You know you only get what you pay for in life! Even pure commercial interests can't put a simple communications satellite up into a GEO orbit for under $200 million. And you want somebody to put human beings on the moon for some $200 million per each! <br /><br />Can you please stop it with the humor here! <br /><br />It is still far too early in the development cycle to even truly nail down what this sort of thing is going to eventually cost! <br /><br />You may not be entirely wrong here however, if congress does this program the same way they did the shuttle we might just as well give up on ever going out further than LEO until pure private profit making efforts can do it! However, if this happens the time frame is going to be at least three times as long.<br /><br />The only people that even stand a chance of doing this at all are Burt Rutan and his people. Oh, I know there is spacex, but right now they had just better concentrate on getting ANY kind of a successful rocket off! <br /><br />That really only leaves Rutan as the only successes full private type in the business at this time. He has already stated that it will be 2008 before he can get a true passenger carrying rocket going to just sub-orbital space! Then what he and Virgin Galactic have to do is to not only demonstrate reliability, but almost as importantly profitability! This is going to take several years of successful flight at least. <br /><br />In the meantime the Air Force and certain other countries are investigating the realm of hypersonic flight, which is the eventual key to true lifting body types of craft to get us to and from LEO in safety and comfort (don't forget comfort, if you can't offer comfort to relatively well healed passengers, you are going to have no profitability here)!<br /><br />Under these circumstances I would have to pick a time frame of at least 2015-2020 before we have a pure private efforts that place large amounts of paying passengers into LEO. Then building space st