Oldest surviving light reveals the universe's true age

My observation, the arxiv report is referenced in the space.com article (good). H0 value calculated according to the draft arxiv paper, “Abstract...LCDM is a good fit. The best-fit model has a reduced Chi^2 of 1.07 (PTE = 0.07) with H0 = 67.9 +/- 1.5 km/s/Mpc…”, ref - THE ATACAMA COSMOLOGY TELESCOPE: A MEASUREMENT OF THE COSMIC MICROWAVE BACKGROUND POWER SPECTRA AT 98AND 150GHZ Draft version July 14, 2020.

My observation, this cosmology calculator (http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/CosmoCalc.html) shows H0 = 67.9, the Hubble time is 14.064E+9 years old. The space.com report shows 13.77E+9, a delta of 2.94E+8 years for the Hubble time age of the universe. I used flat model with cosmology defaults and changed H0 to 67.9. Pinning down the *precise* age of the universe using the Hubble constant and Hubble time, is a model in progress😊
FYI folks. It did not take long to have another report, contradict the age of the universe based upon ACT measurements. There is a new report out this morning showing the Hubble constant is 75.1 km/s/Mpc with age of the universe pegged at 12.6E+9 years old now. See, 'New approach refines the Hubble's constant and age of universe', https://phys.org/news/2020-07-approach-refines-hubble-constant-age.html

"Calculations drawn from observations of NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe in 2013 put the age of the universe at 13.77 billion years, which, for the moment, represents the standard model of Big Bang cosmology. The differing Hubble's constant values from the various techniques generally estimate the universe's age at between 12 billion and 14.5 billion years. The new study, based in part on observations made with the Spitzer Space Telescope, adds a new element to how calculations to reach Hubble's constant can be set, by introducing a purely empirical method, using direct observations, to determine the distance to galaxies, Schombert said."

Cosmology is fun again :)
FYI, here is a list of recent reports on the Hubble constant that I have in my home database.

New approach refines the Hubble's constant and age of universe, https://phys.org/news/2020-07-approach-refines-hubble-constant-age.html, 20-Jul, 75.1 km/s/Mpc

Oldest surviving light reveals the universe's true age, https://forums.space.com/threads/oldest-surviving-light-reveals-the-universes-true-age.32567/, 20-Jul, 67.9 km/s/Mpc

NEW 3D MAP OF THE UNIVERSE — AND A GROWING COSMOLOGICAL DEBATE, https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/new-3d-map-universe-growing-cosmological-debate/, 20-Jul, 69 km/s/Mpc

Measurement of Hubble Constant: Do Different Cosmological Probes Provide Different Values? https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200611721T/abstract, 20-Jun, 82 km/s/Mpc

H0LiCOW XIII. A 2.4% measurement of H0 from lensed quasars: 5.3σ tension between early and late-Universe probes, https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020MNRAS.tmp.1661W/abstract, 20-Jun, 73.3 km/s/Mpc

New research of oldest light confirms age of the universe, https://phys.org/news/2020-07-oldest-age-universe.html, 20-Jul, 67.6 km/s/Mpc

New distance measurements bolster challenge to basic model of universe, https://phys.org/news/2020-06-distance-bolster-basic-universe.html, 20-Jun, 74 km/s/Mpc
It's interesting to still see so little attention to some details in favor of others.

In Aug, 2018, 78% of the IAU vote changed the Hubble Constant to the Hubble-Lemaitre Constant. None of these articles, however, respect the new term.

Some of the articles, at least one, talks about Hubble in his work to demonstrate expansion. Edwin Hubble never once argued for an expansion, surprisingly. To him that claim was for theorists, not him.

But, and my very cursory views of the articles, seem to treat the "Hubble Constant" as a constant, but we know it's not. The expansion rate is non-linear. Lemaitre applied Einstein's cosmological constant in his original theory that gave us the Big Bang. Further, he (and Eddington, IIRC) disagreed with Einstein that his cosmological constant should be removed.

It was in 1998, as we have discussed recently, that an acceleration component is needed for the "constant".

