Missing Titanic submersible built with NASA help

Jun 20, 2023
It’s not so much a "rescue" as a recovery operation. Unless the sub is still cruising around, it very likely sank below crush depth and imploded. They did not feel any pain though; the collapse happens in milliseconds, to fast for nerve signals to reach the brain.
Jun 20, 2023
ummmmmmmm it's there to view the titanic which sits on the sea bottom so it can handle the max depth it has go............ if it keeps its integrity sounds like the integrity was compromised on the way down
I hope that surface support ship is listening to the sounds under the surface as well as whatever communication channels they are using. If so, then a "crush" accident should have been detectable on the sonar listening system.

We really aren't being told much about what is known and what is not known, or even what equipment is being used to find and maybe retrieve the submersible. Maybe that is because some of it is military hardware with classified capabilities. At least I hope it is that, instead of not having anything that is really useful available.
This morning, there are reports of tapping sounds at 30 minute intervals, with ~40 hours of oxygen left. So, it seems like rescue is still possible, but first they need to accurately locate the source of the tapping sound.

I am wondering how well the submersible is insulated. It seems like the problem is an electric power failure of some sort, since no communication and no propulsion. It is awfully cold down there - I hope body heat is sufficient for survival as long as the oxygen lasts.

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