NASA is narrowing its number of potential competent staff as a direct consequence of focusing on the racial and gender make-up of the people they are hiring. Therefor competence at NASA will be lower in the future, with the increased risk of fatal disasters.
"Overall, the agency has 18,000 civil service employees, with 35% being women and 30% African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic or "multiethnic." ."
What is the corresponing numbers/percentages in the US population as a whole, and among the applicants?
How about native americans, jews, hindus, muslims and mormons? How about transexuals?
"But all of this work has not resulted in meaningful changes in group composition, the OIG said. "
What group composition would constitute as "meaningful"?
What would be considered a satisfactory (or "meaningful") level of diversity? Each minority group being represented on par with its share of the total US population, or some other metric, like for example compared to each groups share of total number of applicants to each position?
Is there a pre-determined percentage, which would have to be continually adjusted as each groups share of the US population changes in the future?