So, what am I missing? Is the constant a term that has great utility even if it lacks accuracy? Given our margin of errors for distance, etc. aren't fantastic, perhaps so.
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FYI. The article in this thread is about the *true age* of the universe from CMBR measurements, I posted various report links showing that measuring H0, the Hubble constant is *under review and discussions* and this *constant* impacts the Hubble time calculated for the age of the universe :) One problem I note, all distance measurements used to support BB cosmology and the *true age* of the universe, those distance measurements are not direct like stellar parallax or absolute magnitude compared to apparent magnitude distance calculations. Using a 2 AU baseline (Earth's orbit around the Sun), a star with stellar parallax of 1E-4 arcsecond, could be a bit more than 32600 LY distance from Earth. That means stellar parallax measurements to reach that distance or farther, must be good to 0.1 mas and we do not get negative values but a good, positive stellar parallax measurement for a star. I have not seen this stellar parallax ability (down to 0.1 mas) from Gaia DR2 reports. Thus stellar parallax measurements for various stars is very limited in distance measurement, likely not more than 9,000 LY distance for reliable values. The same holds for red giant stars. A red giant star with apparent magnitude of 26.0 and absolute magnitude of 0, could in theory be seen out to 5.17 million LY distance. Hundreds of millions and billions of light-year distances are indirect and require expanding universe conversions for redshift, converted to Hubble time for the age of the universe in BB cosmology. Even Type 1a supernova distances are limited too (thus they do not show the true age of the universe). https://phys.org/news/2020-07-spectacular-uv-white-dwarfs.html, “Using the Zwicky Transient Facility in California, researchers first spotted the peculiar supernova in December 2019—just a day after it exploded. The event, dubbed SN2019yvq, occurred in a relatively nearby galaxy located 140 million light-years from Earth, very close to tail of the dragon-shaped Draco constellation."
Using a 2 AU baseline (Earth's orbit around the Sun), a star with stellar parallax of 1E-4 arcsecond, could be a bit more than 32600 LY distance from Earth. That means stellar parallax measurements to reach that distance or farther, must be good to 0.1 mas and we do not get negative values but a good, positive stellar parallax measurement for a star.
We can use angular measurements to get us farther in the case of SN. The mass discharge velocity of 1987A SN, for instance, is easily determined, and it wasn't long before direct imaging could fine tune its angular size. So, the radius of the blast is simply the expansion velocity times time. So with a known radius measurement and a known angular measurement then simple trig was used to confirm the distance of its host galaxy (dwarf) of about 160,000 light years. This was direct imaging. It was also interesting that the neutrino blast arrived only a few seconds before the light, as predicted for light speed and neutrino speeds, IIRC.

Even Type 1a supernova distances are limited too (thus they do not show the true age of the universe). https://phys.org/news/2020-07-spectacular-uv-white-dwarfs.html, “Using the Zwicky Transient Facility in California, researchers first spotted the peculiar supernova in December 2019—just a day after it exploded. The event, dubbed SN2019yvq, occurred in a relatively nearby galaxy located 140 million light-years from Earth, very close to tail of the dragon-shaped Draco constellation."
There is a margin in error for all astronomical observations. The greater the distance the greater the margin of error. When the 13.7 Byr. estimate for the universe became 13.8 Byr, the revision was within the margin of error.

Type 1a have been the best "standard candles" to improve our estimates since they can be seen for distances far greater than anything else where we can have a reasonably good idea of their absolute magnitudes.

Gravitational lensing may be improving other means in distance determination, but I'm not sure.

I'm unclear what you are trying to demonstrate.
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Helio, the distance measurement for SN1987A does not show the universe true age is some 13.8 billion years old. The stellar parallax method of distance measurement in astronomy is the direct method using Earth's orbit as the baseline and stellar parallax does not show the *true age* of the universe, neither does angular size or expansion rates of various SN. Type 1a SN distances do not show the universe has been expanding for 13.8 billion years for example. In BB cosmology, the 13.8 billion years age of the universe is the Hubble time based upon H0. The Hubble time has a universe at least some 46 billion light years in radius, as seen from Earth. So far those distances cannot be verified, i.e. that the universe has such a large radius from Earth's frame of reference which is an important part of computing the Hubble time for the age of the universe using expansion. The Hubble time has a number of assumptions in the age calculation.

