
Aug 14, 2020
I will keep asserting certain suppositions concerning origin:

The Universe did not spring from nothing. There was no immaculate conception of the Universe. Timelessly, origin is a superposition set of the infinity of universes. Origin has always been in existence and is always in progress. A constant of origin is a constant of renewal. Origin = Renewal. Point of origin = ultimate turnover point of universes and everything in them, newest to oldest, oldest to newest, always in turnover, always in motion, always in change. Always oncoming from superposition set of origin, always going, always 'returning' to that same superposition set of origin.

The Universe did not spring from nothing, unless one wants to define infinity as nothing. The collapsed horizon of infinity is the collapsed horizon of origin, a duality of horizon. That horizon is the constant horizon of all the infinities of space-time universes broad and deep. You could travel horizon to horizon, universe to universe, forever, and that horizon of infinity and origin would always be there in the distance at every point of the compass (including the Planck distance inside), always relative to you, always unattainable.

The quantum-like entanglement of distances Now (t = 0), versus vast distant graduating accumulations of pasts (-) / futures (+), accumulations of motions, accumulations of changes, accumulations of turnovers, develops a cauldron of space-time spun into vortex and vortices. Not on the spot reality physics, but at a distance relativity physics. A version of "spooky action at a distance", but in this case spooky relativity physics. The physics are very real, they exist, they just don't exist on the spot. Their reality exists "relative" to distance. The reality of origin, of beginning, of universes' ultimate point of renewal, exists "relative" to 'distance' in space and time . . . as a hyper space-time plane. The road of return to origin is event horizons of black holes (outside-in > inside-out (quantum entanglement-like)).

I cannot change the minds of origin creationists who have no regard for infinities, or infinity physics, they cannot directly observe or detect as such: Who cannot see that the collapsed horizon of origin is the collapsed horizon of infinity (infinity = '1' ((+/-) '1') (constant!)); who cannot see or deal in a fast universe, a very fast universe, vortex, vortices, in ways I chronicled earlier, that speeds up with all distances gaining, that speeds up into the speed of light, that merges with quantum weirdness into a unity of microcosm and macrocosm in horizon, at a distance ("spooky action at a distance"). Not on the spot reality of course, but real never-the-less. always at a distance (thus 'superposition') relativity physics.

The scientist bangs his hand on a table. He has banged his hand on the horizon of relativity's breakdown into quantum mechanics. He has banged his hand on the horizon of microcosm / macrocosm. At a point somewhere therein, though close up, in fact far away, there for a space and time is unity of macrocosm and microcosm in horizon self-similar to the one mentioned above. Hard evidence of horizon to be denied because the one was under hand, while the other, though self-similar, "spooky action at a distance."

Origin as the constant of renewal ultimate point (renewal's ultimate point as the constant of origin), infinity's collapsed horizon being origin's collapsed horizon, is "spooky action at a distance." Minds are changing on origin, beginning in earnest to reexamine origin, I read, but it's happening so damn slow . . . at a glacial pace!

The time of origin (Of Universe with a capital U, the universal set, as opposed to the infinity of universes (u)) is always easy, all time (including for the moment 13.8 billion years ago, the collapsed horizon of infinity, radius physic of turn '1/2' from everywhere). The exact 'where' is a little harder to grasp: the Abyss deep of universes, most especially including the Planck horizon (one and the same with the (BC (M) | BV ((C) (C^2)) | BB (E)) horizon. The big Mirror mirroring within to infinities of universes . . . a, k, a, "The Looking Glass."

It's a Multiverse Universe.
"Reality has so many things that most people would associate with sci-fi or even fantasy." -- Bruno Bento, physicist, University of Liverpool, U.K.

