<font color="orange">Not me, certainly.</font><br /><font color="yellow">Way to take the high road, spacester.</font><br />Touche' - if I take your point correctly, returning churlish with churlish is poor form. I agree and I regret that post; I had a point to make but I should've made it on the thread I referred to. <br /><br />My point: stuff happens, you plan the best you can, but stuff happens. The key in both cases is that there is no evidence of 'go'-fever despite outside pressures.<br /><br />Just for the record, I am a huge fan of JH APL. In fact I predict that in coming years they will challenge JPL for supremacy in semi-private-sector space development. They are <i>very</i> good at what they do.<br /><br />New Horizons is a very beautiful space craft. There is every reason to expect a flawless mission. I love the time of flight numbers - it illustrates just how far out Pluto is: 13 months to Jupiter, and many years after that, you get to the last major orb to be photographed.<br /><br />Trust me, I had no intention of disparaging the people who brought us NEAR, among many other things. They <i>landed</i> that puppy, how cool was that!? <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>