I need to help you all with the heating of the Earth's mass. Gravitational heating is basically two directions of which the effect of compaction of substances during the formation of the Earth can be considered negligible. I will return to the second heating effect related to gravity later. In principle, the fall of asteroids is part of the pulsating formation of the Earth. That's right, this is not a process that has an end. The main formation was completed after several stages, an initial accumulation of matter during which Gaia reached dimensions and mass not much different from today, but still not the same. Subsequently, a planet has collected more matter while cleaning its orbit and...here is one special event that brought a lot of energy that has heated Gaia significantly. This is the collision with Theia and the formation of the Earth and the Moon. This impact alone has heated the Earth as much, if not more, than all the energy that the planet has absorbed from solar radiation in the entire time since the Earth existed. Moreover, the Earth continues to be heated by the tidal gravitational effect with the other product of the collision between Gaia and Theia, namely the Moon. Incidentally, there is a significant tidal gravitational effect on the Earth from solar gravity as well...And finally there was the heating from the decay of radioactive elements.