"That's one of the exciting things about math, you can go through a door . . . and you wind up in a completely different universe. It's very much like Alice in Wonderland." -- Jack Morava, mathematician at Johns Hopkins University and inventor of Morava K-theory.
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Aug 14, 2020
Matter and energy share a physic, mass. A physic common to both. Matter-mass. Mass-energy. Neither matter nor energy can be infinite. Mass, though, can be infinite. What force actually defines the physic of mass, measures it (basically), so to speak? Gravity? And "matter" (including its "antimatter" self (its "self-similarity")) is simply Dr. Samuel Johnson's "rock" (Dr. Samuel Johnson's "inertia") . . . relativity speaking, that is.
Albert Einstein realized a merger of space and time in "space-time." To many he did away with space and time as entities in their own right, in so doing. I don't think he did, anymore. I don't believe he did, anymore. I believe he just realized a third entity, a third dimension, to the two entities of space and time (Space (M) | Space-time ((C) (C^2)) | Time (E)). He did not do away with space (field) as a physic. He did not do away with time (change) as a physic. Taking three dimensions to describe a point, then a four dimensionality, as Einstein said, does not do away with the three dimensions and/or the point (0-point) (and having a radius physic of '1/2' (constant!).
Infinity = '1' (constant!). ( ထ (infinity's symbol) (eternity's symbol (forever's symbol)) (and having a radius physic of '1/2' (constant!)). Infinity has no center / every point of infinity is exact center (enter uncertainty, again (the principle of uncertainty)) (enter superposition, again (Schrodinger's cat)).
Origin / Renewal (verse (versus) (turn) (to turn) (in-turn (en-trope (tropos) (animation / motion / change)) (and having a radius physic of '1/2' (constant!))).
It's a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, Multiverse Universe.
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Aug 14, 2020
Now if only the physics concepts of overlaying and inlaying could be pictured and understood when it comes to universes. From the collapsed horizon of origin (infinity's collapsed horizon) the more youthful universe newer and deep (a depth of Abyss referred to above) pushing, rising to overlay and inlay into the plane of the steadily vanishing, dissipating, universe surface. Planes on the way to overlaying and inlaying into, replacing, planes going away. Fields on the way to overlaying and inlaying into, replacing, fields on the way to vanishing. Never ending, ever continuing, turnover (wheels of time continuously, forever, turning (returning)) renewing. Inexorably gravitating, being drawn (from the collapsed horizon of infinity (else from "Nowhereland" and "Nothingness" (a. k. a. "Creation" or "Utopia"))), to fill a growing, expanding, accelerating, at this point in time of universe, constant, vacuum.

Physicist, genius and visionary Stephen Hawking envisioned life's constant migration from those old universe frontier zones vanishing into the universes' recycling centers of black holes, returning to the ultimate in 'Wild', to the resultant newer universe frontier 'life' zones. The "wheels of time" (an infinity of "wheels") forever turning and returning to origin and universes' renewals. But never all at once as a fanatic religiously claimed one and only one always deadly and deathly 'Utopia' ('Nowhereland' and 'Nothingness') production! Those ancient practical Greeks had 'u-topos' ('no place') pegged to a tee.

History sure does repeat in large (time turning locally, too) as historian Will Durant, among others, claimed. We are back a thousand years to the fanatical priests locked solidly into a cosmic world and universe death watch.
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Aug 14, 2020
To expand on what I said above, essentially agreeing completely with Hawking upon the same subject, life can't, and won't, lose when it ditches one deathtrap universe 'Utopia' for many, and continuing, life zones 'Frontier' universes.
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Aug 14, 2020
The single of one and only one origin (beginning) was yesterday. Thus, the single of one and only one catastrophic end of days is tomorrow. Scientists, of all people, should know how the group mind, and vision, of space and time aware beings works.

Standing against that mindset is the mindset of frontiers' men and women, particularly, herein again, physicist and visionary Stephen Hawking. To paraphrase Winston Churchill from another context: Never was so much forever owing by so many to so few.
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Aug 14, 2020
Just ran across this relative analog to what I've been pressing and, geez, does it apply!

Computer Scientists Prove Why Bigger Neural Networks Do Better | Quanta Magazine

The potentially infinite 'Frontier' network illustration fronting the article alone, as I see it, blows away the stone picture and model of one, and one only, ultra-finite universe 'Utopia'.