There is a new report out showing the Hubble constant is 75.1 km/s/Mpc with age of the universe pegged at 12.6E+9 years old now. See, 'New approach refines the Hubble's constant and age of universe', https://phys.org/news/2020-07-approach-refines-hubble-constant-age.html. "Calculations drawn from observations of NASA's Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe in 2013 put the age of the universe at 13.77 billion years, which, for the moment, represents the standard model of Big Bang cosmology. The differing Hubble's constant values from the various techniques generally estimate the universe's age at between 12 billion and 14.5 billion years. The new study, based in part on observations made with the Spitzer Space Telescope, adds a new element to how calculations to reach Hubble's constant can be set, by introducing a purely empirical method, using direct observations, to determine the distance to galaxies, Schombert said."

You asked, "I'm unclear what you are trying to demonstrate." What I demonstrated is that direct measurements for distances from Earth is limited and the Hubble time is not fixed based upon new values for H0 reported. as far as I am concerned, none of the *true age* claims tossed around are scientific fact. They may have some good arguments supporting, but areas that remain untested too, e.g. the radius of the universe from Earth out some 46 billion light years or more.
Helio, the distance measurement for SN1987A does not show the universe true age is some 13.8 billion years old.
Right. The 1987a study is very similar to parallax measurements, which are angular. This takes distances to much greater distances than the limits you carefully noted.

Type 1a SN distances do not show the universe has been expanding for 13.8 billion years for example.
Agreed. But it helps tweak our methodology and accuracy, though how much it might help for a final age result is unclear.

In BB cosmology, the 13.8 billion years age of the universe is the Hubble time based upon H0. The Hubble time has a universe at least some 46 billion light years in radius, as seen from Earth. So far those distances cannot be verified, i.e. that the universe has such a large radius from Earth's frame of reference which is an important part of computing the Hubble time for the age of the universe using expansion. The Hubble time has a number of assumptions in the age calculation.
I think the CMBR helps verify it, but I could be wrong. I'm rusty at this, at best.

The CMBR would have first taken place at a predicted temperature of about 3000K, IIRC. It was also required to have a near perfect Planck distribution (blackbody). This distribution was found but the redshift brought that initial blast down to a temperature of 2.73K.

You asked, "I'm unclear what you are trying to demonstrate." What I demonstrated is that direct measurements for distances from Earth is limited and the Hubble time is not fixed based upon new values for H0 reported. as far as I am concerned, none of the *true age* claims tossed around are scientific fact. They may have some good arguments supporting, but areas that remain untested too, e.g. the radius of the universe from Earth out some 46 billion light years or more.
Agreed. The final say could take decades. But what margin of error do you suggest the 13.8 Byr age should have?
"But what margin of error do you suggest the 13.8 Byr age should have?" Helio, I offer no error bars here :) Just some observations about measuring the age of the universe via expansion rate (H0) and when the expansion is said to have begun.

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200727114724.htm, New approach refines the Hubble's constant and age of universe "Summary: Using known distances of 50 galaxies from Earth to refine calculations in Hubble's constant, astronomers estimates the age of the universe at 12.6 billion years."

According to globular clusters, the universe is 13.35 billion years old, https://phys.org/news/2020-07-globular-clusters-universe-billion-years.html

Those GCs dated to 13.35 billion years old are needed in BB cosmology to map well with the CMBR age for the universe, e.g. Planck near 13.8 billion years ago. However, reports like what came out this week, show we could have GCs 13.35 billion years old, and a universe 12.6 billion years old in one some H0 measurements. This problem occurs in cosmology from time to time (finding objects in the universe older than the Hubble time for the BB event). The last I remember back in the 1990s, the ages of various GCs dated near or older than 14 billion years old conflicting with a 13.8 billion years old universe. Around and around cosmology dates for the age of the universe and objects found in the universe we seem to go (during Hubble and Einstein period the H0 value of 500 km/s/Mpc showed a universe < 2 billion years old) 😊---Rod
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The ATC result was not as integrative as the BOSS result of a vast millions of galxies samples filling out the universe history which was released the same day [ https://www.space.com/largest-3d-universe-map.html ]. It is the most precise result today (1 % uncertainty) and is able to test flat space and then dark energy to high quality (8 sigma). Being an integrative result high-z result, it tests the age of the universe well and unsurprisingly show that expansion rate results of > 72 km s^-1 Mpc^1 (which could mean new physics) are unlikely.
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The ATC result was not as integrative as the BOSS result of a vast millions of galxies samples filling out the universe history which was released the same day [ https://www.space.com/largest-3d-universe-map.html ]. It is the most precise result today (1 % uncertainty) and is able to test flat space and then dark energy to high quality (8 sigma). Being an integrative result high-z result, it tests the age of the universe well and unsurprisingly show that expansion rate results of > 72 km s^-1 Mpc^1 (which could mean new physics) are unlikely.

