My recommended reading

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I've seen many good recommendations like Protector which is one of those books that just made me love the genre. Here are my recommendations. Nova by Sam Delaney another early read that just set the bar very high for everything that came after it. The Nameless Man Triology by Jack Vance that includes The Anome, The Brave Free Men and the Asutra. I love "good" combat sf and one guy that just doesn't seem to get much recognition is Robert Frezza. His triology A Small Colonial War, Fire in a Faraway Place, and Cain's Land are truly unique. His characters are so rich and different. Fictional people you can really care about. And this guy loves literature giving much homage to his favorite writers throughout the books. I cannot fathom that this series isn't more popular. They are great reads and re-reads. I would love to see him kick out a prelude to the triology. <br /><br />Spat
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