An infinite "Multiverse Universe (U)" (the superposition 'set' of constituent infinities of universes (u)) bespeaks an infinite 'intelligence of' (and/or 'wisdom of') the same.
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Jan 3, 2022
I will keep asserting certain suppositions concerning origin:

The Universe did not spring from nothing. There was no immaculate conception of the Universe. Timelessly, origin is a superposition set of the infinity of universes. Origin has always been in existence and is always in progress. A constant of origin is a constant of renewal. Origin = Renewal. Point of origin = ultimate turnover point of universes and everything in them, newest to oldest, oldest to newest, always in turnover, always in motion, always in change. Always oncoming from superposition set of origin, always going, always 'returning' to that same superposition set of origin.

The Universe did not spring from nothing, unless one wants to define infinity as nothing. The collapsed horizon of infinity is the collapsed horizon of origin, a duality of horizon. That horizon is the constant horizon of all the infinities of space-time universes broad and deep. You could travel horizon to horizon, universe to universe, forever, and that horizon of infinity and origin would always be there in the distance at every point of the compass (including the Planck distance inside), always relative to you, always unattainable.

The quantum-like entanglement of distances Now (t = 0), versus vast distant graduating accumulations of pasts (-) / futures (+), accumulations of motions, accumulations of changes, accumulations of turnovers, develops a cauldron of space-time spun into vortex and vortices. Not on the spot reality physics, but at a distance relativity physics. A version of "spooky action at a distance", but in this case spooky relativity physics. The physics are very real, they exist, they just don't exist on the spot. Their reality exists "relative" to distance. The reality of origin, of beginning, of universes' ultimate point of renewal, exists "relative" to 'distance' in space and time . . . as a hyper space-time plane. The road of return to origin is event horizons of black holes (outside-in > inside-out (quantum entanglement-like)).

I cannot change the minds of origin creationists who have no regard for infinities, or infinity physics, they cannot directly observe or detect as such: Who cannot see that the collapsed horizon of origin is the collapsed horizon of infinity (infinity = '1' ((+/-) '1') (constant!)); who cannot see or deal in a fast universe, a very fast universe, vortex, vortices, in ways I chronicled earlier, that speeds up with all distances gaining, that speeds up into the speed of light, that merges with quantum weirdness into a unity of microcosm and macrocosm in horizon, at a distance ("spooky action at a distance"). Not on the spot reality of course, but real never-the-less. always at a distance (thus 'superposition') relativity physics.

The scientist bangs his hand on a table. He has banged his hand on the horizon of relativity's breakdown into quantum mechanics. He has banged his hand on the horizon of microcosm / macrocosm. At a point somewhere therein, though close up, in fact far away, there for a space and time is unity of macrocosm and microcosm in horizon self-similar to the one mentioned above. Hard evidence of horizon to be denied because the one was under hand, while the other, though self-similar, "spooky action at a distance."

Origin as the constant of renewal ultimate point (renewal's ultimate point as the constant of origin), infinity's collapsed horizon being origin's collapsed horizon, is "spooky action at a distance." Minds are changing on origin, beginning in earnest to reexamine origin, I read, but it's happening so damn slow . . . at a glacial pace!

The time of origin (Of Universe with a capital U, the universal set, as opposed to the infinity of universes (u)) is always easy, all time (including for the moment 13.8 billion years ago, the collapsed horizon of infinity, radius physic of turn '1/2' from everywhere). The exact 'where' is a little harder to grasp: the Abyss deep of universes, most especially including the Planck horizon (one and the same with the (BC (M) | BV ((C) (C^2)) | BB (E)) horizon. The big Mirror mirroring within to infinities of universes . . . a, k, a, "The Looking Glass."

It's a Multiverse Universe.
"Reality has so many things that most people would associate with sci-fi or even fantasy." -- Bruno Bento, physicist, University of Liverpool, U.K.

"That's one of the exciting things about math, you can go through a door . . . and you wind up in a completely different universe. It's very much like Alice in Wonderland." -- Jack Morava, mathematician at Johns Hopkins University and inventor of Morava K-theory.

To me, it's all too complicated. Maybe I'm stupid but it's just hard to imagine it all. When I read about spacetime all I could think about was: Why do you guys have to make everything so complicated! Back to the topic, people who believe in the between-worlds theory believe that the universe is just one of many others and is not that special at all. According to the theory black matter accumulates in the in-between universe and when there is really a lot of it a new universe is created. The Big Bang is said to have been created by the collision of two universes which incidentally created our universe. I personally don't believe in this theory. Since there is an infinite universe and let's assume that nothing is infinite then there must also be an inter-world of the inter-world and so on. Not very believable to me. I honestly didn't understand much in your thread, so don't blame me for changing the subject terribly or referring to something completely different. If I did then I apologize.


