I did get out and use binoculars last night to view the comet.
Observed 1900-1940 EST. First Quarter Moon 28-Jan-1519 UT. I enjoyed 10x50 binocular views of C/2022 E3 (ZTF) this evening, now an easy comet to see with binoculars. Theskylive.com site reports magnitude 5.2 so I compared the comet with M41 in Canis Major. M41 is a bit brighter at magnitude 4.5 according to Stellarium 1.2 and the comet coma size Stellarium shows about 21 arcminutes while M41 39 arcminutes. Both looked similar in size. I looked at M42 in Orion and the waxing crescent Moon in Pisces too. The Moon is moving into Aries a bit later. Stellarium 1.2 and Starry Night Pro Plus 8 showed the comet position about 2.5-degrees angular separation from 5 UMi star (5 Ursae Minoris, magnitude 4.25) in Ursa Minor. Easy to locate and observe. The fields and pastures are very wet with temperatures dropping below freezing so icing is coming. I did not set up my 90-mm refractor telescope or 10-inch Newtonian because of the field conditions. Temperature 1C with light winds. The winter sky tonight is very lovely. [Bob King updated comet report for 27-Jan-2023 has many observer postings.
The comet is getting brighter but so far, using binoculars and 90-mm refractor telescope views, no green lantern or green goblin do I see