Oh no ! The historic and famous astronomical observatory founded by Edward Hale is under a very significant threat right now. the 100" Hooker scope and the Vargas array are still in very active scientific use.
Station Fire Could Reach Mount Wilson Observatory
By Dan Sanchez
Epoch Times Staff Aug 30, 2009
Fires burning near Mount Wilson at 10:30 p.m. PST Aug. 20. (Dan Sanchez/The Epoch Times)
PASADENA, Calif. —A Station fire on the east flank above Pasadena is threatening the Mount Wilson Observatory, a well known historic landmark just north of Pasadena in the San Gabriel foothills.
Fire officials are predicting the fire will possibly reach Mount Wilson tonight or early Monday morning. Many broadcast and communications towers and systems used by television and radio stations are also located there in addition to the century-old observatory.
The observatory was evacuated Saturday, leaving the historic and scientifically important facility in the care of firefighters. They cleared brush around Mount Wilson to keep flames from damaging the buildings and equipment.
A recent aerial view of the Mt. Wilson Observatory complex, looking north-east. In the lower-left are the 60-foot and 150-foot solar tower telescopes. Directly below the 60-foot tower is the horizontal Snow solar telescope. The dome for the 60-inch telescope is to the right of center, and the dome for the 100-inch Hooker telescope is near the top-center. Below the 60-inch dome is the small white dome housing the 16-inch Meade telescope. Directly north of the 100-inch dome is the long beam-combining building for the CHARA interferometer. Five of the six small silvery CHARA domes, each housing a 40-inch telescope, can also be seen. To the right in the picture is the Berkeley infrared interferometer. This photograph is by Norm Vargas, a 60-inch telescope operator.
Station Fire Could Reach Mount Wilson Observatory
By Dan Sanchez
Epoch Times Staff Aug 30, 2009
Fires burning near Mount Wilson at 10:30 p.m. PST Aug. 20. (Dan Sanchez/The Epoch Times)
PASADENA, Calif. —A Station fire on the east flank above Pasadena is threatening the Mount Wilson Observatory, a well known historic landmark just north of Pasadena in the San Gabriel foothills.
Fire officials are predicting the fire will possibly reach Mount Wilson tonight or early Monday morning. Many broadcast and communications towers and systems used by television and radio stations are also located there in addition to the century-old observatory.
The observatory was evacuated Saturday, leaving the historic and scientifically important facility in the care of firefighters. They cleared brush around Mount Wilson to keep flames from damaging the buildings and equipment.

A recent aerial view of the Mt. Wilson Observatory complex, looking north-east. In the lower-left are the 60-foot and 150-foot solar tower telescopes. Directly below the 60-foot tower is the horizontal Snow solar telescope. The dome for the 60-inch telescope is to the right of center, and the dome for the 100-inch Hooker telescope is near the top-center. Below the 60-inch dome is the small white dome housing the 16-inch Meade telescope. Directly north of the 100-inch dome is the long beam-combining building for the CHARA interferometer. Five of the six small silvery CHARA domes, each housing a 40-inch telescope, can also be seen. To the right in the picture is the Berkeley infrared interferometer. This photograph is by Norm Vargas, a 60-inch telescope operator.