FYI folks. It did not take long to have another report, contradict the age of the universe based upon ACT measurements.

That work doesn't contradict the age as per your own quote, it contradicts some expansion rate observations. It is a small, low-z sample of 50-100 galaxies, c.f. BOSS with millions of galaxies spanning low-z to high-z.

If you are interested in the age of the universe, here is a context: https://www.forbes.com/sites/starts...we-know-how-old-the-universe-is/#51fa75c965b8 .

"But we do know that the data we have is all consistent with one particular age of the Universe: 13.8 billion years, with an uncertainty of only 1% on that value. It cannot be a billion years older or younger than this figure, not unless a whole host of things that we’ve measured have driven us to wildly incorrect conclusions. Unless the cosmos is lying to us, or we’re unwittingly fooling ourselves, what we know of as the hot Big Bang occurred between 13.67 and 13.95 billion years ago: no less and no more. Don’t believe any claims to the contrary without comparing them to the full suite of data!"

And immediately a new better result on the oldest star cluster ages, "a good constraint to have": https://www.universetoday.com/14712...ters-the-universe-is-13-35-billion-years-old/ .

"In the end, they obtained an average age estimate of the oldest global clusters to be 13.13 billion years. After taking into account the amount of time it would take for these globular clusters to form, they were able to infer an age estimate of 13.35 billion years.

This result has a 68% confidence level and includes a range of uncertainty of ±0.16 billion years (statistical) and ±0.5 billion years (systemic). This value is compatible with the previous age estimate of 13.8 ± 0.02 billion years, which was inferred by data obtained by the Planck mission on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) – the remnant background radiation created by the Big Bang that is visible in all directions."

If you are interested in the expansion rate, mind that it can be all experimental error - in surveys of voids the low-z rate starts out high and go away, and so it does in BOSS too - and it suffice that observations get the temperature of the cosmic background radiation wron to entirely explain systematic errors: https://astrobites.org/2020/06/27/h0-or-t0-tension/ .

Sonce you were responding to Helios question about age estimate - which I give a reasonable response to above, from an astrophysicist on the consensus age - I will immediately respond to this:

"But what margin of error do you suggest the 13.8 Byr age should have?" Helio, I offer no error bars here :) Just some observations about measuring the age of the universe via expansion rate (H0) and when the expansion is said to have begun.

https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200727114724.htm, New approach refines the Hubble's constant and age of universe "Summary: Using known distances of 50 galaxies from Earth to refine calculations in Hubble's constant, astronomers estimates the age of the universe at 12.6 billion years."

According to globular clusters, the universe is 13.35 billion years old, https://phys.org/news/2020-07-globular-clusters-universe-billion-years.html

Those GCs dated to 13.35 billion years old are needed in BB cosmology to map well with the CMBR age for the universe, e.g. Planck near 13.8 billion years ago. However, reports like what came out this week, show we could have GCs 13.35 billion years old, and a universe 12.6 billion years old in one some H0 measurements. This problem occurs in cosmology from time to time (finding objects in the universe older than the Hubble time for the BB event). The last I remember back in the 1990s, the ages of various GCs dated near or older than 14 billion years old conflicting with a 13.8 billion years old universe. Around and around cosmology dates for the age of the universe and objects found in the universe we seem to go (during Hubble and Einstein period the H0 value of 500 km/s/Mpc showed a universe < 2 billion years old) 😊---Rod

The last part, the age of singular data, is also covered in Ethan Siegel's article on how we know how old the universe is.

