<p><BR/>Replying to:<BR/><DIV CLASS='Discussion_PostQuote'>I was looking at the night sky with my teenage daughters and told them I had heard some of the stars we were seeing were now dead and the light was only now reaching us. I recieved the usual look (you are a moron dad, they are usually right but maybe just once I would be) Is this true? Is there a name for this phenomenom or event or whatever it is? A Dad <br /> Posted by bcreegan</DIV></p><p>Most, but not all, of the stars you see in the sky are intrinsically large and bright, which means they burn through their nuclear fuel quickly and then end their lives by either exploding into supernovas, or else expanding into giant and supergiant stars that eventually turn into white dwarfs. The normal, long-lived stars like our sun can only be easily viewed if they are relatively nearby in our stellar neighborhood, and the most long-lived and numerous of all, the red dwarfs, cannot be seen at all with the naked eye. So it is indeed possible that some of the stars you see when you gaze up are no longer in the form you see them in.....Betelgeuse in Orion, for example, or Arcturus in Scorpio may have already blown themselves up, but the light of their explosions have not reaches us yet. There is no formal name for this situation that I know of, but you can always tell your doubtful daughters that it's a consequence of the lightspeed barrier.</p> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>