Aug 14, 2020
"Spooky action at a distance." In the room of Einstein's Earth observer (local foreground relative), the speed of light (+186,000mps from 0) is the fastest speed, the ceiling speed, in the universe. At a distance (non-local background relative) from the room of Einstein's Earth observer, the speed of light (-186,000mps from 0) is the slowest speed, the floor speed, in the universe ("spooky action at a distance"). Fast as it is in the dead slow inertial universe everywhere locally, it can never keep up with the lightning fast, and faster, distantly non-local inertialess universe. "Spooky action at a distance."

The flip sides of a single coin, one and the same coin at once (no following; no alternating), Big Crunch / Big Bulge. The greater the (mass) crunch, the greater the (mass) bulge. Crunch to infinity || Bulge to infinity. That centralized point-singularity of horizon, of origin and infinity, is a point flatly decentralized . . . planes spread "flatter than a pancake" so to speak, throughout every point of space: times' perpendicular verticalities to space's horizontality. Relativity has time a straight line, straight arrow, the straightest of all things. I have it curved 'verse' wheels, infinities of wheels of time (times) forever turning and returning . . . 'histories' always repeating in large, though rarely, if ever, in fine (a version of Pauli's "exclusion principle"?). Space-time curvature [and/or] spin.

I've read more than once that there is observed an inexplicable hesitation point 1/2 way, a point of hiccup (so to speak) 1/2 way, a seeming temporary breakpoint, in the otherwise one-dimensionally smooth line of conventional wisdom's beginning to universe to here / now. 1/2 of the light-timeline, and it is only a light-timeline, is about 6.9 to 7.0 billion light years from here / now. Or about the distance in space-time the Big Mirror (a face and physicality) of Multiverse Universe could possibly be horizon mirroring universe back like a bent curvature or bent round of space-time. The JWT may display a second glitch and suddenly more universe, a larger time-space superposition of universe (the horizon of it pushed back farther into the background). Space-time curvature curving yet again [and/or] spin into something similar to spin 2 (possibly self-similar). The how and why of that hesitation, that hiccup, that perfect [1/2 way] glitch, has never been explained. Not even guessed at (other than by me), that I know of.

It's a Multiverse Universe.
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Aug 14, 2020
I've said many times that a frame of light, a frame of light-time, is a massless single-sided 2-dimensional frame. It doesn't exist from the rear thus it never will be caught from the rear since it isn't there to be caught. Concerning it, all objects of mass will be encompassed by oncoming fronts of light, which includes all measurements of light itself (the quantum and relative instrument of the measurement of light's speed itself being a massless single-sided 2-dimensional framed "front" as described).

It's an odd 2-dimensionality, being two exactly opposed, or perpendicular -- one to the other in geometry, 1-dimensionalities, though. Exactly '1/2' of light's time frame frontage (always oncoming) is futures (+). Exactly '1/2' of light's time frame frontage (always oncoming) is pasts (-). Combined net result regarding time on the spot, 'Now (t=0)'. a massless single-sided 2-dimensional frame of light . . . maybe! The problem is the opposed dimensionality, The [past (-) futures (+)] aren't necessarily all that energy-less, thus mass-less. We know that going into the fronts, or them oncoming into us. Then neither is the opposed [future (+) pasts (-)], for the same reason. Sort of sets up and materializes a friction of the 'strings'.
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Aug 14, 2020
The electromagnetic and weak forces have close affinity in electroweak theory. The strong force's strongest affinity, as I see it, is more to the gravitational force than either of the two others or even both together, although there are attempts to force it into an electro-strong theory within (tied into) electroweak theory. But though I've never heard of a 'strong-gravitational theory', as other and parallel to (rather than opposed to) electroweak theory, I think there should be one. The strong and gravitational forces, together in an electroweak-like unification theory (a 'strong-gravitational theory'), are essentially why there are more dimensions to the Universe (U), and universes (u), than a flat two (a flat 2-dimensionality (still kind of comes out funny-like but it isn't meant to)).
Quoting my own from another thread to get this added since I believe it largely applies:

Loop quantum gravity: Does space-time come in tiny chunks? | Space

There is so much more I would want to quote because I believe it would apply as well. Post #70, above: post #9 (Casimir Effect), post #5 (Big Bang Theory Bullets), and more, but especially a certain one from long ago having singularities and quantum fluctuations being virtually the same in different places in space and time), Oh, well.