TL;DR: It is not a problem any longer.
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One more observation. Allen's Astrophysical Quantities, Fourth Edition, 2000 has cosmology values and tables too. These show how changing H0 can change the Hubble time. The cosmology calculators at my link reference show similar.
It's interesting to still see so little attention to some details in favor of others.

In Aug, 2018, 78% of the IAU vote changed the Hubble Constant to the Hubble-Lemaitre Constant. None of these articles, however, respect the new term.

Some of the articles, at least one, talks about Hubble in his work to demonstrate expansion. Edwin Hubble never once argued for an expansion, surprisingly. To him that claim was for theorists, not him.

But, and my very cursory views of the articles, seem to treat the "Hubble Constant" as a constant, but we know it's not. The expansion rate is non-linear. Lemaitre applied Einstein's cosmological constant in his original theory that gave us the Big Bang. Further, he (and Eddington, IIRC) disagreed with Einstein that his cosmological constant should be removed.

It was in 1998, as we have discussed recently, that an acceleration component is needed for the "constant".

So, what am I missing? Is the constant a term that has great utility even if it lacks accuracy? Given our margin of errors for distance, etc. aren't fantastic, perhaps so.

Naming is a conventional issue. If peer reviewers do not catch the problem, it will remain for a while among astronomy papers. Cosmology is a partly different area, and IAU has no power over all of them.

I think you are confusing the initial observation of an apparent linear expansion of the universe - which was called the "Hubble constant" - with modern cosmology measurements of the expansion parameter - which is called the "Hubble parameter". There is a century of advance between those different things, including the discovery that the expansion rate depends on the inner state of the universe. The expansion is modeled by the scale factor [link below].

If we start with the universe as a classic newtonian gravity system and the era of matter domination some time after the hot big bang happened, cosmologists describe distant galaxies as a thrown mass object so at the time their distancing looked like a parabola. When radiation, which is stretched by expansion (redshift) dominated the era before right after hot big bang the universe expanded like a so called hyperparabola. And when inflation dominated before that as well as now as dark energy dominates the inner energy state of the universe, their constant vacuum energy means that the universe expand exponentially. It is the value of the exponent *now* that is identified with the Hubble parameter H0.

More precisely there is currently a 70/30 proportion dark energy – which constant energy density is what drives the expansion towards an exponential – and the rest. So the exponent that it approaches is changing (in fact decreasing) [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scale_factor_(cosmology) ]. “Current evidence suggests that the expansion rate of the universe is accelerating, which means that the second derivative of the scale factor {\displaystyle {\ddot {a}}(t)}{\ddot {a}}(t) is positive, or equivalently that the first derivative {\displaystyle {\dot {a}}(t)}{\dot {a}}(t) is increasing over time.[5] This also implies that any given galaxy recedes from us with increasing speed over time, i.e. for that galaxy {\displaystyle {\dot {d}}(t)}{\dot {d}}(t) is increasing with time. In contrast, the Hubble parameter seems to be decreasing with time, meaning that if we were to look at some fixed distance d and watch a series of different galaxies pass that distance, later galaxies would pass that distance at a smaller velocity than earlier ones.”

Note that the possible constant in Einstein's equations were initially put there by Einstein when he believed the universe was static, before Hubble's results became known, and on the metric curvature tensor side. Later it was removed, and it was long thought the vacuum energy - the use of the constant on the energy-stress tensor side - was either zero (consistent with then cosmology) or naturally Planck energies (the highest energy density of quantum field theory as well as general relativity itself). It was in the late 90s that dark energy expansion was observed and the parameter became useful as expression for vacuum energy density and got an observed value.

Since we are on that subject, I'm happy to note that Weinberg's selection bias ("anthropic multiverse") is no longer too controversial not to be among the two listed candidates for explanations in the BOSS paper -and it is the simplest one [ https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.08991 ].

"Nevertheless, the observed consistency with flat ΛCDM at the higher precision of this work points increasingly towards a pure cosmological constant solution, for example, as would be produced by a vacuum energy finetuned to have a small value. This fine-tuning represents a theoretical difficulty without any agreed-upon resolution and one that may not be resolvable through fundamental physics considerations alone (Weinberg 1989; Brax & Valageas 2019). This difficulty has been substantially sharpened by the observations presented here."

