I have since seen more of these objects. Some nights, I can see up to three at the same time. One (the largest, and the one I first noticed.) in the western sky, one in the southern sky, and one in the northern sky.<br /><br />My spouse and neighbors have also seen them, so I know it's not my eyes playing tricks on me.<br /><br />The one in the west is easiest to watch with the naked eye or binocs. Motion is imperceptible while watching, but it does change positions over time. I can first see it once the sky gets dark (around 7:30 p.m. EDT). At this time it is high, nearly overhead. I don't know the correct terminology to explain it, but if the horizon is 0 degrees and directly above my head is 90 degrees, then its position is about 70-80 degrees.<br /><br />Around 10:30 p.m. EDT, the object has dropped to 30-ish degrees, but in the same vertical plane. Lower than that, my view is obstructed by the treeline.<br />