One thing most people don't realize about the ultimately 'infinite' Multiverse Universe, it is at once also the ultimately 'infinitesimal' Multiverse Universe. They are one and exactly the same (infinite (infinitesimal) / infinitesimal (infinite) . . . just superposed in dimensionality. The infinities 'of' (relative) finite universes as infinities of horizon point-singularities and, at once, instant-to-instant vacuum or quantum fluctuations, fit right in with "discrete quanta" (from #5, 'Big Bang Theory Bullets': "And who need to be reminded that "forever" is timelessly "today," this very "instant of time" (timelessly "Now (t=0)").")

Also from 'Big Bang Theory Bullets' #5 and applicable:
"The Big Picture of history, of time itself, is that it always repeats: Meaning, regarding the frame of universe (the frame of turning), the past is the future; the future is the past, though rarely if ever in fine detail (an exclusion principle does also apply to time (Chaos Theory, as I see it does and will, overlay and inlay duplicate planes (including duplicate branch universes) into one and the same, though infinities of duplicates, too, will always continue to exist to continue to be overlayed and inlayed despite their always ending in a naked singularity (how's that for a definition of 'quantum entanglement' and '0-point dimensionality'?)))."

Let's see if I can do this right to where at least a few might understand it: "Though infinities of duplicates, too, will always continue to exist to continue to be overlayed and inlayed despite their always ending in a naked singularity...." An infinite Multiverse Universe is one that actually never loses a bit of its infinite information, nor gains a bit of information, for in the instant in which it might have lost information here, it has gained, regained, the information there. So, actually loss zero, gain zero. An infinity of instant-to-instant duplicates of infinities of variable universes as vacuum quantum fluctuations almost instantly come and gone -- bottom line 'chaos theory' "fractal self-similarity" -- reduce to no losses of infinities of horizon point singularities (points of horizon), or infinities of finite universes (in infinities of points of horizon), or infinities of "tiny chuncks of discrete quanta," at all.

Such, I believe, is the real magic of the "Through the Looking Glass" Big Mirror of an infinite Multiverse Universe.
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Aug 14, 2020
And it just continues (it gets tighter, better).

This may be elsewhere, but here it is:

Colliders and Supercomputers Force Fresh Hints in Quark Mystery | Quanta Magazine

And on to this far-out reach to possibility envisioned before: microcosmic ("exit only") horizon-point "vacuum quantum fluctuations" placement from macrocosmic ("entry only") horizon-point "singularities" displacement:

White holes: Facts about black holes' neglected twins | Space


It's a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional, almost magical -- but not quite -- "ALICE In Wonderland"-like (and "Through the Looking Glass"-like) "Big Mirror" Multiverse Universe.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.

Does it not seem more believable that the Universe is cyclic? All that infinite everything out of infinitely nothing? Some origin!

Of course, that throws back to when did the cycle start? What was before the cycle? This simply speaks to the assumption (by human ignorance?) that everything has a beginning and an end. OK, that's how it looks to us sitting here, but do we really assume that our species can work out everything in our supremely infinitely intelligent monkey minds? No disrespect to monkeys intended.

Take the question of TIME for example. Science (well, one modern version) tells us that we inhabit a 4-dimensional block of spacetime. We travel along a worldline, except that travel is an emotive word. The worldline is there 'all the time'. Our birth and death are equally real and 'co-existant' with now. Somehow, our comprehension, our sensory input, is filtered into a sequence we can, in our infinitely comprehending minds, understand. OK, just an idea. I am not promoting any concept - just thinking aloud.

Where does that leave the origin of the Universe. I don't know. I suspect that nobody knows, although there are many different suggestions on the table. Take your pick, but do understand the nature of your selection process.

Cat :)
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