It seems if H0 is not a constant but perhaps a variable that changes with distance from Earth and perhaps dark energy acceleration, those cosmology calculators, e.g. https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/help/cosmology_calc.html, may need some tweaking or revision to accurately show the *true age* of the universe :)

No exactly, but note that you can either use them with defaults as rough estimates, or put in the latest values if that is what you wish. These sites or apps do not need to modify the code, based on the LCDM model, yet.

as far as I am concerned, none of the *true age* claims tossed around are scientific fact. They may have some good arguments supporting, but areas that remain untested too, e.g. the radius of the universe from Earth out some 46 billion light years or more.

These are different problems. It is true that some works derives an age of the universe based on their work, but we don't have to accept that. The age is a rather precise fact, with no tension between data.

The only remaining tension is on the value of expansion rate parameter H0. [I have already commented on that tension and possible solutions in my earlier comment.]
FYI. https://ned.ipac.caltech.edu/help/cosmology_calc.html

My observation. The cosmology calculators at the reference link need to be modified then. Plugging in different values for H0 (70 km/s/Mpc, 68, etc.), using defaults and flat or open universe models, provides some very real age differences for the Hubble time. The Hubble time is the time elapsed since the expansion began, thus the age of the universe calculated.

I didn't dispute that, in fact I said that you can plug in different values - one good use is, as you do, to see how sensitive the model is for parameter changes. But the point of Siegel's article is that you can't put in every combination of parameter values. When you do it under constraint of all the observations, you get a very precise range. If you do it from single observational series, you get overlapping ages, it is less precise, but still consistent.

The only and remaining tension is in the rate observations. I don't think they disagree much on the cosmology, until you put in a rate > 72 km s^-1 Moc^-1, since integrative papers start to say that doesn't work (i,e, that you may need either better measurements or new physics).
Naming is a conventional issue. If peer reviewers do not catch the problem, it will remain for a while among astronomy papers. Cosmology is a partly different area, and IAU has no power over all of them.
Yep, that's understandable and I will only occasionally point it out. I happen to enjoy irony and knowing that Hubble himself never accepted expansion for the redshift explanation makes it that much more interesting.

I think you are confusing the initial observation of an apparent linear expansion of the universe - which was called the "Hubble constant" - with modern cosmology measurements of the expansion parameter - which is called the "Hubble parameter". There is a century of advance between those different things, including the discovery that the expansion rate depends on the inner state of the universe. The expansion is modeled by the scale factor [link below].
I assume the "paramater" is non-linear thus not a normal coefficient (scale factor) but more of a term similar to the original cosmological constant. The original Hubble Constant was very erroneous as he was, IIRC, unaware that not all Cepheids behaved the same way, and he chose the wrong one.

If we start with the universe as a classic newtonian gravity system and the era of matter domination some time after the hot big bang happened, cosmologists describe distant galaxies as a thrown mass object so at the time their distancing looked like a parabola. When radiation, which is stretched by expansion (redshift) dominated the era before right after hot big bang the universe expanded like a so called hyperparabola. And when inflation dominated before that as well as now as dark energy dominates the inner energy state of the universe, their constant vacuum energy means that the universe expand exponentially.
Are you referring the Inflationary model (Guth) that was an event long (;)) before the first second expired?

Note that the possible constant in Einstein's equations were initially put there by Einstein when he believed the universe was static, before Hubble's results became known, and on the metric curvature tensor side. Later it was removed, and it was long thought the vacuum energy - the use of the constant on the energy-stress tensor side - was either zero (consistent with then cosmology) or naturally Planck energies (the highest energy density of quantum field theory as well as general relativity itself).
Yes, but it was Einstein that removed it while Lemaitre and Eddington disagreed with him. I was surprised to see that Lemaitre's original work produced a graph that incorporated that term, apparently, as he demonstrated accelerated expansion for space. Since his foundation for his model was GR it makes sense. Lemaitre, while visiting the U.S., had, however, the advantage of getting to know Slipher and his first galactic redshifts. So expansion was his solution that solved the problem Einstein was having in not being able to account for redshift results, and deSitter's model that did account for redshift (without expansion) but his model included no mass in the universe. [It was deSitter and Eddington that quickly go on-board with Lemaitre who missed his paper that he published in a little Belgium science journal.]
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