light we are seeing had to be 12.8 billion light years away when it started.<br />If this galaxy is a product of the big bang, then that means that the entire galaxy had to travel a distance of 12.8 billion light years in about 800 million years.<br />That does not seem possible. Does it???? That would mean that the galaxy was traveling much faster than the speed of light.<br />My point is, that what ever object we look at, it had to be in its current observable location at the time that its light started traveling towards us.<br />If an object was traveling at such a high rate of speed that it could cross 12.8 billion light years in 800 million years, then it would currently be much farther than 13.6 billion light years away. <br />That would make the Universe much, much bigger.<br />If the object could not have traveled 12.8 billion light years in 800 million years, far more likely, then the universe HAS to be much much older than 13.6 billion years.<br />I hope this question makes since.<br />How can an object be 12.8 billion light years away and the universe be only 13.6 billion years old?<br /><br />Thanks